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A/N: Hey stars so this chapter may be a bit short, If it is, I hope you guys don't mind! Okay that's all! Enjoy <3

N- A text? Ooo, from Caleb!
C- Hi Nathalie!
N- Hey Caleb! Whats up?
C- Nothing much, you?
N- Nope
C- well, are you in Paris?
N- Yes I am! Why?
C- Oh, so am I!
C- Anyways, I was wondering if..
C- If you wanted to..
C- Go out..on a date with me?
C- As friends of course
N- Of course! That sounds fun :)
C- Okay! I'll pick you up later on if that's okay! :D
N- Of course! See you later!


Nathalie POV- I'm going out with Caleb! I'm so excited!
-2 hours later, Nathalie is getting ready-

N- I think this dress is nice
-Gabriel enters-
G- Well Ms Sanceour, where are you going all dressed up? -Gabriel said sarcasticly-
N- Out with C-
N- Someone
G- Oh? Who's this "someone"
N- Why do you need to know?
G- Because I'm your boss?
N- You're my boss, not my mom.
G- Hey wait, that dress is way to short.
N- Huh? No it isn't
G- Yes, it is.
N- No it's not!!
N- Why do you even care about my dress length?
G- Because, I don't want other guys looking at you.
G- Now take it off.
N- No
G- I said take it off.
N- No! You don't control me!
Gabriel pinned Nathalie to the wall
G- Oh really Ms Sanceour?
G- Let's see what you have to say about that after tonight
G- If I don't control you. Gabriel said seductively
Nathalie's cheeks heat up
N- You don't control me, let me go!
Nathalie managed to break free from Gabriel and walked towards the exit but Gabriel managed to catch up to her and pinned her to the wall again
G- Take it off.
N- No.
G- Nathalie, take off the dress or I'll take it off for you.
Nathalie's face heat up as Gabriel said that. However, Gabriel didn't realize what he said until Nathalie says this
N- Wh- I- Excuse me?
G- What do you-
Gabriel's face turned red as soon as he realized what he had just said
Nathalie turned her face away from embarrassment
G- I didn't mean it that way-
G- Nathalie I swear I-
N- Fucking dumbass
G- It's not like I didn't want to do it in the first place Ms Sanceour Gabriel said with a smirk
N- I-
G- You know? You can go on your little "date" with that "someone" you know why?
G- Because I figured out that no one can replace your future husband
G- Have a nice time, my dear Nathalie
Gabriel walked away and left Nathalie speechless
Nathalie got a text from Caleb saying that he was here, Nathalie left the mansion and hopped into his car
N- Hi Caleb!
C- Hi Nathalie!
C- Y-you look nice!
N- Aw thanks Caleb!
N- You look really nice aswell!
Caleb's cheeks flushed red
C- Thank you!
They arrived at the restaurant
C- So, how are things going for you?
N- Things have been going great recently!
C- That's great!
N- This restaurant is really nice Caleb! We should come here more often!
N- I really love the food
C- Yeah, me and my family always come here, it's like a tradition for us!
N-  Wow that's really cool!
C- Soo, how are things going between you and G-Gabriel..?
Nathalie had a flashback of what happened earlier
And her cheeks heat up
N- N-nothing happened! Like nothing at all!
C- Are you sure?
N- Y-yeah! P-positive
C- Okay..
C- Oh uhh, hold on
Caleb reached into his bag
C- Here! I-I got this for you!
Caleb handed Nathalie a small box
C- Open it when you get home okay?
N- Aww, thank you Caleb!
1 hour later, Caleb drove Nathalie back to the Agreste mansion
-he opened the door for Nathalie-
N- Thank you
C- I hope you had fun today, Nathalie
N- I had lots of fun
-She placed a kiss on his cheek-
N- Thank you for this amazing evening Caleb
N- It was really sweet of you to invite me out
Caleb's cheeks turned red
C- I-it's no problem Nathalie
C- I hope we can do this again sometime..
N- Of course we will
N- Bye Caleb!
Gabriel watched the whole thing from his window
He punched the wall and once again, hurt his hand
G- Not again..
N- I'm back!
She walked over and knocked on Gabriel's office door
N- Gabriel are you in there?
She walked in
G- Uh hi!
N- What are you hiding?
G- I'm not-
N- Gabriel, I've known you long enough to know when you're hiding something or not.
N- Come here
He walked over
N- Give me your arm
G- Why?
N- Just do as I say.
Gabriel handed her his hand
N- Mhm, just as I thought
N- You punched the wall again?
G- Well I-
N- You have to stop doing that Gabriel
G- Sorry-
Nathalie wraps his hand up
N- There
G- Thank you Nathalie
N- You're welcome
She walked out the office and into her room to change
She changed into a white tank top and black shorts
She sat on her bed
N- Hm, I wonder what is in the box Caleb gave me
N- He said to open it when I get home
N- I guess I'll open it
Nathalie grabbed the box and opened it
N- Oh wow!
N- This necklace is beautiful!

Gabriel handed her his handN- Mhm, just as I thoughtN- You punched the wall again?G- Well I- N- You have to stop doing that Gabriel G- Sorry-Nathalie wraps his hand upN- ThereG- Thank you Nathalie N- You're welcomeShe walked out the office and int...

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(Looks like this!)
N- it's so pretty!
She put it on
N- This is amazing!
N- Caleb spent his money on a necklace for me
N- He's so kind
N- A note?
"Thanks for the fun time, hope to see you again soon <3"
Nathalie's cheeks heat up
N- How sweet!
G- Am I interrupting something?
N- AH-
N- Oh, it's just you
N- No, why?
G- Where'd you get that necklace?
N- Oh, Caleb got it for me!
N- Isn't it beautiful?
G- Caleb..
G- Ye-yeah! So..beautiful..
N- He's so sweet
G- Yeah..nice..
N- Gabriel, are you okay?
G- Huh, me?
G- Yeah perfectly fine..
N- Are you sure? You don't look alright
G- Yes, I'm fine.
N- Okay then..
G- you want anything to eat?
G- I can make you something if you'd like
N- Thank you Gabriel!
N- But I'm full, Caleb took me out to a restaurant today
G- Oh, okay..
G- Well I'm pretty sleepy, goodnight Nathalie
N- Goodnight Gabriel, sleep well!
G- Thank you
He left the room and shut the door
Gabriel walked to his room and started talking to..himself? (Crazy mf 🙄)
G- Oh my dear Nathalie
G- Why can't you just accept that I love you..
G- Why can't you see that Caleb isn't the one?
G- You'll see Nathalie, one day..
He went to bed
~The End~

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