| chapter 11 |

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Warning - smut
This chapter is also very long so I do apologise to those who may not like the long chapters.

I woke up in the medjack room

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I woke up in the medjack room. Clint insisted I stayed here for tonight just in case. I listened to him as he's the closest thing to a doctor we have as well as me and Jeff but Clint seems to be quite smart and knows more about this then me and Jeff. Minho obviously stayed with me but was gone when I woke up. This is the first time I've woken up without him ever since we've been together.

I'm mad at him for not waking me up but I know he would want me to rest especially after what happened. Memories flooded through my head from yesterday. Bens gone. My heart shattered when I found out he was getting banished, but I was more concerned about Minho, he lost his best friend.

Minho told me yesterday that him and Alby would be going into the maze tomorrow to look for Ben. They knew he wouldn't survive but they decided to check anyways just in case. Alby isn't a runner however he is the leader and he was the first one here before all of us, he knows what he's doing.

This also means that Newt is in charge. Newt already gets stressed being second in command never mind being fully in charge. His head is going to explode.

I stepped out from my bed feeling quite dizzy. Only to have hands grab me to steady me and lead me back to bed. Jeff and Clint always so worried. "I'm fine," I said looking at them. "No your not Malia you need rest. In case you had memory loss, you bashed your head off a rock not only once but twice." Clint said giving me a look telling me to listen to him. I huffed at him "Clint" I whined "I was in bed all day yesterday and last night I've had enough rest let me help." "No your not working today you can leave this room to get some fresh air but you must sit down outside okay?" He said seriously. I nodded with a smile rushing out the room only to have Clint yelling at me to be careful.

I spot Newt, Zart and Thomas working away in the gardens. More like Thomas asking questions again while Newt works and looks annoyed. Deja vu.

I walk over to them stumbling a bit. Newt looks at me worriedly, telling me to sit down which I do and take a seat next to Thomas.

I should of stayed in the medjack hut. Thomas is rambling on with question after question. He's giving me a headache. Newt finally snaps at him getting annoyed by the question and explains to him how Alby was the first glader and he knows what he's doing and so on blah blah blah. I'm not really paying attention to them as I'm watching Zart trying to eat the fruit without Newt noticing. It's quite funny. Newt notices and yells at him for eating he fruit. I just giggle at them watching the scene unfold. Thomas finally gets up and does some work after Newt's whole speech.


It's raining. It never rains. Like ever.

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