Chapter 20 - Who is Harrison Wells?

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I'm getting faster, stronger than I've ever been and I wonder if it's because lately something's chasing me. I know what it is that's stalking me. It's my past. It's getting closer and as fast as I am, I can't help but feel like my past has almost caught up with me.

We were having another secret meeting at mine and Zach's house, now that Cisco and Caitlin were in the loop about Dr. Wells, they were here too. Everyone was except for Barry.

"Where's Barry?" Eddie asked.

"He should be here any second," I said. "I sent him out for--"

"Pizza," Barry finished, zooming in with three boxes.

"What?" Cisco said.

"From Coast City?" Zach asked.

"Supposedly the best in the west," Barry said, taking his jacket off.

Why did I not think of this before?" Cisco asked as we all started to dig in. "Come to papa."

"Caitlin?" I looked at the redhead sitting at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not hungry," she declined.

"Okay," Joe said as Caitlin walked over to us. "Six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere. So, we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

"What does that mean?" Eddie asked.

"Road trip, baby," Cisco said.

"Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City," Zach explained.

"Starling City? What for?" Caitlin asked.

"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago," Joe clarified.

"I don't understand. Why?" Caitlin questioned.

"Dr. McGee said that after Wells's accident he became, like, a complete stranger," Barry informed her. "Just a different person entirely."

"Because the love of his life died?" Caitlin looked from Barry to me. "You two, of all people, can understand how grief can change a person."

"Caitlin, we believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother and Zoe's parents," Zach said. "He may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan."

Caitlin looked away, not wanting to believe what we were telling her.

"We have to learn everything we can about that night," Joe added. "See where it leads us."

"Oh, um, can you cover for me?" Cisco asked. "With Dr. Wells?"

"You mean lie?" Caitlin countered.

"Yeah." Cisco said.

Caitlin shook her head. "I need some air."

I stood. "Caitlin."

She ignored me and walked out the door.

"Doesn't look like Caitlin's with us," Zach said.

"No, she's with us," I told him. "I'll talk to her."

"What do you want us to do here?" Eddie asked Joe.

"Business as usual while we're gone," Joe replied.

"Copy that," Eddie picked up one of the pizza boxes and walked away with Cisco.

"I want to wish you good luck over there," Barry told Joe. "But I'm also scared of what you might find."

"Scared is a good thing," Joe said. "Scared keeps us alive."

"Come on," I said to Barry, holding up a pizza box. "We'll split it."

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