Anbu partner!

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      I thought about the offer Danzo told me about, I just a have a feeling that he's up to something like there's something behind his 'offer'. So I thought this through and I did not answer him for a week, I know it's a long time because I wanted to pretend as if he never talked to me about it but it was sticking to me like a glue. This was more of an adventure to me than I would ever imagine, I thought going up on a hill was an adventure but this was off the chart, one minute I was watching Naruto Shippuden, then next minute I ended up IN the world of Naruto Shippuden.

I want to retrace my steps on how I ended up here maybe there's a clue. Okay so the first thing I did was that I watched the new Naruto episode then I saw a bright light but it somehow disappeared, then I watched the entire series in dub to change it up then something went bright and it was that mirror that I accidentally got scratched by and it went so bright... Then I ended up in Suna. Hmm... Mirror.... that's about it, was there a portal or something that somehow opened? Did I say something that made it open? It's been a long time since all that happened but I still couldn't forget...

I've been practicing some of my Medical Ninjutsu the past week and I think I have improved. I went to the Hokage's office because she called me in to talk to me about something. I knocked the door twice before I entered. To my surprise, Danzo was standing beside her. Great.

"[y/n], Danzo told me that he offered you to be an Anbu of this village," Lady Tsunade spoke.

I nodded as I eyed Danzo. He blinked once before I turned back to her. "Since you're more of a resident of the Sand, you are more welcomed to be a part of this village as well," she said as she held a new shiny leaf village headband.

"A part of this village?" I asked.

She nodded. "Since you'll be staying here, I'd like you to wear the leaf headband, if you do so accept Danzo's offer then you will serve under his command."

She gestured me to come forward as she handed me the headband. I took off the sand symboled headband from my head and replaced it with the new leaf one. I clutched it in my hand and placed my arms behind my back.

"So, what's your response?" Danzo asked with a passive face.

I glanced back and forth until Lady Tsunade said, "It's alright if you haven't decided, I mean I quite so agree that this is a great opportunity to use the skills you have improved on the past few months but if you're not ready-"

"Yes!" I interrupted. "Sorry, I mean yes, I'll agree with his offer."

Danzo's lips curled into a smirk. I rolled my eyes, I'm just going to go along with what he has to do and hopefully I'll get my answers.

"I'm more than pleased to have a new member of the anbu to join us, I've lost quite a few the past few years but I'm working on get talented and skilled Shinobis to replace the ones I lost," he said with his hands behind his back. "Follow me, I'll give you everything you need and I'll give you an overview."

Danzo led me to an underground area where the Anbu meets, he gave me an eagle mask, a long sword and grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes three ninja pouches on my back-waist. I didn't like it that much because I wouldn't be able to carry my sand gourd around.

"But I don't use a sword, I don't know how to use one... I'm more of a long range combat person, I use sand more," I said.

He went towards me with his hands behind his back and said, "As an Anbu you need to be both, in whatever circumstance you'll have the advantage."

"Hm, why did you even brought me in the Anbu anyway? I'm not fit for an anbu, and how did you even convince Lady Tsunade to allow me to be at your command?" I asked.

He sighed and said, "I have my ways, now that you are in my command, you'll be assigned on a mission next week,"

I frowned. Even Lady Tsunade was somehow persuaded by this guy. "Alright but before that can you train me to use this heavy sword and close combat techniques?" I asked.

"I'll assign you a partner and that person will teach you everything you need to be an Anbu," he said.

"Akatsuya," he called out

Suddenly, a tall Anbu with the same Anbu stuff as any other Anbu appeared from the Shadows. That Anbu whom he calls "Akatsuya" wore a black cloak with a hoodie. Mysterious if you ask me, I suppose some Anbu does that.

"I'll be your partner for the upcoming missions from now on," the Anbu spoke in a feminine voice.

I was surprised it was a female Anbu. "Pleasure to meet you, Akatsuya," I said. I wonder what clan she's from, I can't really see much of her physical features, everything is obviously covered except for her clear, warm voice that soothes my ears. I can't even see if she has hair, all I can see is a typical Anbu standing before me.

"Akatsuya, you'll be teaching her the discipline and customs of an Anbu before you set out for your mission," Danzo said.

"I'll do the best in my ability, Lord Danzo," she said in a monotone voice.

"Alright... Let's start," I said.

Akatsuya reminds me of Akatsuki... sounds the same to me. 

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