Sick Day!

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Okay before I start, this was inspired by another gabenath story! I forgot the name, if you're that person please let me know who you are so I can credit you properly! <3
!takes place before Nathalie knew Gabriel was hawkmoth
It was just a regular day in the Agreste mansion, except Nathalie had fallen ill again.

Nathalie coughed
G- Are you feeling okay?
N- Yes
G- Are you sick?
N- No
G- Liar
N- Im fine Gabriel
Gabriel Picks up nathalie and carries her to car
N- What are you doing!?
G- Taking you home
N- But Im fine!!
G- I dont care
Gabriel Buckles Nathalie in
Nathalie gets flustered by his actions
-7 mins later-
G- We're here
Nathalie fell asleep during the car ride
Gabriel smiles softly while picking her up and unbuckling her. He gently and grabs her keys from her pocket to open the doors to her apartment, without waking her

Nathalie Wakes up to see Gabriel close to her face
Gabriel got startled by her suddenly awaking, so he hit his head
N- Oh my god are you okay!?
G- Im fine silly
Gabriel Picks up Nathalie again and carries her
N- I can walk y'know
G- Yes, I know
N- Then why-
G- shh go back to sleep Gabriel cut her off
G- Carries her to bed
Gabriel Tucks her in
G- Get some rest, okay?
N- b-but!!
G- No buts
He Turns off the light
N- I ha-hate you,..she fell asleep
G- Have a good nap my dear
4 hours later
G- I can't stop worrying about Nathalie..
G- I hope she's okay..
G- Maybe I'll just-
G- Nooroo, dark wings rise
H- I'll just pay a quick visit
He hops across the buildings to reach her apartment
H- Okay how will I get in..
H- Oh an open window, how convenient
He goes in the window
While he walks thru the apartment, we notices Nathalie's room is open and walks in to check on her
N- Okay, only 20 emails and 31 calls left
H- Aren't you supposed to be resting?
N- Wh-
N- Am I hallucinating
N- This is a hallucination
N- right?
She backs up against the wall
H- Nope, I'm very much real
Nathalie was speechless
H- I love it when you look clueless
N- Wh-
N- Why are you in my apartment
H- Relax, I'm not going to hurt you
N- Like I'm going to believe that
H- Come on, I don't want to stress when you're sick
N- How did you-
H- That's non of your concern
N- ..fine
She gets up off her bed
N- What are you even doing here?
H- What does it look like, to take care of you obviously
N- Okay..
As she tries to walk outside to the living room, she trips
H- Careful princess, I don't want you to get hurt
Nathalie's cheeks turned red
N- What'd you just call me-
H- Princess, did you not hear me the first time?
N- I-
H- Why? Do I make you nervous? He smirked
N- Well-
N- Uh, you can let go of me now
H- I like to hold you though
N- Don't push your chances.
He let her go
N- Well since you're here..
N- Want some tea or something?
H- You know I should be taking care of you
N- fine, make me tea then
H- It would be my pleasure
He makes the tea
H- Here you go, darling
N- Thank you
N- You didn't put anything in here, did you?
H- I wouldn't hurt you, I promise
N- Okay..
She drinks it
N- So..what do you want to do?
H- A movie would be nice
N- Okay I guess
He chooses a movie
N- Seriously? This corny ass movie?
H- It's a good one, I promise
N- No, something else
H- Fine, but it was to be a surprise
N- Fine.
He chooses a horror movie
H- Okay done! This is a personal favorite, you'll love it
N- I sure hope so
In the middle of the movie
Nathalie yawns
H- Woah, that's one creepy place, right?
H- Nathalie?
He realizes that she had fallen asleep on his chest
He smiles and decides to take a quick nap too
Nathalie wakes up, feeling warm
She feels a pair of arms around her
She realizes that she fell asleep on hawkmoths chest last night, and that he was holding her
She wanted to leave, but couldn't bring herself to. So, she went back to bed
Hawkmoth wakes up to Nathalie still sleeping
He's about to transform back so he decides to go.
H- Goodbye my dear
And he left
N- Was it a dream..?
N- Whatever, I'm tired anyways
N- I should be going now
She quickly got ready for work and started driving to the mansion
As she reached the mansion, she got out of her car and unlocked the doors with her key
N- Hm, it seems that Gabriel is still asleep
N- Might aswell do some work
Gabriel's POV
G- Ugh..already 7.?
G- Adriens probably at school, so I'm alone I guess
Since he thought he was alone, he went downstairs without a shirt thinking it would be okay; yk, since he was "alone"
N- Ah, good morning Ga-
Her eyes locked on him as he came downstairs shirtless
G- Oh, uh-
N- S-sh- I- a-
G- This is awkward..
N- I- I um
Nathalie was struggling to find the right words as she kept staring at Gabriel (specifically his aBsZ 😍)
G- My apologies my dearest Nathalie
G- I uh- I didn't know you would be here
G- I just woke up and didn't check the time and-
G- You get the point
N- I- I- it's ok I mean I don't really mind- I mean it's not like that I mean like-
N- Fuck fuck fuck why is this happening to me right now I look and sound so stupid right now- she said quietly to herself
G- Nathalie are you okay?
G- You've been staring at me for quite some time
G- and your face is red-
N- O-oh, uh yeah I'm fine! You're to hot- I mean it's to hot-!
G- I'll just go get dressed-
While he was dressing Nathalie was thinking
N- Oh my god, I just saw him shirtless
N- He was- he was shirtless job front of me
N- My boss was shirtless, in front of me. No way this is happening
N- I acted like a total idiot in front of him too
N- God why am I so lame
N- Why did I do that he probably thinks I'm so weird now
He came back downstairs with a shirt in this time
G- I'm so sorry Nathalie, I-
N- I-it's okay Gabriel

A/N- Hey guys! So I don't really know where this is going, so I'm just gonna end it here
I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading, bye!!
Also, credits to Comficloud for one of the scenes <3

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