| chapter 5 |

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My eyes shot open to the sound of twigs snapping

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My eyes shot open to the sound of twigs snapping. I turned my head to see who it was and saw Minho slowly approaching me as if I were going to run away. He sat next to me not saying anything.

He finally broke the silence. "Are you okay?" He asked then continued to speak "Sorry of course your not okay that was a stupid question to a-" I cut him off. "I'm okay" I said with a forced smile. He looked at me with a soft expression on his face. We sat in silence it wasn't awkward silence it was comfortable.

I broke the silence as I said "Malia" I said he looked at me confused. "That's my name." I said looking into his dark brown eyes and he smiled at me. "Still gonna call you princess." he said with with a cheeky smile, making me laugh at him while sniffling.

"Thank you." I told him. He looked at me confused again. "For what?" he asked. "Saving me," I said with a smile. "If you and Gally or Newt didn't hear me I don't know what would of happened" I said tears threatening to spill from my eyes again. Minho gently grabbed my face with both hands . "Hey hey hey your okay I promise I will protect you. Okay?" He said I nodded while staring into his eyes. His thumbs wiped my tears away. My eyes glanced down to his lips and glanced back up to his eyes, and he caught me staring at his lips.

I slowly leaned in and so did he until our lips connected. His lips fit so perfectly with mine. They felt so soft against my own lips. I titled my head to deepen the kiss. My lips parted allowing him to slip in his tongue. Our tongues fought for dominance, he won. We parted our heads resting against each other both breathless. That kiss was amazing. It felt so right. How come I've only known this boy for only over a day and yet I feel so safe with him.

My heart shattered at his next words "I- I - I've got to go" he quickly stood up and walked away, leaving me alone. Questions running through my head. Did he not like it? Did he regret it? I know he felt the same connection I did. The way we kissed he had to have felt the same way. However, we've practically just met so I shook off all the questions making my way out of deadheads and going to get some food.

Frypan greeted me with a hug to which I returned. He handed me some food which was another sandwich, I thanked him and looked for an empty table. I saw Minho sitting with Newt, Alby and Chuck. I was going to sit there but I didn't want it to be awkward. I then saw Gally sitting by himself so I walked over to sit with him.

Gally seemed surprised when I sat in front of him but didn't seem to mind. I didn't like Gally at first and he didn't seem to like me but when he protected me from Owen it made me trust him. "Thank you," I spoke breaking the silence. He didn't say anything so I continued "I know you may not like me and that's fine but I wanted to thank you for saving me from Owen. I don't know what I would have done if you and Minho hadn't stopped him and when he went to hit me you also stopped him so.. thank you." I spoke to him meaning all of it.

He finally looked me in the eyes "I don't not like you," was all he said and I smiled at him to which he returned. "And you're welcome." he said which made me smile again. I feel like this could become a great friendship. Feeling happy with myself I ate my sandwich and Gallys builder friends joined all being polite and talking to me. I felt happy. Happier then before. I glanced at Minho who had his jaw clenched, we made eye contact but he averted his eyes so quickly from mine which hurt. What's going on with him? Was the kiss really that bad? I turned back to the table and continued joining in the conversation with hopefully my new friends.


The sun was setting which means the walls were about to close. Alby informed me of the new rule that he made which made me grateful, I hugged and thanked him which he surprisingly returned the hug. I think I'm growing on Alby.

Alby also told me that Owen was going to be banished at sundown, he explained what a banishing was after I didn't have a clue and it made me both grateful and scared. I am grateful that I never have to see that useless boy again but I could never banish someone to their death even after what happened to me. Which is why I was grateful that Alby said I didn't have to participate.

I sat on the treehouse with Chuck as he didn't want to watch it either. We faced away from the maze. We could hear Owens cries for help and begging people to stop. We ignored it and continued to talk. Chuck is like a little brother to me and always manages to put a smile on my face.

Once the banishing was over and the maze doors shut. Everyone scattered away for dinner. I wasn't hungry so I stayed up in the treehouse. Chuck left me as he said he was starving. He said he would bring me back some food. But when he came back empty handed I assumed he either forgot or ate it himself. I giggled at the thought. But I didn't mind as I wasn't all that hungry.

It's only been two days and so much has already happened. First being out here in the first place is already enough to handle, then being the only girl, to being sexually assaulted and having him get sent to his death. Then there's Minho who still hasn't talked to me. I understand why I guess I mean we barely know each other but that kiss... I felt so connected to him just by one kiss I feel like I know him.

All those thoughts running around my mind I decided to go to sleep and hopefully have a better sleep than the last. Alby said I could stay with Minho again but I decided that would be too awkward so I just slept in my hammock as I felt more safe knowing about the new rule.

Myself and Chuck went to our hammocks. Feeling glad they were next to each other as I wished him goodnight with a kiss on his head and drifted off to sleep.

"What's your name?" The Asian boy asked me

"Malia" I smiled at him "what's yours?"

"Minho" he smiled at me

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