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                                                     Veronica Parker

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                                                     Veronica Parker


It's 10 a.m. now and I reach my workplace. I work for a Paper Box Manufacturing Company. I am a worker at the factory. I scanned my thumb for attendance. I saw my supervisor and greeted him. He is a sweet person who takes care of all the workers.

The factory is not that big and only 30 workers are here and a Supervisor. So, everyone knows everyone. I have been working here for more than a year now. We have men and women both as workers. All of them are poor just like me, but are good people.

It is lunch time now, I walk to get my lunch box, when I hear the supervisor calling me. His name is Mike. "Yes Mike?" I say to him. "Come here fast!" he replies. He is looking  a little tensed. I walk to him and before I could say anything he says, "Your mother called. It's about your father. He is in the Lancia Hospital. Your mother wants you to come there as soon as possible." Listening this, tears fall from my eyes and Mike immediately hugs me and tries to pacify me.

I ran to take my backpack. I am about to leave for the hospital, when Mike stops me and gives me some money. I don't want it, but he is insisting. He says, "Everything will be fine kid and if you need any help, you can always ask." I thank him and leave.

The hospital is about at 20 minutes walking distance. I can take a cab, but I don't want to waste money on that. While I reach the hospital, let me tell you about myself.

My name is Veronica Parker. I am 17 Years old. I am a lesbian. I came out to my parents at the age of 13 and a year later to the world. It was difficult for my parents to accept it initially, but with time they accepted me and love me. I am 5 feet 3 inches tall. My father's name is Sam Parker. He is bed ridden since last 7 years. He is paralyzed. Before that he met an accident, in which he lost one leg and hence he lost his job and couldn't get one. My mother's name is Sandra. She works as a babysitter. I have a little sister named Alex. She is 6 years old. After the accident of my father, all our savings went into his treatment and medicines. We lost our home. I had to leave my school. I started working at the age of 10. During day, I work at the factory and during night I work as a cleaner in a restaurant, who mops the floor, cleans the toilets and washes dishes. We live in a one room kitchen apartment. Mom's salary goes into dad's medicines, rent and Alex's school fees, while with my salary, we do all other things like groceries, daily needs, etc. We can only afford one mobile phone and my mother has it. I don't have any friends and you guys can guess why. I had a girlfriend, but we broke up as she had to move to another place.

I reach the hospital and ask the receptionist about Sam parker. She tells me that he is in room 12. I quickly reach there and see my mother with Alex, talking to my father, who is lying on the bed. I quickly walk to him and hug him. I release the hug and my mother looks at me. She can't control her tears and starts crying, while Alex is little confused. She doesn't know what is happening. For her, it's like every other day. The only difference is our father is lying on bed in the hospital rather than at home.

The doctor comes in and asks us to leave. We are waiting outside. The doctor comes after 15 minutes and says, "I am sorry ladies. I am afraid to say that he will not survive. Maximum 2 days. You can tell your relatives. I told him also the same thing when he asked me to tell him the truth. I am sorry!" he starts walking when my mother stops him and begs him to treat him. The doctor tells us that he cannot do anything. I hug my mother and we both cry.

We go inside the room. There are tears in our eyes, while he is smiling. I open my lunch box and try to feed him. He doesn't want to eat, but he knows that it will be his last chance to eat food from my hands. Alex is looking tired, so my mother has asked me to take her home and do rest and come tomorrow. As the hospital has allowed only one person to stay.

 As the hospital has allowed only one person to stay

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                              Charlotte Taylor

Charlotte's POV

"The show will start in 30 minutes." Says my manager, Cynthia. She has been working for me for last 6-7 months and we are somewhat friends. "You look gorgeous!" she says and I thank her. "Here, take your drink." She hands me a glass of orange juice. "The show is yet to start. You have to wait."

While I have time for the show to start, I can tell you all about myself.

My name is Charlotte Taylor. I am the daughter of Supernova's one of the Wealthiest couples. I am 23 years old. I live in Caster, a city in Supernova. I used to be a full-time model till 3 years back. As now, I am the CEO of Taylor Group. I have to balance my work and modelling. My first love is modelling and I always find time for it. My parents are getting old and my sister is yet to finish her degree. I have done my graduation in marketing and finance. My father wanted me to do it as he wanted me to take over his business one day. My father's name is Arthur Taylor. He is one of the richest persons in Supernova and currently the head of Taylor Group. My mother's name is Sarah Taylor. She used to help my father in their business, but after a time, she felt bore and left it. Now she spends all her time in spending money and staying at home. I have a younger sister named Misha, who is 18 years old and is staying in Yahama City, taking her education. My parents are living in Benetton, a country probably at a distance of 3000 km from Supernova, as we are trying to shift our business headquarters there. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall and a lesbian.

"Charlotte, it's your turn in next 2 minutes. I get up and walk on the stage. I am the stopper for the show. I am wearing this.

I will tell you about myself more later

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I will tell you about myself more later. I have to go out and give my best like always. I walked on the ramp. Everyone praised me. The show was a success. I am done with it. It is 9 p.m. and I have a jet to catch to go back to Caster. I was here only for the show. I reach the airport with Cynthia. Cynthia is my manager, who looks after my modelling assignments. My jet is ready. The captain greets me and the journey starts. It's a one-hour journey. I am listening to music and going through some food magazines.

We reach the airport. My staff is there to pick me up and take me home. I can see some photographers waiting to click my pictures. My security has surrounded me for my protection. The photographers are asking for few pics. I smile at them and stop to give them few pics.

After that I leave in my car. I live in a 4 BHK apartment. There is a housekeeper who lives at home and no one else. So, only two people in my house.

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