Chapter 2 - The Flare

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There was a fire on Western and Third in downtown Central City, so while my co-workers were on their way to put it out, I was flying on my way to it in the yellow and orange suit Cisco had made me

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There was a fire on Western and Third in downtown Central City, so while my co-workers were on their way to put it out, I was flying on my way to it in the yellow and orange suit Cisco had made me. My entire body was engulfed in flames and I had Barry and Cisco talking in my ear, discussing possible aliases for me.

Barry was called The Flash, but Central City referred to him as the Streak. It's been a few weeks since I woke up from the coma and decided to join Barry's hero crusade, but I still hadn't picked a name yet.

"How about the Blaze?" Cisco suggested.

"Or Flicker?" Barry added.

"Guys, can we talk about this later?" I asked. "Like, when there isn't a fire threatening to kill people?"

"You're right," Cisco said. "We'll discuss it later."

"Thank you."

"Hey, what about Seraphim?"

I rolled my eyes as I continued to used fire to fly. I saw the building and headed towards it, crashing through one of the windows and rolling to the floor, landing in a crouch. I looked up, letting the fire fade from my body.

"You there yet?" Barry asked.

Then I heard Caitlin's voice. "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing," Cisco said.

"Who are you guys talking to?"

"No one," Barry said.

"Are you guys talking to Zoe?"


"Zoe Sparks. Almost burned alive, was in a coma for nine months and woke up being able to burst into flames and fly. Ring a bell?"

"Nope, haven't talked to her," Cisco said.

I was standing inside the burning building, looking around in slight panic. "Guys, there's fire everywhere! Cisco? Barry, are you still there?"

Suddenly, a little girl walked out into the hallway. "Mom? Mommy?"

I quickly rushed towards her as fire exploded, using my body to protect her. The fire burned my back but it didn't hurt. My body acted as a shield and seemed to absorb the fire.

I looked at the little girl. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, gratefully.

"It's gonna be all right, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Hold on."

I carried her as I ran down the stairs and took her outside.

"Mommy!" She said, running to her mother's side.

I then went back inside to save the rest of the residents still trapped. I led them to safety before taking flight and letting the firefighters do their job.

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