Did you forget?

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A/N- Hi guys! So this chapter may contain spoilers from the Season 4 episode Psycomedian! If you have not seen that episode yet and don't want spoilers I suggest you click out! Thank you for your time, and enjoy the chapter! <3
N- Gabriel-?
G- Yes Nathalie?
N- So I was going to ask if I could um-
G- If it's to bring one of your friends other than Penny over then it's a no.
N- What? I wasn't even gonna-
G- Okay then what?
N- If you would let me finish you bi- I mean let me finish
N- So I've been really busy lately and I can't really do all the stuff around here so..
G- So?
N- Can I please get an assistant? Please??
G- Why so sudden Nathalie?
N- No reason at all!
G- Um okay..
G- Do you have anyone in mind?
N- Well I was thinking..
30 minutes later..
G- I still can't believe I agreed to this..
N- Well I'm glad you did!
Harry enters
H- Gabey, it's so nice to see you again!
G- Pleasure to see you again too, Harry.
H- Oh? Who is-
G- That is my assistant, Nathalie. I called you here because she needs an assistant to help her out with her work.
H- Sounds like an honor!
2 hours later
H- How do you work this-
N- Do you need help?
H- Yes please
N- So uh Harry, I hear you're a comedian?
H- Why yes I am!
N- Well you know Adrien right?
H- Of course!
N- Well he was this request..
H- Go on
N- He has this "friend" who really loves your videos and stuff, and he wanted to get her front row seats to your next show so- could you-
H- Oh that's really sweet of you to do that for him um-
N- Nathalie!
H- You're really sweet Nathalie! *he does that nose honk thing*
Nathalie laughs
N- Adrien was right, you are very funny
*Gabriel POV*
G- How come she never laughs at my jokes like that?
Flashbacks to the jokes he told her
G- Hey Nathalie, wanna hear a joke?
N- Okay sure?
G- How do you prepare your chicken?
N- I don't know, I don't eat chicken that often-
G- Nothing special, we just tell them that they're going to die.
He laughs
N- oh, uh
N- Haha.?
End of flashbacks
G- Oh, maybe that's why
G- I knew I shouldn't have hired him-
G- So Nathalie likes funny guys? Fine, two can play at that game.
Gabriel looks up a bunch of ways to be funny, and tries to change his joke style and personality to impress Nathalie (giving Marinette vibes frfr)
It's early in the morning, Nathalie is up before Gabriel as usual. Gabriel decides that since they're alone he thinks it's an excellent time to try out his new jokes
G- Good morning dear!
N- Gabriel, I told you to stop with the names
G- Well they just fit you so well
He tries to do that honk thing that Harry does but fails
N- Gabriel? Are you okay.?
G- Yes yes I'm fine uh
She sneezes
G- Nathalie do you have a cold?
N- No, why?
G- Well, I heard that colds are bad criminals
N- What- why?
G- Because they're easy to catch! He laughs
N- Are you sure you're okay?
G- Yeah! Totally, anyways I-
Doorbell rings
N- That must be Harry, do you mind getting it?
G- Sure..
He walks to the front door and opens it
H- Heyy Gabey!
G- Hello, Harry.
H- Have you seen Ms Nathalie? I promised her some paperwork
G- She'll be down in a minute. Why the hurry? Are you guys doing something together or anything?
H- Not yet! I-
G- I don't want to hear it, just- go sit
H- Whatever you say! He does that nose honk thing
As he walks, Gabriel scoffs and walks away
N- Good morning Harry
H- Heyy good morning! Nathalie!
H- I printed your papers out last night! Here
N- Thank you so much Harry, you've been a big help!
H- So I have a question
N- Go ahead an ask!
H- Aside from being breathtaking, what else do you do for a living? He does that nose honk
Nathalie giggles as her checks turn a slight shade of pink *NOT BLUSHING IN A ROMANTIC WAY, PLATONIC WAY ONLY!!*
Gabriel however, was watching from afar and was fuming. So he decided to go up and confront Harry
-Harry and Nathalie laugh-
G- Am I interrupting something?
H- Hey Gabe!
N- Hello Gabriel
G- I thought I hired you to help Nathalie with her work, not to flirt with her all day!
Harry laughs
H- Gabriel you're way off track here-
N- Gabriel I think-
G- I don't remember me hiring you just so you could hit on MY assistant, did I?
H- Gabriel I wasn't hitting on her!
H- I'm Gay remember?
Nathalie smacks her forehead, Gabriel finally remembered what Harry told him that day
G- Oh yeah- right
N- Gabriel you dumbass
H- Also, isn't she your assistant?
H- Why are you so protective over your "assistant " hm?
Gabriel turns bright red, and so does Nathalie
G- You know what it's- I- maybe it's time for your internship to end. Thank you for your service-
N- Yeah, my schedule is back on track thanks to you
H- No problem! I'll see you, Adrien, and Marinette at my show in 3 weeks!
N- Thank you!
He left
N- So..about what Harry said-
G- What'd he say? I don't remember what he said, who's Harry? Anyways I have to get back to work now I have um- very important business things to do
N- Okay then?
N- Wait Gabriel-
G- hm?
N- You know, you don't have to change your personality for me
N- I think you're perfect fine already!
N- Even if your jokes are..not that funny she laughs
G- Deal

The end

A/N- Hi guys!! Starry here, I'm so sorry for not updating my book in 2 months 😭 I was extremely uninspired and unmotivated
But I'm on spring break! And I can hopefully start updating more! I have another idea I'll probably start working on tomorrow
Anyways, that's all! Hope you guys are having a great day or night, see you soon!
(P.S, join my discord!! It's a work in progress so join to get early access :0 https://discord.gg/eMaZanUDah )
Ok that's all, byee <3

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