| chapter 6 |

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I woke up to someone gently shoving my shoulders

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I woke up to someone gently shoving my shoulders. My eyes opened to see Alby standing above me with his fingers to his lips telling me to be quiet. "Follow me," was all he said before he walked away. I quickly slipped my shoes on and followed him until we stopped at a wall full of names.

I recognised Albys name, Newts, Chucks, Gallys, Minho's and others. Alby handed me a knife and said "Welcome home Malia" I smiled at him to which he returned until I realised I hadn't told him my name. Realising my confusion he spoke before I could ask "Minho told me your name." The mention of his name made butterflies appear in my stomach. Why am I feeling this way for a boy I met two days ago? I nodded at him and brought the knife to the wall, neatly trying to write my name. It was quite difficult but I managed it.

I carved my name next to Chucks. Once I was finished I smiled. Simply carving my name into the wall made me feel welcomed and that I belonged. It made me feel less alone. Yes this sucks to be stuck inside four walls with a bunch of boys who I don't know and no memories of my past life but there's nothing I can do about that except from accepting that this is what's happened.


It's been a whole week since I've been in the glade. I've tried every single job and now I'm waiting for Alby and the keepers to decide my job. Minho still hasn't talked to me since our kiss. Every time I meet eyes with him he looks away or walks away from me. It hurt a lot. I don't understand why he's pushing me away I mean yeah we've just met, but that doesn't me he needs to ignore me. On the bright side I've come a lot closer with Alby, Newt and Gally they're all like big brothers to me, and of course little Chucky who's like my little brother.

I thought about being a runner. Something about leaving the glade made me want to be a runner. Freedom. Even though it technically wasn't freedom as it's a damn maze, but running out there and getting to see what's out there made me want to be one. I tried to bring it up but every time I did Alby would say 'No', he saw me as a little sister and wanted to protect me which I was grateful for but I didn't wanted to be treated differently because I was a girl. Newt and Gally also didn't like the idea as they gave me glares for even thinking about it, and Newt being the glades mother gave me a whole speech on how dangerous it is and how I need to be protected blah blah blah.

Newt told me that Minho also didn't like the idea as Newt had told him. Which confused me as he hasn't spoken to me. It seems like he doesn't like me. I don't know. Why is he ignoring me? Newt also seemed confused by the whole situation but me or Minho wouldn't tell him what's going on, so he gave up on asking about it.

The only other job that I didn't mind was a medjack. I'm good with human blood I don't seem to gag not as much as I did when I tried out for a slicer. Yuk. And I also get along with Jeff and Clint they always tease me about Minho saying he's always staring at me which confuses me way more.

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