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Veronica's POV

We entered the school. It was huge and beautiful. I just stood there and was admiring the school, when my wife held my hand and walked me towards Misha and Sarah. I kind of liked that when Charlotte held my hand. I was smiling inside.

Misha pointed towards two empty chairs and asked us to sit there. We both went and sit. After 5 minutes, the ceremony started. I didn't know any of this, so I looked at my wife and said, "Can you please explain me what all is going to happen?" she looked at me in confusion and then said okay.

"There are some people sitting on the chairs in the stage. They are the Dean, Principal and some very old teachers." Said Charlotte. After few minutes a teacher came and started talking in high level English which I didn't understand. "The teacher thanked all of us for coming and has congratulated all the students who are graduating today. She has invited the principal to say few words." Said Charlotte.

I was really enjoying it. Charlotte was giving me all the details. After that, the teacher started calling students names and they were given certificates by the principal. Then we heard the name, Misha Arthur Taylor. Listening to it, Charlotte jumped from her seat and cheered for her sister. That was an emotional moment for me. I remembered my time with Alex. I had never seen Charlotte happy with me. All the students were given certificates and the ceremony was over. The students were enjoying.

After that I saw Misha and Sarah with a girl

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After that I saw Misha and Sarah with a girl. I wasn't able to see the girl as she had her back in front of me, but I could tell that she was sexy. She had a perfect back. Misha and Sarah both bowed to the girl and I was shocked. The Taylor's were one of the richest people in Supernova and they were bowing to someone. That girl must be very rich and powerful.

The mysterious girl hugged Sarah and Misha and she kissed Misha on her forehead. I was distracted when someone just bumped me. It was a boy. He apologized to me and left. I looked over towards Misha. The girl was gone. I tried to find her, but couldn't.

Charlotte gestured me to go towards Misha and Sarah. We both walked towards them. Charlotte hugged her sister and I congratulated her. We were there when Charlotte excused herself. Misha introduced me to her friends and boyfriend. Her boyfriend's name was Jackson. He was in Misha's school and graduated with her. We all were talking and my eyes fell on my wife. She was talking to that mysterious girl. They both hugged each other and then walked out of the school together.

I thought that she must be some family friend of the Taylor's. With everything done, we all left the school and headed towards home. Sarah told me that Charlotte will be back by the evening as some business-related work came up and she had to leave.

We reached home, ate lunch and then I fell asleep. I woke up in the evening at around 6. I got fresh and walked out of the room. My wife was nowhere. I went in the garage to see her car, it wasn't there. Sarah saw me looking for Charlotte and said, "Veronica, child, I guess you are looking for your wife. She called and said that she is busy. I told her to get the work done even if she has to stay at the night there. We need to get this deal done. It is very important for our business. Please don't be mad at her. It was me who asked her." I said OKAY and was relaxed after learning that it is some business deal. All different thoughts were coming to my mind about my wife and that girl.

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