Chapter 9 - The Brave and The Bold

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Team Arrow were still trying to locate their boomerang killer and since Felicity had asked Caitlin to help identify the blood sample from Canary's murder, we decided to head over to Starling City to help them with their case. Caitlin and Cisco went to see Felicity so that they could see the Arrow cave while Barry and I were heading to A.R.G.U.S. because their alarm had been triggered.

Suited up as the Phoenix, I arrived at the scene and saw John Diggle and a woman shooting at a guy wielding boomerangs

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Suited up as the Phoenix, I arrived at the scene and saw John Diggle and a woman shooting at a guy wielding boomerangs. He threw one towards them, it circled around Diggle and was heading straight for the woman. I crashed through the glass and flew to catch the boomerang before it hit her. I rolled to the ground and let the fire fade as I landed in a crouch, the boomerang in my hand and looked up as the woman and Diggle stared at me.

"Hi," I said with a smirk.

Diggle looked at me, shocked and relieved. "I don't believe it."

"Did you miss me, Diggle?"

Suddenly, Oliver and Arsenal arrived, standing on either side of me. Oliver looked at me in surprise while Arsenal was confused.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

Diggle and the woman hurried to get out of harm's way as Oliver and Arsenal shot arrows towards Boomerang Man and he used the boomerangs to deflect the arrows before running towards us. Arsenal dropped his bow and pulled out two short metal staffs as the three of us got ready to fight.

Boomerang Man swung one of his weapons to hit Oliver, Oliver ducked and used his bow to fight him, Arsenal used the staffs to block the boomerangs from hitting him. When Boomerang Man went to attack me, I backed away to avoid being hit and spun to kick him, he used his boomerang to catch my foot and pushed it back away from him. I used my own momentum to elbow him in the face. He swiftly threw a boomerang towards me while fighting Oliver and Arsenal, I ducked and it embedded itself into the wall behind me, exploding on impact.

My back ignited, the flames growing into Phoenix form to absorb the explosion and protect Oliver and Arsenal from the blast. Arsenal's eyes went wide in shock and because he was distracted, it gave Boomerang Man a chance to overpower him and kick him to the ground.

I let the fire fade and continued to fight Boomerang Man with Oliver. He threw a boomerang towards Oliver, who deflected it with his bow and then he spun around and threw two towards me. I froze, knowing I wouldn't be able to stop both of them and that's when Barry came zooming in. He sped in front of me, grabbing the boomerangs and saved me.

We all turned to look at him, the others were in shock while I was relieved. A moment later, Boomerang Man used a smoke trap to get away and I looked at Barry as Arsenal got to his feet. Barry tilted his head and smirked before speeding away.

Diggle and his lady friend looked at me and I looked at Oliver, who I could tell wasn't happy about what went down.

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