3. WEDDING AND................

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Veronica's POV

Today is my wedding. My bride is yet to come. Her parents had arrived a couple of days earlier. They had a talk with my mother and after talking to them, I found my mother a little upset. I tried to ask her, but she said that it's just wedding stress. Charlotte is going to come directly to the venue with her sister. I haven't seen her. So, I guess that I will get to see her directly in the wedding.

She is 6 years older to me, even her younger sister is older to me. I will be moving to Caster with her. My mom and sister will be staying here in Reegal only. The Taylor's have offered her help. She said no to them as she was of the opinion that her husband never took help from them, then how can she take. I will be missing them, especially my sister. I love her like a mother. I used to take her care when mom wasn't around. I don't know how I am going to live without them.

The wedding is at 1 p.m. Not many people are invited. Few of our relatives, neighbors and my parent's friends will be there. Mrs. Taylor has got the wedding dress for me.

We are ready to leave for the venue. The Taylor's have arranged a limo for me, my mom and Alex. They have already left for the venue. We reach the venue. 5 minutes before, the driver called and informed them that we will be reaching in 5 minutes.

The driver opens the door for me. I hold my mother's arm as she will be walking me down the isle. We are walking, Alex is beside me and she is all smiling. I can see people gathered. As close I reach the stage, I can see a beautiful woman standing in a white gown waiting for me.

 As close I reach the stage, I can see a beautiful woman standing in a white gown waiting for me

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I haven't seen such a beautiful woman in my life. She is very pretty and if I have to compare myself with her, I stand nowhere. She is with her family. They all give a smile to me.

Charlotte's POV

"Hey sis! Be fast. Mom has called me 3 times already. We need to leave." I can hear Misha saying to me. I get out of my room. We both sit in a car and leave for the airport, where my personal aircraft is ready to take us to Reegal.

We reach the airport. The crew greets us and we enter the jet. It is 1 hour journey and it is already 10 a.m. It will be 11 a.m. when we reach Reegal airport and then around half an hour to the venue. Then I will have to get ready also. I don't know what my mother has got for me to wear in a wedding.

We have reached the airport. I can see my father there waiting for us. Misha ran very fast and jumped on him. Dad disbalanced and was supported by his security team. I am unable to control my laugh. I walk to him and he gives me a smile, but I ignore it and walk to the car.

"So, how have you been Misha?" asks my dad. "Good dad, but you are getting weak day by day. You were unable to balance yourself when I jumped on you" she says to him and chuckles. He also laughs. We have reached the venue. I can see my mom coming. Misha hugs her and they both do some mother-daughter talk. "Go to that room and get ready. You guys are very late." Mom says and I leave to the room.

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