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Charlotte's POV

It's 7.30 p.m. and I am at the airport of Caster with Cynthia. It was a busy week as I had three shows to perform. All of them were good. "I want to meet your new wife." Said Cynthia suddenly startling me. "Why?" I asked. "So that we would get to know each other as you didn't invite me to your wedding." She answered.

Before I could say anything to her, she sat in my car. We reached my apartment in half an hour. Before I could get out of the car and take out the keys to open the door, Cynthia was already at the door and had rang the bell. Damn she is so excited to meet Veronica. I got out and opened the door with my key, right in front of Veronica which got her scared.

 I got out and opened the door with my key, right in front of Veronica which got her scared

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"I am sorry!" I apologized. "I didn't know you were going to open." I said. "I wouldn't, if you wouldn't have rung the doorbell." She said and looked at Cynthia. "Oh! She is Cynthia. And Cynthia, she is Veronica." I said. They both gave a smile to each other.

"It is so nice to meet you Mrs. Taylor! I have heard a lot about you!" said Cynthia and moved her hand to shake with Veronica. Veronica shook her hand and said, "I doubt that!" The look on Cynthia's face changed. "But whatever you have heard, I would like to know. Can you please tell me?" said Veronica. "That...uh..you... you are beautiful." Cynthia said. For the first time she was short of words and that too because of a 17 years old girl. Me and Veronica both had a smile on our faces.

"It's okay. I know you haven't heard anything about me other than my name. As there is nothing much about me. Please come. Take a seat." Said Veronica. We all sat on the sofa. A few minutes later, Maya came with water. I drank it and said while getting up, "I will change and get back. You two talk."

Veronica's POV

I was about to open the door, when it opened itself. I got scared. A moment later I saw my wife with a chubby girl around her age or may be older than her. Like always she looked gorgeous. I was happy to see her after a long time. She just mesmerizes me.

I just feel happy to have such a good-looking wife

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I just feel happy to have such a good-looking wife. She left to her room, while I was sitting with Cynthia. "So, you are her friend?" I asked to which she replied, "Yes! And I am also the one who manages her shows." "Shows? Which shows?" I asked. "You know that she is model right. The brand for which she walks and all the related stuff. We call it as a show." She said. Okay. So, she is a model. Apart from knowing that her parents are rich, I know nothing about her, but still I said confidently, "Of-course! I know."

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