Car Ride

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A/N- I think I'll be changing my writing style a bit! I may change during the story, but yeah, enjoy the story <3
Nathalie and Gabriel had just finished packing up, they are now getting ready to go home
N- Do we have everything?
G- Yes, we do
N- Okay great!
N- Now, let's get going before our limo comes
G- Good idea. He smiled at Nathalie which made her cheeks heat up
Fast forward to when the limo comes, they are getting on.
Gabriel helps Nathalie onto the limo while he climbs in behind her
The first few minutes of the ride was awkward and silent, until Nathalie heard a ding from her phone. It was from Caleb!
"Hey, I can't wait to see you again :D"
Nathalie smiled and began texting him
"Thanks for checking up on me, Caleb!"
"It's no problem :>"
"You still use those emoticons?
"Oh, yeah! Why?"
"Oh no reason! I personally find them really cute!"
"Thank you! \(^0^)/"
"Well I have to go now, I'm leaving for the airport! I'll call you later?"
"Yeah, sure! Bye :D"
Gabriel had been watching her text Caleb, he knew it was Caleb because of the way she was smiling at her phone
G- Who were you texting?
N- Oh, I uh- I was uh
N- I-I was texting Caleb! She said as she felt her cheeks heat up
One thing Nathalie didn't like about herself is that it is very Easy to spot her blush on her face, with or without makeup
Gabriel however, loved seeing her blush. He thought it was cute oh how she got flustered easily.
But he hates it when her cheeks heat up in front of someone else, specifically Caleb. More specifically, males or females that she seem to have interest in, or the other way around
G- I see
G- Why was he texting you?
N- He's just being friendly, that's one thing I love about him
Gabriel flinched as she used the term "love"
G- Okay then..
G- So you have a thing for emoticons or something?
N- How did you know-
G- I may or may not have been reading your texts while you were texting..
N- Gabriel are you serious?!
G- What? Got anything to hide Ms Sanceour?
N- Are you suggesting I'm hiding things?
G- Yes, yes I am.
N- Okay, name one.
G- A photo Album of me and hawkmoth
Nathalie froze
N- I-I-I have a-absolutely no idea w-wha-what you're talking about!
N- W-why would I have a whole photo album dedicated to y-you and hawkmoth?
Gabriel smirked and raised an eyebrow
G- Are you admitting that you do have one~?
N- Of course I'm not!
N- Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!
G- And why not!
N- Because it's supposed to be a secret!!
N- I mean- if I did have one, it would be a secret
G- I see
N- What about you? Do you have one of Emilie or something?
G- No, but I do have one
Nathalie's smile faded quickly
N- Oh? Of who?
She looked like she was about to murder someone
G- Why do you ask? Jealous?
N- Me? Jealous?! Hah, you wish.
G- Your facial expression says otherwise
Gabriel had known Nathalie long enough to memorize her facial expressions and movements well enough to know what they meant
N- I have no idea what you're talking about
G- You're jealous of the person in my Gallery, admit it.
N- Am not!
G- Maybe I should take you to meet her one day!
N- Wow, that'd be great..! She said with a fake smile
G- She's really pretty, I just wish I could kiss her
N- Nice..
G- Her beautiful eyes, her fashion sense, her personality
Nathalie was practically fuming right now, hearing the one she loved talk about another woman (who iS her) right in front of her face
As Gabriel continued to talk about this "woman" she started plotting her death, this was just for fun, Nathalie would never actually kill someone for the guy she loves..right?
Nathalie's POV: I wonder who this woman is, do I know her? It's possible. I wonder what Gabriel would do if she was gone for don't say that! But then again, if she's gone for good I won't have any competition..! Okay stop it Nathalie, you sound so crazy right now. But think Nathalie, think about all her screams, yells, and cries for help. You would feel so good, you would finally be able to have Gabriel all to yourself and- NO WHAT AM I THINKING?! That's so wrong..but then again, a less painful way is drowning her, choking, poisoning..I wonder how many other ways I can think of to murder a human..WAIT WHAT?! No that's not what I mean. I would never murder someone for Gabriel, unless..
G- Nathalie, Nathalie, NATHALIE!!
N- Wh-what? Huh?
G- Oh thank goodness you're alright
G- You completely zoned out for a good 5 minutes
N- Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you
G- Sooo, what happened?
N- I was just..thinking about..things..
G- Ooo, what things?
N- Mur- Mur-
N- Uhh
N- Mur..Magic..?
G- Are you sure? You were smiling while you were thinking..
N- Oh-! Uh- I-uh, that's because uh
G- Oh I know
N- Y-you do?
G- Yes
G- You were thinking about me <3
Nathalie's scared face soon turned into a red face
N- W-why would you think that?
G- Obviously because of the photos~
N- Okay okay that's enough!
G- Okay fine
N- Well, we still have a few hours to go before we get home, I'm going to take a nap
G- Same here
Nathalie pulled out a blanket and a two small pillows, she set up her sleeping Area, she lie down and quickly fell asleep
Gabriel looked at her and moved in closer to her, covering with the blanket with her.
He put his Arm over Nathalie and started cuddling her
He kissed her forehead and said: "Goodnight my peahen, I love you. He said the last few words as he fell asleep, cuddling his dear Nathalie.

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