Chapter 22 - Grodd Lives

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Eddie had been kidnapped by the Wells/Reverse-Flash and Barry and I had been searching for him everywhere, but we couldn't find him.

The next day, I walked into the Cortex and found Cisco messing with Wells' cameras.

"Hey," I greeted him. "You planning on keeping all those cameras Wells used to spy on us? It's kind of creepy, don't you think?"

"First rule of mechanical engineering, Zo," Cisco said. "Never waste good tech."

I chuckled. The computer beeped and Cisco rolled his chair closer to see what alarm had been tripped.

"Central City Gold Reserve's under attack." Cisco told me.

"Gold?" I asked. "I'll be right back."

I rushed to get into my suit before blazing away.


At the Gold Reserve, I saw a man in a black suit and mask firing an automatic gun at the watchmen, so I flew closer and landed in front of him, letting the fire fade

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At the Gold Reserve, I saw a man in a black suit and mask firing an automatic gun at the watchmen, so I flew closer and landed in front of him, letting the fire fade.

"You picked a bad day for this, pal," I told him as I started to approach him.

Suddenly, my head felt like it was on fire. I held my head and winced in pain as I saw flashes of a surgery room. I fell to the ground, holding my head and moaning in pain. I couldn't move and my vision started to blur as I was overwhelmed with fear. I turned to look at the guy in the suit and mask and saw him holding his head in pain, falling to his knees.

After a moment of searing pain, we recovered and the man stood, running away. I pulled myself up by my elbows and watched him leave.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, painfully.


I returned to S.T.A.R. Labs and Caitlin was shining a bright light into my eyes, checking my vitals.

"Your eye movement is normal, no signs of neurological damage," she told me.

I nodded, relieved.

"You think the thief might have been a metahuman who put the whammy on you or something?" Barry asked.

"I don't know," I answered. "When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger, but this was not that. This was just overwhelming fear."

"Huh," Cisco said, looking at the surveillance footage. "Looks like when you went down, the thief got disoriented too."

"Maybe we both got whammied." I said.

"Then you know how it feels," Iris walked in and we all looked at her in surprise. "Hi, Zoe. Or should I say the Phoenix? And I know you're the Flash, Barry."

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