S2 | C6 | Tobi reveals truth

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Tobi slammed his hand against the wall, locking you in place to ensure you wouldn't escape, as he looked intently into your eyes indifferently.

"You know that I'll win against you even if you try to escape, so how about a little deal instead?

"....." you frowned deeply, knowing that he does have the advantage even though you've trained with Gaara. He is a full-blooded Uchiha who has been a ninja all his life—even an Akatsuki, about Kakashi's level. So there was no way you could come against him now. Underestimating him was not an option at this point, the only advantage you know is the fact that you watched the series.

"What is it?" You finally managed. "And also...please remove your arms off me...it's uncomfortable being pinned to the wall..."

"Oops, sorry," he apologized with his playful voice, almost baffling you at how easily he was able to switch between both voices. "...didn't mean to startle a guest, now," he lifted his arm to the bed, "...how about you sit comfortably there and let's chat like friends, okay?"

"....okay," you murmured softly, began to make your way on the bed obediently, before sitting down rigidly, seeing him watch your every move.

"Now," he clasped his hands together. "Before that lady comes back here to pick you up, let's catch up on history, remember I told you when I last visited you that I'd train your Sharingan?"

"Uh, yes...?" You replied hesitantly, wondering where he was heading towards.

"Listen," his voice deepened. "I already know everything."

You raised a brow with a question mark hanging over your head. "...know everything? About me? About this world?"

"Just like how your precious daughter said of how this is your second round here, I've also gone through it, and this is the third time back."

"HUH?!" You quirked a brow. "You mean...that you already know everything that's gonna happen? The ninja war? Your defeat? About Kayuga and Madara? The whole plan of project Tsuki-no-me and how you were merely a puppet?"

He hummed with a nod of agreement, very casual with arms crossed.

"T-Then are you planning to change to plot story?"

"No, not at all," he spoke calmly with an eye closed. "...I have no intention of changing the story that the author came up with, and thanks to your daughter, I enjoyed the Naruto series on a magical rectangular device from your world."

"Wait...what?!" You gasped. "You, a mere character was able to go in my world because of my daughter...to watch the Naruto series?"


Your jaw remained hinged gaped. Then what's your plan now—?"

"No worries, won't harm you nor your daughter," he spoke calmly. "Since she did give me such a great insight on what this fake world made up by another human being is like outside of this world...in return, I'll give you an advice, no, a command, if you will."

"What is it...?"

"You realize that you're not a part of this world, am I wrong?"

"...so?" You asked carefully.

"You must refrain from ruining the plot story from this point on, which means..." he leaned closer with hands clasped together at the tip of every finger, looking intently at you, "...you mustn't have any association with anymore characters from this world from this point on."

You sat frozen. "...what?"

"You heard me," he spoke calmly, placing his arms behind his head. "You're not a part of this story, so I'll give you this simple warning, you must get out of this mess before you cause anymore ripple damage effect on this world."

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