Chapter 21 - The Trap

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Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and I were in the secret room, looking at the holographic newspaper.

"'Flash and Phoenix missing. Vanishes in crisis'," Cisco read.

"'After an epic street battle with the Reverse-Flash'," I continued to read, walking closer to the hologram. "'Our city's very own Scarlet Speedster and Flying Flare disappeared in an explosion of light'."

"Guys, look at the date," Caitlin said.

"April 25, 2024," Barry said, shaking his head in confusion. "Guys, when I fought the Reverse-Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries."

"Wait, you can't really think that this is from . . . the future." Caitlin replied.

"That would mean that Dr. Wells, whoever he is, is also--" Cisco started.

"From the future," I finished.

"I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter suits and the white on the symbol, that's dope. Wait a second," Cisco said and we all looked at him. "Suppose we now change the color on both your suits. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. Wow, this is so trippy. Like 'Marty and the Polaroid' trippy."

"Look at the name on the byline," Caitlin said.

We looked at the byline: By Iris West. Thursday, April 25, 2024.

"Ay caramba," Cisco said.

"Spanish," A female robotic said, making me and Caitlin gasp. "Ancient language of the Latino people."

"Uh-uh, what the hell was that?" Cisco asked, freaked.

"Is someone here?" Barry asked. "Hello?"

A hologram of a mannequin's head appeared, her lips moving. "Good evening, Barry Allen."

"Uh . . ." He looked around, confused. "Hi. You--? You know who I am?"

"Of course," she replied. "Barry Allen. Director of Central City Police. CSI Division."

"Director?" Barry repeated.

"I guess you get a promotion," I said.

"Also known as the Flash. Founding member of--" Gideon started.

"What are you?" I asked, cutting her off.

"I'm Gideon, Zoe Sparks-Allen. An interactive artificial consciousness." Gideon said.

"AI," Cisco exhaled, amazed. "Sick."

I furrowed my brows, completely confused and taken aback. "I'm sorry, did you just say, 'Zoe Sparks-Allen'?"

Barry and I looked at each other, awkwardly.

"Yes," Gideon responded.

Cisco looked at us. "Congratulations?"

"You know me too?" I asked.

"Of course. Zoe Sparks. Wife of Barry Allen. Also known as the Phoenix--" Gideon started.

I shook my hand, cutting her off. "Okay, okay. You know Dr. Wells?"

"Yes." Gideon said.

"Do you know who he really is?" Barry asked.

"I don't understand the question," Gideon told us.

I stammered. "What is he doing here? Why did he come here?"

Gideon's hologram formed into a full body as she answered my question. "To kill you and Barry Allen."

We looked at her in shock. Cisco's phone buzzed.

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