Chapter 5 - Plastique

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How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design or maybe a little of both? Regardless of the reason, some friends, you just know, are gonna be by your side for awhile. Others, you're not so sure.

I was hanging out in a bar with Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris and Eddie. I sat next to Barry at the bar and we watched the others playing darts and drinking, having a good time. Caitlin and Cisco sat down at a table and I looked at Barry when Eddie picked up Iris and spun her around.

Barry has a thing for her, the kind of thing where he's in love with her but she's totally clueless.

When she looked our way, he put on a smile to cover up what he was truly feeling. Then she walked over to us.

"I'm glad you guys invited Caitlin and Cisco," she told us.

"They're cool, right?" I said.

"They saved your life, Zoe. That makes them the coolest people I've ever met and I'm glad you decided to join us. I mean, we know each other because our dads work together but we never really hung out. It's nice that you guys became friends," Iris then raised a shot glass. "To friends, old and new."

Barry and I raised a shot glass and the three of us clinked our glasses together before pouring them down our throats.

"Ooh, I'm up," Iris said, lightly punching Barry in the shoulder. "Wish me luck."

She walked over to Eddie and took the darts from him.

"I am going to destroy you," she told him.

"Don't get cocky, West," he replied.

Barry ordered more shots and the bartender put them on a tray for us, I picked up the tray and walked towards Caitlin and Cisco. Barry right beside me.

I sighed. "Guys, I have a problem."

Caitlin turned to look at me.

"We all do when guys like him exist," Cisco said.

"Yeah, he's so hot," Caitlin said before realization kicked in. "Uh, I mean, genetically speaking because I'm a geneticist, of course. My God, do I sound like Felicity?"

"I'm not talking about Eddie," I said. "Although he is hot, I'm talking about this."

I picked up a glass and started to drink three shots without pause.

"Wow, that was fast," Barry commented.

"I can't feel anything," I told them.

"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much," Cisco said.

"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean, I literally feel nothing."

"Yeah, don't worry," Barry shrugged like it was no big deal. "I can't get drunk either."

"It's your hypermetabolism," Caitlin said, excited. "I need a sample."

"I'll get more shots," Cisco said, going to the bar.

Caitlin started rummaging through her purse. "I swear I had a Vacutainer in here."

I furrowed my brows. "Wait, you carry a blood-collection kit in your purse?"

"You have your hobbies," Caitlin retorted before continuing her search.

Barry and I exchanged a look before he downed the rest of the shots on the tray.


When Cisco returned with more shots, the four of us each took a glass, clinked and consumed the alcohol. Caitlin looked at me, inquisitively.

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