18. All Hail Queen Emma

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Charlotte's POV

I was with Emma, when one of her ministers came and told us that all the arrangements are done for the coronation and the wedding. Yes, wedding. As I am married to Veronica and also to Emma, they both will also have to get married and then we all three will marry. After the wedding only, Emma can take on her throne as per the laws.

"Does she know about it?" asked Emma. "No." I answered. "Why haven't you told her?" Said Emma. "All this has come as a shock to her and she is just a child. When she learnt about our marriage, she almost fainted. I don't know what will happen to her this time. I cannot tell her this. I don't have the courage to break her heart again." I said. "I understand your concern." She said while giving a sympathetic look to me. She came close to me, moved my hairs away from my face and kissed on my cheeks. She pulled me closer to her, her hands on my waist. She kissed me deeply and said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright. You don't take any stress. Go and meet your parents and give them a formal invitation for tomorrow. I have called Misha. She is also coming."

"Misha is also coming?" I said. "Baby. It's coronation and wedding. Every family member must be present. What about Veronica's mother and sister? Have you informed them and invited for the same?" said Emma. I don't know how can she do all this so easily. "Yeah! I have spoken to Sandra. Alex has got typhoid. It will take few days for her to recover. So, they won't be here. But she has congratulated you and given her blessings." I answered her. "Okay. You go and meet your parents. I have to go and see my 12 pm now." Emma said and kissed me and left for her appointment.

I went to see Veronica. I told her that I am going to meet my parents and will be back in some time. She was quiet and said nothing, but I can tell that she was scared to be alone with Emma and her staff. She thinks that Emma will kill her or do something horrible to her. I left after few minutes to meet my parents and Veronica was all alone.

Veronica's POV

I woke up early next morning. I got fresh and went out of the room. The entire palace was decorated. They did all this in one day. I was amazed. I was able to see lot of people and the staff was busy in taking them somewhere.

"There you are!" said Charlotte and took me to a room. "Get her ready!" she said in a demanding voice. "What for? What is it?" I asked. "It's coronation and our wedding. You will be married to Emma and then we 3 will get married. As per the law, the queen or the king needs to be married. I will see you at our wedding." She said in a hurry and left.

I was utterly shocked after listening this. Idon't know what to say. I was completely devastated. 2 girls were there andthey got me ready.

I was looking like this.

I was in my room, when Arthur came and took me to the wedding

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I was in my room, when Arthur came and took me to the wedding. He walked me down the aisle, something which I wanted my father to do that.

Emma was already there in a white dress with asmile on her face, accompanied by her uncle.

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