My Beloved

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***Gaara's POV*** Also 3rd POV***

The next day... Gaara woke up before the sun rose, walked down the hallway of his house. Temari, Kankuro and (y/n) are still sleeping. He passed by (y/n)'s bedroom and slowly opens the door. Seeing (y/n) sounded asleep. He walked towards her without a sound.

"I'll try my best to finish my duty," Gaara said as he touches (y/n) soft hands.

He slowly takes (y/n)'s left hand and kisses it. He places it back and went to her balcony and disappeared slowly into grains of sand.

Gaara lands in front of the Kazekage office building. Two guards are watching over.

"Good morning, Lord Kazekage," one of the guards said.

"We're glad you're back," the other said.

Gaara nodded.

"If you see a girl with (h/c), wearing a headband on top of her, tell her to meet me in my office," Gaara said. –(h/c)- Your Hair Colour.

"Of course," One of them said.

Gaara went inside, seeing not much people around. He went to his office, seeing stacks of paper work on his desk. He led out a sigh and sat on his chair, and started working.

One and a half hour later...

"I have to make a request to the Hokage about (y/n)," Gaara said to himself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Gaara said.

"Lord Kazekage, we have some daily reports on the village," Baki said.

"What is it?" Gaara asked.

"We have interrogated every member of the croup and we haven't found any suspicion on any of them," he replied.

"I heard that there's a meeting later," Gaara said.

"Yes, actually, they told me to inform you that they've decided to do it now," he said.

"Why have they re-scheduled it?" Gaara asked.

"Sorry, sir, but I have no other information about that," he replied.

"I'll be there," Gaara said.

After going to the meeting....

"Lord Kazekage, we're glad you're back," one of the chief members said.

"What are we discussing about?" Gaara asked.

"About the girl we heard about, that saved you," one of them replied.

"What is the issue here?" Gaara asked.

"We need information about her skills and abilities and where she came from," one of them replied.

"Why so?" Gaara asked.

"Kankuro requested a headband and he told us is for a new member of the village, I assume it's this young lady who saved you," one of them replied. "So we require basic information about her,"

"Is there anything you want with her?" Gaara asked.

They all looked at each other, and finally one of them spoke.

Love at first sight - Gaara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now