12. Emotions

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Charlotte's POV

I slept early last night, as I was tired due to playing with Alex. I woke up in the morning by the sound of my mobile. I wanted to check it but was unable to as Alex was all over me. I carefully moved her aside so that she doesn't wake up. I checked my mobile. I had a message from Cynthia. She asked me when I was coming back to Caster. I messaged her that I will talk to her later. I had completely forgotten to tell her about my plans. I checked the time, it was 8 a.m.

I got up from the bed. Veronica and her mother weren't there. I went to the tiny bathroom. I was suffocating in it. It took me around half an hour to clean my system. I came out and saw Veronica and her mother. Veronica was moving her hand very gently on her litter sister's face and that showed her love for Alex. That made me remembered doing the same thing to Misha when we were kids.

I didn't want to disturb the sisters. So, I walked slowly towards Sandra who was watching her children. She had tears in her eyes. I wiped her tears and put my hand around her shoulders. I saw Veronica slowly calling Alex's name and waking her up. Alex groaned and slept again. Veronica slowly started tickling Alex and making her laugh. Seeing this we all laughed and sisters attention shifted on us.

"Why you do this Vero?" Alex said, still rubbing her eyes. "So that you won't get late for your school." Said Veronica. "Don't repeat it again. One day of going late to school and then you will make it a habit and the school will expel you and you will have to sit at home and you will be uneducated like me. I know all this. But today is Sunday and there is no school" said Alex and got out of the bed. She gave me a smile and wished me good morning.

I looked at Veronica. I cleared my throat and said, "Good morning, Veronica. When did you came last night?" She just replied to my good morning and didn't answer my question. She went towards Sandra and started helping her, while Alex was out looking around. I walked to her and said, "You shouldn't have talked to your sister like that. You know she loves you very much."

"I know. She used to say that to me every day while waking me up and I used to get angry sometimes. But now, I miss her saying that. I am sad because she does not stay with us." She said and got tears in her eyes. I got on my knees and hugged her immediately. "Hey princess! You shouldn't cry like this. If your mother and sister see you like this, they will be worried and will also cry. Do you want that?" I said trying to stop her from crying. Alex stopped crying and said, "Can I ask you something Charlotte?" I pricked her nose and said, "You can ask me anything my darling princess!" hearing this she blushed and got a smile.

"Will you ask mom if we all can go out today?" She said cutely. "I will, but you tell me why won't you ask her?" I said. "If I will ask her, she will say no to me." She said to which I said, "And she will say yes to me? Why do you think that?" "She will not say NO to you." she answered. "Why?" I asked curiously. "Because you are Veronica's wife, mom's daughter-in-law, that makes you important more than me and sissy. Do you understand now?" she replied. "Yes mam!" I said and we both walked inside.

Veronica's POV

I woke up in the morning. My mother was already awake. I asked her to walk with me to the nearby garden. We reached the garden and sat on a bench. I looked at her and said, "Mom! I am taking divorce with Charlotte." "What!" she asked in a shock. "Yes mom! She doesn't like me. I am no match to her. She doesn't stay with me. She is all the time out of Caster. She is just trying to avoid me. I have told her that." I said.

"Are you stupid Veronica? You know who she is? She is a super model and the CEO of the Taylor Group. She has to travel for her business, for modelling. Besides, they are shifting their business to Benetton. She is doing all this and this is the reason she is out of Caster and not because she is trying to avoid you. Asking her for divorce, you are just making it difficult for her. She needs your support." Said my mom angrily.

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