| chapter 4 |

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TW- mentions of sexual harassment/assault

My heart raced in my chest I was so scared

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My heart raced in my chest I was so scared. The boy who I hadn't recognised backed me up against the wall. I tried to get him off me but, he was too strong and I was too weak. Tears began forming in my eyes as I tried to push him off me. Begging him to get off me but, he wouldn't.

The boys hands roughly grabbed my clothes, ripping them, starting with my loose pants that I wore to bed which Newt lent me as I had no other clothes. My tears were coming faster from my eyes. I started screaming louder or at least tried to but he kept his hand on my mouth so no one could hear me begging for help.

"Shut up and be a good girl" he spoke harshly. His words made me feel so disgusted.

He continued to touch me and take my clothing off. My pants came off and he was about to take my underwear off before I bit his hand. He yelled a bunch of curse words loudly as he grabbed his hand. I took that as an opportunity to make a run for it.

I made it into the open. The boy running closely behind me. I screamed and screamed to try and get any attention from anyone. "HELP" "PLEASE HELP ME" I screamed so loudly that my throat was beginning to hurt. Tears kept flowing down my face as I continued to run and scream for help.

My whole body fell to the floor as the boy tripped me up and pinned me down I screamed and screamed trying to get out from his grip.

All of sudden his body was yanked from me and I saw him being pinned down by Gally and Minho. Relief flooded through me. Newt came over to me and helped me up "What happened?" He asked softly as he saw my tear stained cheeks. "H-he tri- tried to - to t-touch m-me" I spoke not being able to make a full clear sentence as I was still crying. Newt went to hug me but I flinched and stepped back. I knew Newt wouldn't hurt me like that but I was too scared to let anyone else go near me at this moment. He seemed to understand though even though he seemed to be hurt by my actions. I felt bad but I was too afraid.

Alby came running over to the scene confused as to what was happening. "What's going on?" He spoke tiredly. "This piece of shit tried to touch her" Minho spoke angrily with his jaw clenched whilst pinning this boy down. "No I didn't, she's lying she wanted it, she asked me to." The disgusting boy spoke. Anger fuelled up inside me as that useless boy tried to pin the blame on me. "Is that true? Did he touch you?" Alby spoke softly. I nodded tears still streamed down my face.

Alby's facial expressions softened as he saw my tears. "Minho and Gally put Owen in the slammer, we will decide his punishment in the morning and have a gathering with everyone there. Understand?" Both boys nodded. Minho glanced at me with a concerned look on his face before he turned back around to put Owen in the slammer. I didn't even know his name before all of this. I hadn't even met him. Why? Why did he do this to me?

Alby put a hand on my shoulder startling me and making me step back, he noticed my fear as he spoke softly "I promise I will not hurt you okay? And no one else will hurt you ever again I promise" I believed his words so I nodded at him making him smile at me. "You can go back to your hammock or you can sleep in one of our huts." The keepers of each job all have their own hut. Alby has one since he's the leader and Newt has one since he's second in command. "If you feel more safe you can sleep in my room, Newt, Minho or Gally." Alby said. I nodded at him telling him that I would prefer that. I don't want to sleep with all those boys who I barely know, someone else might do it again.

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