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Charlotte's POV

"Misha, I want you to meet the Percy's and get the deal done. It is important for you and the company. If you want to be the CEO, you get it done." I said to Misha. "Won't you be there?" asked Misha. "I am not sure Misha. I have to attend a gala with Emma." I answered. "But it is a big deal and it will also help you to decide whether it is a right time for me to become the CEO or not. And to be honest, when you are around, I don't get nervous. I feel confident around you." Said Misha with a puppy face.

"I smiled at her and said, the last time I didn't attend the gala and you sister-in-law didn't talk to me for a weak. It also questions her authority. One day or the other you need to take care of things by yourself, so why not now! The CEO needs to do things on its own. No more discussion! Dismiss!" I said in an authoritative tone and Misha left.

I left the office by 4 and reached the palace. I looked for Emma, but found nowhere. After asking to a maid, she told me that she is getting ready for the event. I took a relaxing bath. After that I took out a dress for the gala and asked couple of maids to help me.

 After that I took out a dress for the gala and asked couple of maids to help me

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I wore this and went out. "That's my princess!" said Emma to which I replied, "Yes! It is!" She walked to me and kissed me on my lips. "Now, let me look at you, my queen!" I said and walked backwards and looked at her.

 "Now, let me look at you, my queen!" I said and walked backwards and looked at her

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"You are looking amazing babe! Like always!" I said. She was looking absolutely stunning. I kissed her on her cheeks and she said, "Oh honey! Thank you so much! Now, let's go. We shouldn't get late."

Emma's POV

We left for the event. The event is mainly about fund raising for the under privileged children to provide them everything. Our guards opened the door and we walked out. We both are protected by the Royal Guards. There are media people to cover the event. "Make way for the Queen and the Princess." Said a guard and I walked with Charlotte with our hands entangled.

Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt, the leaders for this initiative, bowed to us and greeted us. We entered the hall and the event started. The event started with the introductory speech and later on was followed by the inauguration of the facility. Me and Charlotte were asked to cut the ribbon. We went to cut the ribbon and Charlotte said in my ears, which I said to the Hoyt's.

"The Princess wishes to cut the ribbon along with those for whom this facility is made." Announced Mr. Hoyt and everyone cheered and clapped for this gesture. The ribbon was cut. There were few people who wanted to speak on the occasion. Later on, it was followed by a dance. Me and Charlotte were called upon for a dance and joined by few other couples and children.

We both were looking into each other eyes and I was able to see the love for me into Charlotte's eyes. Her smile indicated her happiness with me. After that we were invited for the dinner. For obvious reasons, the food was checked before we could start.

We ate our food and were about to leave when one of my old former ministers called me. "Your Grace! Princess!" he said and bowed to us. "How are you Mr. Quill?" I asked him and gestured him to take a seat. The old man is in his 80's and hardly walks. He said, "I am sorry for the loss of your wife, Princess Veronica! I am sorry I could not attend the funeral. You know; "Thank you Mr. Quill. I know that you weren't well. Your grand-daughter informed me about you and was also present in our grief." I said while interrupting him. I saw my Charlotte and a tear fell from her eyes, which she quickly wiped. After that we left the gala.

After reaching home, Charlotte broke into tears. I quickly hugged her and tried to calm her down. "It's okay baby." I said and kissed on her cheeks. She looked at me, tears falling from her eyes and said, "Last Saturday I spoke with her sister Alex. That poor child was crying while talking, missing her sister."

"I know baby. I spoke with her and her mother. They are now okay. You don't worry. We cannot bring her back, but I know that she is with God now." I said. She hugged me again and I kissed her on her head and caressed her back.

"Why are you crying mom?" We looked around and saw our twin daughters. Yes, we have twins now. We adopted them 2 years back, few months after Veronica's death and named them after her, Vero and Nikki. They both are 3 years old and are really sweet girls. They both are aware that we have adopted them.

"Mom is not crying kids. I was just remembering Princess Veronica." Said Charlotte. They both came forward and Nikki, the naughty one tapped on Charlotte's thighs. This is her way to ask us to pick her up and make her sit on our laps. Charlotte picked her up and made her sit on her lap. Vero looked at me. I smiled at her and made her sit on mine.

"Was she a bad person?" asked Vero. "No sweety! She was a very good person." Said Charlotte. "Then you should not cry. Aunt Misha says that you should have a smile on your face when you remember a good dead person and anger or tears when you remember a bad person." Said Vero.

"Aunt Misha is absolutely correct! Now wipe yourmom's tears and go to bed. Okay." I said. Nikki wiped Charlotte's tears andthey both wished us good night with kisses and left to their room. We bothlooked at them and smiled at lied on the bed.

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