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Nathalie always used to love writing as a pre-teen - teenager. She wrote for fun and she wrote stories for people, she carried this hobby into adulthood. But since she now stays at the Agreste mansion with Gabriel, she can't leave her stories lying around. So, she decided to resort to making up romantic scenarios of her and Gabriel in her head to help her fall asleep. But once she found out about Tumblr, she decided to write on there on an account with a totally different name so nobody (especially Gabriel or Adrien would find out.) She uses a completely different tablet to write, since her and Gabriel share one tablet/iCloud account and he'd be able to see what she writes on there. But today..she makes a mistake. What happens next? Keep reading to find out :)
Nathalie POV: I'm bored..maybe I can..oo! Write some more little scenarios of me and Gabriel!!
Platonically..of course..!
She grabs her tablet and starts writing
"Wow, I've been getting a lot of likes recently. That's surprising! I never knew people actually read these. Hopefully Gabriel isn't one of them though." She says to herself
She begins writing a story, it was nothing much at first. Just her and Gabriel talking and working..romantic stuff, yknow? Until she starts getting way too deep into her imagination..
*in her story mid-draft*
"Gabriel pinned Nathalie to the wall, "don't make any noises dear, we don't want Adrien to we now? "You're quite the charmer Gabriel, aren't you?" She said as she flirted back "talking back to your boss huh? That deserves a punishment." "You don't say? What kind of punishment?" She said acting clueless. "This kind." He said while putting one arm around her waist and another on her neck. He kissed her passionately while Nathalie was enjoying it. He then decided to.."
*Nathalie snaps back to reality
She tries to delete it but stops herself
N-..Maybe I should keep this
N- And save it for myself to read..
N- I'll just work on a cover for this instead, sounds like a better idea.
N- I'll come back to this later
She puts her draft her notes and locks it. least she thought she did.
She grabs her Apple Pencil and starts drawing a cover
She ended up writing more of the draft and falls asleep while writing it
-3 hours later-
G- Nathalie? Have you seen my-
Gabriel finds Nathalie peacefully sleeping, "she must've overworked herself" he thought to himself.
"I might as well finish some work for her, I mean it's the least I could do for her."
He goes to grab the tablet and puts the Apple Pencil away.
G- Alright let's see..
G- Normally she takes screenshots of what she does to stay organized, I'll just look through those to find whatever she was doing.
He looks though photos to find an album.
G- This must be it? Let me see..

G- This must be it? Let me see

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*Art not mine!!*

G- probably is.
G- I do look pretty good though..
G- Maybe I shouldn't-
He realizes
"Oh, this must be her personal tablet. I probably left ours in the basement while akumatizing her.." he thinks to himself
"I know this is wrong..but- NONO DON'T. You shouldn't look through peoples personal things" we said as he put it down
G- I'll just
He walks out
He walks back in
"On second thought..I'll just take a quick peak! She won't mind-"
He picked up the tablet and went to notes
G- Locked notes?
G- Damn it..I don't know the password..
He keeps scrolling
G- She must write a lot..
He opens a note
G- Finally one that's not locked
He reads the draft Nathalie wrote
G- What the hell.
G- okay 1- why does she have this in her notes.. 2- Did she write this?? 3- Why is this hot-
G- I MEAN..absolutely terrible, who could write such a thing..he continues reading
G- Yep, that's enough..
He puts the tablet back where he found it
G- Okay, I am going to walk back downstairs and pretend like nothing happened.
He walks back downstairs
-30 minutes later-

Nathalie walks downstairs and knocks on the door to Gabriel's office.
"Come in." He said
N- Hey Gabriel, have you seen my tablet?
G- No..why would I have seen your tablet?
N- Just asking, I seem to have misplaced it somewhere.
G- Well I have no idea where it is, maybe in your room on the desk?
N- That was..oddly specific..but okay.
N- Just don't make any noises please, Adrien is asleep and we don't want him to hear.
Gabriel has a quick flashback to what he read on Nathalie's tablet
N- He has a photo shoot early in the morning-
N- Gabriel are you even listening??
Gabriel snapped back to reality
G- Oh sorry, I zoned out..he said still thinking about what Nathalie said
N- Are you sure? You-
G- I'm fine I'm fine! Just tired.
N- Okay then, hasta luego supongo (see you later I guess" she said in Spanish.
Oh did I mention? Caleb is Hispanic, you remember Caleb right? *go to previous chapters to see!!* As I was saying, Caleb is Hispanic and whenever he and Nathalie hung out he taught her some Spanish. Nathalie is a fast learner, so she learned pretty quickly. (Under 3 months)
G- ..yes?
She laughed as she left the room
Gabriel POV- why why why why does she have to be so goddamn hot all the time why did she have to say that I made a complete fool of myself and now she probably hates me.
G- Did she..write that??
G- I have a feeling she did..
G- I didn't know she wrote?
G- I'll just have to find out I guess.
Nathalie POV
"Oh Gabriel was rig-" she realized that the note wasn't locked and photos was open to the cover she was drawing.
"Fuck." She said to herself
N- What if Gabriel saw it- did he see what I wrote?! Does he know it was me?!
N- oh my god.

The end :)

A/N- heyyy it's 4am again!! :D

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