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Veronica's POV

I woke up next morning. Prepare some breakfast for my parents. I feed Alex. Last night was difficult, especially with Alex. I was unable to answer her questions. I get ready with Alex and leave for the hospital. It is 9 a.m. and I am at the hospital right now. I am able to see my mother sitting outside the room. I walk to her and hug her.

Her eyes are swollen and red. I can tell that she wept all night and didn't sleep at all. I ask her why she is sitting outside. She says, "Your father's old friends are here. They arrived half an hour ago and are talking to him." "How come I don't know about them?" I ask her. "They are childhood friends. When he got married, he left to Benneton for a year and came back. It was before my marriage with your father. Then the couple shifted to Caster. I had only met them at my wedding. Your father wanted to meet his friend before his.... death!" she said and started crying again. I quickly hugged her.

"Why are you crying mom?" said Alex. "Why is she crying sis?" this time she asked me. Me and my mother both looked at each other. We were unable to tell her. I grabbed my mom's hand, signaling her to tell the little Alex about dad. She deserves to know.

My mother made Alex sit on her lap and said, "Dear Alex, your dad is sick and this time he may not come back with us!" there were tears in her eyes. "Where he is going mom? Can't we go with him?" Alex said innocently. Mom cried and hugged her innocent child. "No kiddo! He is going to god's house and won't be coming back." Mom said. Alex looked at her with confusion for a minute and later realized everything.

She started crying. Seeing her crying I also started crying and then my mother. After we all got calmed. I took out the breakfast and asked my mother to eat it. She ignored first, but then me and Alex both feed her. It's been more than one hour that I am here. Dad is still talking to his friends.

After 5 minutes, a lady in her early fifties, comes out of the room towards my mother and says, "He wants to talk to you. Please come." The lady looks at me and Alex and then moves her hands from our heads to face and walks with my mom inside the room.

After 15 minutes, my mother calls me and Alex. We both walk inside. He looks at us and says, "You both listen to your mother from now on. Don't trouble her and be good girls." Alex starts crying and hugs dad tightly. She doesn't want to leave him. My father who was smiling all the time, now has tears in his eyes. He looks at his friend, a man around his age and then to his wife and says, "Please take care of my daughter." "We will!" they both say in unison.

Suddenly my father has stopped speaking. We cannot see him doing any movements. My mother is yelling his name and I quickly run to call the doctor. The doctor comes and checks him and tells us that he is dead. We three start to cry and are not ready to stop. The lady comes to me and hugs me and Alex. While the man is talking to my mom trying to ease her pain.

Today is the funeral of my father. My mother,Alex and the couple is here. I came to learn that the couple is Mr. ArthurTaylor and Mrs. Sarah Taylor of Taylor group. I didn't know that my father hasa friend who happens to be Supernova's one of the richest people. They havebeen looking after us.

Thefuneral took place peacefully

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Thefuneral took place peacefully. Everyone gave their blessings to us and thenleft. The Taylor couple also left and said that they will be back in 15 days.

It's been more than a week to the funeral. I am sitting with my mother. She wants to tell me something. "You are going to get married to the Taylor's daughter this Sunday. Her name is Charlotte." My mother says bluntly and I am shocked. "What! What are you talking mom?" I ask her. "You will be getting married to her. Your father and Arthur were best friends since childhood. They were very close that they made a promise to marry their firstborn. I also learnt about this few days ago. It was your father's last wish and he wanted to keep his promise. If you loved him then you will marry their daughter." Answered my mother.

I was furious. How could they do this. "Theydidn't come all this time when we were facing all the issues and now, they wantto fulfill the promise!" I said to which my mom replied, "You know how yourfather was! How stubborn he was? He never liked to take favors or help fromanyone. Your father told me that Arthur tried to help us many times, but healways declined. And when he learnt that he is going to die, he told me aboutthem. I never thought that Arthur would keep his promise, as you know he isvery rich. He told me that he would talk to his daughter and come back withher. So please, respect your father's wishes." "Don't cry mom! I will do as yousay. I will marry her." I said and my mom stopped crying.

Charlotte's POV

I was furious at my father, when I learnt about his promise to his friend

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I was furious at my father, when I learnt about his promise to his friend. He told me everything about their friendship and all. And now he wants me to marry a poor girl, after knowing everything about me. My parents have gone to Benneton and will be back in few days. I tell this to Misha and she is very much surprised. She was also furious and said that how could they do this.

My parents are back from Benneton with blessings and they have reached Reegal 2 days before for wedding. Me and my sister will be leaving in a jet to Reegal for my wedding on the day of wedding. Misha has come to Caster and we will be leaving tomorrow for Reegal.

I wake up and ask Maya, my housekeeper to make breakfast. I go to see Misha. I knock on her door, but I guess she is still sleeping. I try to open the door by turning the handle of the door and its open. I walk to her bed. She is lying on her stomach with her hairs all over her face. I remove her hairs. She has a smile on her face. I feel good. I kiss her forehead and walk back to my room.

I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, get fresh and take bath. I come back after taking a bath. I open my closet and put on a short and a tee. I walk to the kitchen. I can see Maya making the breakfast and she says that she needs 5 more minutes to finish it.

I go to Misha's room to wake her up. I enter her room and see that she is not there. She is not even in her balcony. I walk to her bathroom. I knock on the door and say her name. She replies and says she will be out in a couple of minutes. I tell her to come to the living room for breakfast.

Maya has served the breakfast in two plates. She has made bacon, eggs and cheese sandwich, Misha's favorites. I take my plate and sit on the chair, and see Misha coming. She comes to me and hugs me. "Good morning sis! I missed you so much!" Misha says. "Good morning little angel!" I say and give her a kiss on her cheeks. "Sit and have breakfast. It's your favorite." I speak. She looks at the plate on the table and jumps in excitement. She walks to Maya, kisses her and thanks her.

"Have our parents gone mad? How can they ask you to marry?" she speaks. "I guess they have! The only thing I know is that he wants to keep his promise made to his friend." I tell her. "How many times are you going to become a scapegoat of their promises?" She asks to which I reply, "I don't know."

"Have you guys talked? What have you decided?She asks again. "Yes! We have talked and they all agree that I should marryher." I reply. "Thank god I am not their firstborn." She says and I have asmall smile on my face. "Have you met the girl or her family?" Misha enquires. "No.I have only seen her photo and I know that she is 17, even younger than you!" Itell her. Misha keeps her hand on mine and says, "I am always with you sister,no matter what." She kisses me on my cheeks. Her words bring a smile on myface.

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