Chapter 14 - The Nuclear Man

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Barry was on a date with Linda, so I decided to help him out by taking care of all the crime tonight. I was sitting in the living room, watching a movie with Zach when my phone started to ring.

"Oh, come on," Zach looked at me, a little annoyed.

I gave him an apologetic smile. "It's Cisco," I answered the call. "Hey."

"Robbery at the convenience store on Brand and Paulson."

"Okay. On my way," I hung up and got up. "Sorry, Zach. Duty calls."

Zach sighed, resigned and I rushed upstairs to get suited up. I came back down and headed towards the front door.

"You're gonna miss the best part," he said in a sing-song voice

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"You're gonna miss the best part," he said in a sing-song voice.

I shrugged. "Wish me luck."

I walked outside and instantly ignited, taking off into the sky.


After taking care of the robbery at the convenience store, I was on my way home when Joe called me. "Hello."

"Hey, we got a jumper on 52nd and Waid," he told me. "I would've called Barry, but he's on a date."

"Say no more," I said, turning around in a blaze.

The cops had the building surrounded and Eddie was speaking into a megaphone, trying to calm the jumper down.

"Sir, please, you have everything to live for," Eddie said.

"No, I don't," the man replied.

I flew up behind him, grabbing him off the roof and landed next to Eddie with the man in tow. I let the fire fade and smiled at him.

"There you go, Detective," I said, using the voice filter.

Eddie, looked at me in shock, smiling.

The man looked at me. "Are you gonna let me go back up there?"

"No," I said before igniting and flying away in a blaze.


I arrived back home and walked through the front door still in my suit. I put my mask on top of my head and sat down on the couch next to Zach, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"So, what'd I miss?" I asked.

Zach looked at me and chuckled. I smiled as I threw some popcorn into my mouth.


The next day, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and I were at Jitters.

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