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  (Name)'s POV
"What is your plan?" Lee asked.
"Well, Lee, it's pretty obvious we need to get rid of that barrier," Gai-Sensei replied.
"And how do we do that?" Tenten asked.
"Before we even think about breaking through, we should know what kind of barrier it is," Sakura said.
"That's right, so, figure out the type of barrier that's step one right, Kakashi?" Gai-sensei said.
"What do you think?" Lady Chiyo asked.
"I-I think it's the five seal barrier," I said.
"Hmm...I agree with you," Lady Chiyo said
"Five seal barrier?" Naruto asked.
"It's a strong layer of protection, which five tags are written forbidden on them, are fastened around the area that's being guard," Kakashi said.

"One forbidden tag is in front of us, four of them are in different locations," I said.
"That's right," Kakashi said, as he looks at me.
"Can't we just peel them off?" Gai-Sensei asked.
"It's not that easy, the tags are in five different places, but they have to be taken down at the exact same moment," Kakashi replied.
"So we'd have to remove them simultaneously?" Sakura asked.
"Right, the tags won't budge unless they're removed simultaneously, it's a tall order, that's only one tag," Kakashi said as he points at the tag in the middle of the big boulder.
"Which means there's four more out there," Gai-Sensei said.
"Alright, let's do it, how do we figure out where the other tags are?" Naruto asked.
"Neji," Kakashi said as he faces him.
"I understand," Neji said as he makes a hand sign.
"BYAKUGAN!" he said.
"I found them,"
"Awesome, Neji! Point them out!" Naruto said.
"One is on a boulder, 500 meters northeast of us,"
"The second one is on a tree trunk beside a riverbank, 300 meters southeast,"
"The third, you'll find 650 meters northwest on a cliff,"
"And the last one is in the woods, less than 800 meters to the southwest, that's four," he continued.
"If that's the case, each one of them is pretty far apart, how will we signal each other?" Sakura asked.
"I think I can handle that, we should just be in range with these, their wireless radios," Gai-Sensei said as he takes something out of his backpack.
"Woah, that's amazing!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Good thinking," Kakashi said.
"Yes," Lady Chiyo said.
Gai-sensei made a thumbs up.
"Okay, so we'll in constant communication and Neji lead us to the tags,"

Akatsuki's POV
"Sasori, Deidara, take care of our little friends outside," Pein said.
"I have a feeling, you'd say that," Deidara said.
"But I want the jinchuuriki alive," Pein said.
"Include that girl I was talking about,"
"What does she look like?" Sasori asked.
"You'll know when you see her, one of you will take her to me, I have some business I need to take care of," Pein said.
"The rest of you are dismissed," he continued.
The rest disappeared except for Itachi.
"Understood," Sasori said.
"Itachi, this nine tail jinchuuriki, what is he like?"
"Go on, tell him," Pein said.
"He's the one who burst in and barks first," Itachi replied.
"What do you mean?" Sasori asked.
"Doesn't he have any other characteristics other than barking?" Deidara asked.
Itachi disappeared.

"Huh, guess not,"
"I'll leave the rest to you two," Pein said.
"Yeah," Deidara said.
"I'll be waiting on your report," he said and disappeared.

(Name)'s POV
"Wait! Before you go, I just want to, uh, warn you about what you're about to encounter, even though I know you can do it," I said.
"What is it?" Lee asked.
"Once the barrier has been peeled, you'll face off an opponent,"
"What kind of opponent? Tenten asked.
"It will be the exact copy of yourselves, it will look like you, fight like you and everything,"
"How do we defeat our copy?" Neji asked.
"The strength you wield at the very moment you peel the tag, is how strong your opponent will be, so you'll have to be better than what you currently are, pretty much," I said.
"How do you know all this?" Lee asked.
"She has a Jutsu that can tell the future," Lady Chiyo said.
"Cool! Can you tell me my future?" Lee asked.
"Sorry, but uh, I can't I can only tell you unless it's necessary, such as this one," I said.
"That's okay, I know that my future will be great anyways," he said with a thumbs up.
"Thank you, (name)-Chan, I owe you one," Lee said as he winked at me, still having his thumbs up.
"Okay, let's head out!" Gai-Sensei said and left.
Kakashi walked upwards and reached the tag.
"The moment the barrier is gone, Sakura will destroy the barrier,"
Sakura went back a few meters and made a ready position.
Kakashi removed the tag.
"Now, Sakura!" Kakashi shouted.
"Right!" Sakura shouted as she came running towards the builder and punched it.
The boulder broke into pieces with just one punch, she's amazingly strong, I wish I could do that. Kakashi made a signal and I we all went inside, I followed.
"We're too late," Kakashi said.
Gaara is lying on the ground, Deidara sitting on his chest. GOSH, I WANT TO KILL HIM SO BADLY!
Suddenly, Naruto raged and said," I'LL KILL THE BOTH OF YOU!"
That's my Naruto, I wished I had the guts to do that, but after all, I'm in the ninja world, I have to be cautious.
"The one who bursts and starts barking, that would be him, then," Sasori said.
"Sasori, my man, I think you're correct," Deidara said.
"We also have to find this girl, Pein wanted us to capture,"
"Well, so much for that mystery, hmm, this kid is the jinchuuriki, he's the first one who burst in and barks first alright, seriously, Itachi was right on the money, huh?" Deidara said.
"GAARA! What are you doing just lying there? Get up! GAARA! Answer me, what are you deaf? Come on knock it off already!" Naruto shouted.
"Enough already, Naruto!" Kakashi shouted.
"You're friends' right, and you are too, he's been dead for a while now," Deidara said as he slaps Gaara's cheek,
This is making me sick, when I watched the episode it made me cry a bit, but this time it's happening all over again, worst of all, it's happening right in front of me!
"Well," Sasori said.
"Hmm, Oh yeah, that's him alright," Deidara said.
"GIVE HIM BACK, GIVE GAARA BACK!" Naruto shouts as he runs.
Luckily, Kakashi stopped him.
"Charging without thinking and we're done for," Kakashi said.
Sasori looks at Deidara.
"What? Is there something on your mind, Sasori, my man?" Deidara asked.
"I'll hold on to him, it seems that the jinchuuriki will stop at nothing to get him back," Sasori said.
"Hmm, yeah, that's putting it lightly," Deidara said.
"Alright, so I think the one on the left is the one who kidnapped the Lord Kazekage," Kakashi said.
"Which means this one is the puppet master who wounded Kankuro so badly,"
"Her grandson, Sasori, huh?"
"Well, my man, I doubt you'll want to hear this but I'll just go ahead and say it anyway, I think I'll take care of the jinchuuriki," Deidara said.
"Don't push your luck, Deidara," Sasori said.
"An artist must put an ever great stimulation, rumors has it that the nine tails jinchuuriki is pretty powerful, a canvas truly worthy of my artistry," Deidara said.
"What? Art is a worth of beauty, art is eternal beauty," Sasori said.
"As a fellow artist, I respect your point of view, an artist fleeting, a flashing beauty brightly and then vanishing in a heartbeat," Deidara said.
"What did you say?" Sasori said.
"I-I don't get it, what's with them?" Sakura asked.
"Apparently, Deidara, one of us doesn't understand what true art is," Sasori said.
"You lousy rotten!" Naruto shouted.
"Eternal beauty is what constitutes real art!" Sasori shouted.
"Don't be absurd, true art only lasts for a moment," Deidara said.
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Naruto shouts as he opens his scroll and releases a big Shuriken and aimed at Sasori.
However, he blocked it.
"Are you trying to make me angry?" Sasori asks as he faces Deidara.
"Woah, easy, I told you I didn't want to say it didn't I?" Deidara said.
"Give me a break will ya'?
"I don't have to remind you what happens when I get angry, do I?"
"Why don't you explain it again, Deidara?" Sasori asked.
This is getting intense, what am I supposed to do when the battle begins? I definitely don't want to fight with Sasori, so I can't stay with Sakura and Lady Chiyo, so I guess I have to go with Kakashi and Naruto or hide somewhere maybe...Oh gosh, what should I do? I have to make a decision before it's too late, I think I should leave...cause...I don't have much of a choice here.
"Hmpf," Deidara stood up.
"Only one thing and one thing only," Deidara said as he looks at his hand.
"The explosion itself," Deidara said as he makes a hand sign.
Smoke appeared in the air, it must be Deidara's bird, it landed and picked up Gaara.
"He's not even in the same lead compared to your puppet show!" Deidara said.
Sasori used his 'robotic' tail or somewhat puppet tail to get Deidara but failed as Deidara went on his bird.
"See you around, my man," Deidara said.
Oh no! This is the part where Deidara leaves, I have to save, Gaara! But even though, I can't bring him back to life, only Lady Chiyo can... I have to find the right time to make a move...
"Now, which one of you is the future teller?" Deidara asked.
"The one with the pink hair or you!" Deidara said as he points at me.
How does he know about that? I never met him yet and maybe he knows that I'm from another world but how? What do I do??  

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