16. Why?

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Charlotte's POV

"It's been more than an hour Emma. I am not feeling good about it. Give me the key of that room." I said to Emma. "You sure?" she asked. "No. I am not, but I can't stay like that. It is because of me." I answered her. She came close to me, touched my cheeks and said, "Don't blame yourself babe, just explain her everything patiently, she will listen to you." Suddenly we felt a vibration. It was her smartwatch, reminding her of an appointment. "I am so sorry honey, to leave you alone right now, but I have to attend this. I will be with you soon." Emma said this and gave me a kiss on my lips and left. Before leaving she asked one of the maids to give me the keys.

I went to the door of the room. I thought of knocking on her door. I did but she didn't respond. I inserted the key and opened the door. I saw Veronica sitting on the floor in a corner. Her head was on her knees and I could see her clothes wet. She has been crying all the time. I felt very bad. I called her name and she looked up and stood. Her eyes were red and tears were falling from her eyes.

She came close to me and started hitting me all over. I tried to stop her by holding her hands, but she kept hitting me and finally I held both her hands and she started crying loudly and I just hugged her for some time and kept saying sorry to her.

Finally, she broke the hug and said, "Why? Why did you marry me when you were already married? Why you cheated on me, my mom? I thought that I am not worthy of you all the time, but the case was different. You were never into me. Do your parents know about it and your first wife? What have you told her about me that she was okay with it? Tell me.! She said the last part loudly.

"Calm down Veronica! Please calm down! Please sit down and I will tell you everything. Please sit first." I said her. "I am sitting. Now tell me." She said.

"It all started six years back. I was 17 and Emma was 16. Me and Emma are cousins. She is the daughter of my mom's younger brother. From decades my mother's family have been ruling over Benetton. My mother was the crowned princess and the would-be queen as she was the eldest." I said and she looked at me in shock. "So, you are a royal?" She asked to which I answered yes. Her expression changed again. I continued, "Decades back, the education was not great in Benetton, so my mom and uncle went abroad for education. My mom went to Reegal and uncle to Canberra. In Reegal, mom met dad. They both fell in love. My parents and your father were best friends. My mother had not revealed about her royalty to dad and your father."

"Okay. So, our parents are friends from college days." Said Veronica. "No. Our fathers are childhood friends. My mother became friend during college and regarding your mother, I don't know." I said.

"My father was an ambitious man. He always wanted to do something big. One day, he proposed my mom and she revealed her identity. My dad was startled and had lost hope to marry my mom in this lifetime. My father was an orphan just like yours. Dad was very upset, but my mother convinced him that they will get married. She asked him to come to Benetton with her and ask her hand for marriage." I said.

"Brave Woman!" said Veronica. Slowly she was taking interest in all this and asked me to continue. "When they told my grandparents about it, everyone criticized it. All the ministers, my grandfather, his brothers, all were against it. My grandfather told my mom the consequences of what will happen if she marries dad. But she was determined. My grandfather tried to buy my dad, but dad loved my mom and not her money. Grandfather tried everything to do them apart, but failed ultimately." I said.

"What happened then?" asked Veronica. "My grandfather and his ministers came to a decision. My grandfather called all the ministers, my parents, uncle and gave the decision. He said them that my mother will lose all the royal rights. She won't be the queen. My mother knew that this would happen and she was okay with it. But my uncle wasn't. As he loved his sister very much. My grandfather told them that they can marry, but she will not be getting part of the property, nor she would claim of it. He also said that her firstborn will marry her brother's firstborn and asked them to promise about it." I said.

"A month later they married in Caster. Few months later, the news came that grandfather is not keeping well and may die soon. My parents went to Benetton. My grandfather reminded his children of the promise and asked them to fulfill it. My grandfather passed away and my uncle was made the king who was married to a girl from a wealthy family. My parents came back to Caster and a year later I was born. When I was about to be a year old, news came that my uncle's wife gave birth to a daughter. All were sad because both were girls and according to grandfather's wish, his children's firstborn will be married to each other." I said and Veronica was listening to me very carefully.

"Years passed by and my parent's business was running all over the world. The dream that he had seen was fulfilled. I had started my modelling career and was good in it. A news came that my uncle had not been keeping well after his wife's demise and he may not last for long. We went to see him. He was very week. I saw Emma and she was very upset. We had not been close as she was in Benetton and I was in Caster. I was 17 at that time. My uncle called all of us and his ministers one last time. There he announced Emma as his successor and the crowned princess of Benetton. I still remember that day, though she was crowned as his successor, she was not happy, because she knew that her father is dying. He also announced that me and Emma will be getting married the next day. We both were in shock and were unaware about it. But we respected our grandfather's decision and decided to make the King happy before he dies." I said.

"So, you both married the next day and the king died?" asked Veronica. "Yes. We lived in Benetton together for about an year, where I had to travel all over the abroad for modelling assignments. Emma didn't accompany me as her responsibilities were increased. She was not coronated as queen as she didn't come of age. In that 1 year we spent together, we didn't come close, but learnt about each other. We both were busy in our work. Our marriage was kept secret as I had to make my modelling career. My father's health was getting deteriorated and I stepped up to take care of his business, for which I had to move back to Supernova." I said.

"So, you both came to Caster?" asked Veronica. To which I answered, "No! Emma didn't come with me. She had the responsibilities of Benetton, which she couldn't fulfill by living away from Benetton. So, I came alone. As we weren't that close, I used to go to Benetton once in a month. But after spending a lot of time away from each other, we realized that we both miss each other. This was the first time I realized what is love. Long distance relation helped us in realizing our love for each other. I increased my frequency of visiting her from once a month to twice a month, then once a week and then twice a week. We used to wait to meet each other and spend time together. But this could not be continued for long. Our business was expanding and needed time. We came up with a solution of shifting our headquarters into Benetton. Due to royal duties, Emma can never leave Benetton, but I could live in Benetton."

"When everything was going nice, then why you cheated on me and my parents and married me." Said Veronica. "Nobody cheated on you Vero. Before my parents could tell your father about it, he died. But your mom was aware of it. She knew it and after her approval only it happened. I was not happy at all. I felt that I have been born just to fulfill the promises my parents made. In case of Emma, she was very angry when she learnt about it. But my father pleaded her and she finally agreed. After we got married, I never wanted to be with you because my heart was for only Emma. This is the reason, I always tried to find ways to be away from you. But then you said that you wanted a divorce and I realized that I am doing wrong with you. When I told this to Emma, she explained me that I was at fault. She is your wife and she will expect love from you. And rest you know." I said.

"My mother knew this all the time? She didn't even tell me. Then why now? Why are you telling me this now? Are you going to divorce me and leave me?" asked Veronica. She had tears in her eyes. She felt betrayed by her mother.

"Taylor Group's headquarters has been shifted toBenetton. And Emma had said that she won't be becoming queen until I am withher. Her kingdom can't be empty for a long time. Her ministers and people mayfeel that she is week, which I can't let happen. Your mother knew that youwon't agree with this, so she decided to keep it secret. She only meant goodfor you. It wasn't like that she wanted to get rid of you." I explained her.

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