| chapter 1 |

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My eyes shot open, my breath heavy, I felt as though I couldn't breath, it was pitch black

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My eyes shot open, my breath heavy, I felt as though I couldn't breath, it was pitch black. I had to squint my eyes to try and see better.

After adjusting to the darkness I could see that I was surrounded by four caged walls and that I was moving towards something.

I began panicking. My breathing picking up, where am I? who am I?

I started to panic even more when I realised that I don't remember my name, I don't remember how old I am, or my family, I don't even remember where I came from.

What's happening?... why can't I remember anything?

I tried squeezing my eyes shut and tried to think of anything from my past life... but nothing.

I tried to even just remember my name. How could I forget my own name. It's on the tip of my tongue yet the words just don't seem to fall from my mouth.

"Ughhhhh" I banged my fists against the metal chains which were surrounding me and keeping me trapped inside this small box, slowly becoming frustrated that I can't remember anything.

Did I have a family? Do they miss me?

I don't know.

I felt like I was sitting here for hours yet it had only been a few minutes.

The cage that I was trapped in was going upwards even faster and making loud beeping noises. I covered my ears and closed my eyes too afraid of what might happen.

It finally came to a stop.

The doors to where I was trapped inside, slowly opened, letting the bright light spill through the small gap, causing me to cover my eyes, blocking the sun from my vision. Fear slowly made its way back to me, not knowing what's about to happen.

My shaky hands removed themselves from my eyes as I blinked a few times to let my eyes readjust to the bright light, once my eyes readjusted to the light I saw faces and heard voices.

I was huddled in a corner and the people from above hadn't seen me yet so it seemed.

Once my vision became clear, I realised that all the faces from above me were all boys, not one girl in sight.

One of the boys jumped down, his chocolate brown eyes widened as he looked at me. He was quite tall but very slim and had blonde fluffy hair. He seemed nice but I couldn't trust him, not yet.

"It's a girl" he said surprised. This boy also had a funny accent.

Gasps and chatters heard from above

"Is she hot"

"I call dibs"

"Let me see"

All these comments made me grimace. Who are these people? Are they going to hurt me? What are they going to do to me?

All these questions running through my head

What do they want from m-

My thoughts were cut off when the tall blonde boy slowly approached me.

"Hey I know your scared but I promise I won't hurt you." The accented boy spoke.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Why am I here? Why can't I remember my name?" All these questions that I was dying to know all the answers too just spilled out from my mouth so fast that I didn't even have time to analyse what I just asked.

He didn't seem surprised by my sudden outburst.

"Just calm down alright, I'll explain everything to you once we get you out of the box okay?" he said looking at me,

I nodded my head. I still didn't trust him but I just wanted to get out of here.

"I'm Newt" he said with a smile.

I just nodded at him, as I couldn't tell him what my name was as I didn't know, he seemed to understand though. Weird. Is this normal not to remember your name?

As if he could read my thoughts he said "It's normal not to remember your name it will come back to you in a few days." he spoke.

I nodded, then he reached out to grab my hands which I hesitated at first but slowly put my small hand in his large hand.

Newt helped me out the box and the first thing I noticed, was the huge, four walls trapping us from what was ever out side those walls.

I then noticed all the boys that had crowded around me, looking at me as if I were some piece of meat. They made comments such as "damn she's hot" or "she's mine"

which brought some sort of anger out of me as I shouted "I'm not anyone's possession so  don't even think about coming near me or touching me or I will cut your balls off. Clear?" I raised my eyebrows.

This made Newt smirk and the rest of the boys eyes widened in surprise however, that didn't stop them making inappropriate comments. "Ooo we've got ourselves a feisty one boys," one of the many boys spoke making me grimace. There were about 30-40 boys crowded around me, not one girl in sight.

I glance around the walls in fear, wanting to be anywhere else but here. I glanced around to see an opening, that must be the way out.

So I ran

Some of the boys tried to grab me as I ran by but I was too fast. I was getting closer to the opening. I could hear Newt shouting at the boys.

"Somebody bloody catch her before she gets herself killed!" he shouted.

What does he mean killed?

I made it into the walls only to bump into a hard rock chest.

I craned my neck upwards to see who it was that I bumped into. His dark brown eyes stared into mine. I'm not going to lie he was very attractive. I stared at him in awe as I studied all his features. He had small eyes which were dark brown, making me not want to look away from his eyes, his skin was tanned, sharp jawline, plump lips. He was so pretty.

He snapped me out of my daydreaming as he then lifted me onto his shoulders. Him supporting my legs whilst I dangled behind his back. He lifted me like a weighed nothing.

"Put me down!" I screamed, I started kicking and trying to wiggle my way out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"Sorry princess no can do." his raspy, deep voice spoke, a weird feeling appeared in my stomach just from hearing his voice.

Wait a minute. Princess?

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