Tokyo Fashion Week, part 3

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N- So, where are the models?
G- Oh, I forgot to mention
G- We don't have any
G- Yeah, they were all "sick" today
G- Shhhh Nathalie was cut off by Gabriel
G- Relax, Nat! Nathalie slightly blushed at the nickname he gave her
G- I got this, you can be my model!
G- No, you're perfect for the job!
N- No, I'm an assistant. Not a model
N- I'm nowhere near as perfect as your old ones She looked down
G- Now don't say that darling, you're perfect He lifted her chin up
Nathalie smiled and blushed a bit
N- Fine, I'll be your model. But only this once
G- Don't worry, this will be an experience you'll never forgot
5 minutes later Nathalie comes out wearing a beautiful dress, it was black at the top, nicely blended with royal blue, and had a really beautiful design on her hip and shoulder area
(Looks like this!)

 But only this onceG- Don't worry, this will be an experience you'll never forgot5 minutes later Nathalie comes out wearing a beautiful dress, it was black at the top, nicely blended with royal blue, and had a really beautiful design on her hip an...

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Gabriel's face turned red as a tomato, as she looked stunning in that dress, but couldn't get distracted on what he was supposed to say next.
G- You look absolutely stunning in that dress!
N- Thank you, I have to really is beautiful
N- But uh, could you help me zip up the back, please? She said as she fiddled with her fingers with pinkish checks
G- Of courses, anything for you
He zipped up the dress and at this point, it fit her perfectly
N- Thank you!
G- You're very welcome
G- Oh and Nathalie?
G- You know..
G- The only reason I gave you that dress, is to slip it off of you later he said in a devilish tone and walked out smirking at her
N- I-
Nathalie couldn't find the right words, she was speechless
And a blushing mess, her face turned scarlet red as she fell over onto a couch
She screamed into a pillow
N- UGHHH why does he have to be so hot all the time?!?!
Gabriel was right outside the door listening to every single thing she said about him, smirking
For example: Hot, cute, and many more compliments
Caleb on the other hand was about to cry, tears filling up his eyes, he excused himself from the party and went to the mens washroom.
Gabriel was feeling suspicious so he secretly followed him.
Gabriel found him looking at himself in the mirror saying bad things about himself, and Gabriel
Gabriel felt bad for a moment, but only for a moment. So he decided to listen in on what he was saying.
C- Ugh, why does he always have to be so charming?!
C- I don't get what Nathalie sees in him..
C- Then again, you're not even trying
C- Maybe if you were more like him Nathalie would find you slightly more attractive than Gabriel
C- Until I figure out how to do that, I have to keep that b!tch away from her..
G- Well the b!tch you're speaking about is right here
C- Oh, what do you want.
G- Maybe you should take your chances with some other girl, someone who'll love you as much as Nathalie loves me.
C- No girl could compare to Nathalie! You just got lucky
G- You got unlucky
C- We'll see about that
C- I'll make her love me, no matter how long it takes
C- She'll soon realized that you're just a..
C- Just a friend to her.
G- We'll see about that..
Fast forward to when the show/event is over, Gabriel is packing up while Nathalie is chatting with Caleb
N- Hey are you okay?
C- O-of course I am! Why would I-
N- Your eyes seem a Nathalie moved closer to him
C- I uh- got something in my eye, that's all
N- Was it Gabriel?
Gabriel raised his eyebrow
C- W-WHAT? N-no! W-why would it be-
N- I know he can get a bit jealous sometimes, but that's what I lov- like about him
N- He's really caring, sweet, kind, cute, h-
Caleb looked at her
Nathalie quickly snapped back to reality
N- I uh- I mean he's really friendly
N- Once you get to know him, you'll realize that he's a cute really sweet!
N- And he'll eventually open up to you aswell, once he gets to know you
N- You're really smart, caring, and cute- I mean handsome- I mean-
Caleb blushed
N- Forget I said that, anyway
N- You're a real sweet person Caleb, once Gabriel sees that you guys'll be really great friends! She smiled kindly
C- I'll take your word for it Nathalie
Nathalie studied his face for a moment
N- I never realized your freckles!
C- I uh-
N- They're really cute, I love freckles!
C- T-thanks, I uh, d-do you really mean it? Caleb's cheeks turned red
N- Of course I do!
Nathalie looks at the time
N- I have to go help Gabriel pack up so we can get going..
N- Do you live in Paris?
C- Y-yes I do!
N- Oh great, we'll come visit the Agrest mansion one day! That's where I stay!
C- live with Gabriel..?
N- Yep! With his teen son, Adrien Agrest
N- They're like family to me
C- That's nice..
N- Anyway, I really have to go now.
N- You have my number, text me!
Nathalie hesitated on what she was about to do, and knew she would regret it later, but she did it anyways
N- Caleb wait!
C- oh, yes?
N- Here..
Nathalie kissed him on the cheek
N- thank you, for keeping me company these past few days.. she smiled shyly
C- I-I-I uh, y-you-you're welcome, you're really f-fun YK hang out with as well.. Caleb said while stuttering
Nathalie ran back to Gabriel who was angry, because he had just saw everything that happened.

Authors note:
Hey Again stars! I made this longer than the other stories!!
I just wanna say thanks for much for 300+ reads!!
I'm really happy you guys are enjoying my books as much as I like writing them!
It means a lot, really
Anyways, imma go to bed since it's almost 4am
But yeah! Bye my Stars!

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