17. Benetton & Emma Miller

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Emma's POV

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Emma's POV

I finished my meeting with business people of Benetton. I sat in my car, accompanied by my security. It is a 30 minutes long journey to the palace. Till the time i get back to the palace, let me tell you about myself.

My name is Emma. Emma Miller. I am 22 years old and the only daughter of the 4th king of Benetton. I have a degree in Administration, Public Speaking and Economics. These I never enjoyed. I am more interested into art. I am a blonde who is 5 feet 7 inches tall. At the age of 14, I came out as a lesbian and was accepted by everyone. I have had few relationships with some minister's daughters and few maids, which never lasted long. I had friends who were the kids of the ministers and some of my father's cousins kids who lived in the palace.

For Decades, the Millers have been ruling Benetton. Benetton was under the rule of Supernova for years and the conditions weren't good. My great grandfather with few others had fought for the freedom of Benetton. And after 30 years of fight, finally freedom was achieved. My great grandfather being the head and face of the fight, was chosen as the first king of the Independent Benetton.

After that the seat and power has been transferred to the eldest child of our family. My grandfather had two children. My dad and his sister. My aunt Sarah was the eldest child of my grandfather and undoubtedly the next queen. The constitution of Benetton doesn't discriminate on the basis of gender, which I am really proud of.

When aunt Sarah said that she is in love with a common man, there was a lot of chaos. My grandfather and his ministers were against it. They all tried hard to make some sense, but failed. After a long struggle, it was concluded that if Sarah marries Arthur, she would lose all her rights. That woman was not affected by this because she loved her husband.

After this there was only one option. My father was announced as the crown Prince. Though he was in oppose of it as he loved his elder sister and had always seen her as the next queen of Benetton. Months later he was married to one of the minister's daughters and after the death of his father, he was declared the king.

A year later I was born, but the kingdom was not happy. Sarah had given birth to a girl and my father also. They feared due to the promise taken by my grandfather that his children's firstborn would be married. Both being the girls, it was difficult.

Years went by, I was getting educated. I learnt about Benetton. Benetton is widely spread around 2459 Km square. It was little small before getting independence from Supernova, but few other small cities had fought together for freedom and wanted to be a part of Benetton. For the welfare of Benetton, it was divided into 7 parts, having 7 governors under the rule of one King or Queen. The 7 governors were given the responsibility to take care of their parts. During the reign of my grandfather, Benetton's education was not that much developed, due to which everyone had to go to Supernova or other countries for education. My grandfather considered this as a biggest problem and decided to develop it. Till my father, everyone was moving out of Benetton for education. I got my entire education in Benetton, because by that time it had been developed good and is still developing.

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