| chapter 3 |

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Turns out the bonfire was something they did to celebrate the new greenie every month which, this month it happened to be me

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Turns out the bonfire was something they did to celebrate the new greenie every month which, this month it happened to be me.

I walked over to where the bonfire was to be held. All the boys surrounded by it with large sticks lit with fire. They threw the sticks into the middle lighting up a huge fire. All the boys had smiles on their face. Chatters and laughters were heard all around the large fire. I strolled over to a boy who had weird eyebrows, he glared at me as I stood in front of him, I rolled my eyes at him and asked for a drink that he seemed to be giving out to everyone.

The boy handed me the drink without speaking a word to me. I walked away from him and sat at the back, just watching everyone. Party's weren't really my thing, especially since I found out I was stuck with a bunch of teenage boys for god knows how long. I felt alone. Yes I was surrounded by people but I still felt alone.

That was until Chuck sat right next to me with a smile on his face, he always seemed to be smiling, which broke my heart that he could contain such a genuine smile whilst being stuck in here at such a young age. This made me hate the people that put us in here.

"Hi" he said with his rosy red cheeks lifting up as he smiled at me.

"Hi" I smiled back at him.

"Are you okay? Why are you sitting back here by yourself?" he asked concerned.

I smiled at his concern. "Just thinking and taking in all of what I've been told today." he smiled at me again and nodded.

"Hey can I have a sip," he asked me looking at the drink in my hand. Which by the way tasted awful however, I was still drinking it. I shook my head at him. "No Chuck your too young." I said. I felt like I needed to protect him. That I had to protect him. I've only known this boy for a short amount of time yet I felt so protective of him.

"whyyyyy?" he whined. "Im not young I'm a man!" he said trying to sound like a man by putting on a deep voice. I giggled at his attempt but, still shook my head.

He huffed giving up.

"Wanna hear my impression of Gally?" He asked me with a smile.

"Who's Gally?" I asked confused

He pointed over to the boy with the weird eyebrows and who glared at me when I asked for a drink. I nodded my head quickly wanting to hear his impression.

He stood up and made a funny face to make his eyebrows look like Gally's. I burst out laughing before he even started to speak. The expression on his face alone was enough to make me laugh.

This brought a few glances to look our way as I continued to laugh. This is the first time I've properly laughed.

Chucks face turned into a worried expression as he looked at me laughing "shhh Gally is going to kill me if he finds out I was making fun of him," this made me laugh even more. Me laughing made Chuck smile but he still looked worried. After I calmed down Newt came strolling over, his limp noticeable.

"Looks like your having fun" he spoke. I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Chuck I think it's time for you to go to bed, it's getting late." he said to Chuck who huffed but agreed. He gave me a hug which I returned and gave him a kiss on the cheek, his cheeks heating up. "Goodnight Chuck," I said he smiled and said goodnight before running towards his hammock.

Newt replaced the seat which Chuck was sitting at before. "You okay? You seemed lonely until chuck showed up," he said looking at me. I glanced at him and spoke before my eyes returned to my feet. "I was just processing everything. It's a lot of information to receive in a few hours." He nodded understanding me.

He took the drink from my hand and took a sip from it. "Got any questions?" He asked me and my head shot up. I did have questions a lot, but I kept them too myself afraid no one would answer me. He chuckled at me "I'll take that as a yes then." He said. "Why am I not aloud to go in beyond them walls? What's out there? If I'm not aloud to go out how come Minho could? He was in there when I ran inside the walls." I questioned all at once.

Newt laughed at my sudden outburst of questions before remaining calm to answer my questions. "Beyond those walls we call it the maze. It changes every night making it impossible to find a way out. Do you see those guys over there?" He said pointing behind me. I turned to see Minho sitting with a blond boy and a few others. I nodded at him for him to continue. "We call them the runners they run into the maze everyday when those walls open mapping it, trying to find a way out."

"How long have you been looking?" turning to look back at him

"3 years" he said with a straight face. My eyes widened in surprise.

"What happens if they don't make it back before the doors close?" I questioned the British boy.

"Then they're stuck out there for the night and no one survives a night in the maze. We call them Grievers. No ones lived a night in the maze to tell us about them but they're out there. And they're dangerous which is why you need to stay inside these walls." he said looking me dead in the eye, I nodded showing I understand.

Newt then grabbed my hand and started pulling me up "Come on love this is your party after all," he said, and I glared at him for the nickname which he only laughed at. "I actually think I'm gonna go to bed it's been a long day." I said smiling at him, he nodded and offered to show me where I would be sleeping which I appreciated. It was a hammock among many others. I was put next to Chuck which I appreciated he was fast asleep cuddling into his thin blanket. I thanked Newt and wished him goodnight which he returned and I drifted of to sleep.

Malia a voice spoke.
The name repeating again and again in my head.

I shot up from my hammock, gasping and breathing heavily. I looked around to see that everyone else was asleep and, it was still dark. My name! I remember my name it's Malia. I smiled to myself knowing that I finally remember something even if it's just something as simple as my name. At least I have something.

I stepped out of my hammock, careful not to wake anyone. My bare feet met with the wet grass as I walked towards the showers.

I walked towards the shower room and splashed my face with some water from the sink. I wish I could see what I looked like. At least I know my name, that's one thing. Snapping me from my thoughts I heard a noise from outside the shower room.

My heartbeat sped up. "Is anyone there?" I stepped outside only to be pushed back in by a strong body. His hand over my mouth. "Be quiet baby we don't want anyone to hear us now do we?"

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