Tokyo Fashion Week, part 2

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N- Okay and we're all done! That look long then expected -she wiped her face-
G- Well we did it! Thanks to you darling -he smirked-
Nathalie hid her face in her hands
N- Well we should get ready for the show, it's almost time!
G- Okay, I have to go get my models. I'll see you in about 10 minutes?
N- Okay, 10 minutes and counting! -she smiled sweetly-
But little did Nathalie know, Gabriel had something else in mind
While Gabriel was "busy planning"Nathalie was responding to some emails on her tablet, when suddenly Caleb appeared in front of her
N- Ah!
C- Ah sorry, d-did I scare y-you?
N- Well I wasn't expecting you, but it's nice seeing you -she smiled-
C- Anyway, how are things between you and..Gab-Gabriel? Caleb struggled saying his name
C- Anything going on between you guys?
Nathalie felt her face heating up as he asked that question
N- W-well I-I-I uh wouldn't s-say t-that it's like- not like I wish we were dating or anything- w-were just cl-close business partners and I-
Nathalie hid her tomato face in her gray sweater
N- so lame..
N- F^ck I didn't mean to say that out loud-
Caleb lifted her chin up and said
C- Y-you know, you're really pretty when you're n-nervous -He smiled shyly-
Nathalie smiled at him
N- You're pretty handsome yourself
She teased
Caleb's cheeks heat up
C- T-thank y-yo-you
Nathalie smiled sweetly
Gabriel was done planning what he had in store for Nathalie, he went to go look for her when his eyes locked on Caleb.
He felt steam coming out of his ears.
He just sucked it up and walked over there
G- Ahem, Nathalie
N- O-oh hi Gabriel!
N- Uh, this is the guy I told you about! His name is Caleb, I met him a few hours ago -she smiled-
G- I see
G- Nice to meet you Caleb -He forced a smile-
C- Uh, nice to meet you to M-Mr Agrest -He tried to form a smile-
G- Well, me and Nathalie have important business to attend to. If you don't mind..
C- Not a problem at all.. -He forced a smile-
G- Well Nathalie my dear, we should get going. he extended his arm out, hinting for her to take it
N- I- uh, sure! Her cheeks lit up bright pink
Nathalie took his hand as he led her to the dressing room
Before he left he turned his head and smirked at Caleb, leaving him speechless.

Authors Note:
Hey Stars! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I've been adjusting to a new school and it's been really hard for me. But I'm getting used to it now and I hopefully should be updating more :D
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it!
I'll start working on part 3, so it will take less time for it to come out.
Have a great day/night and see you soon :)

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