Why do you love me?!

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(y/n)'s POV

"Alright, ladies first," he said.
"What a gentleman you are," I chuckled. "Okay, so first question, now that you're Kazekage, what is your new goal?"
"After I became Kazekage, I also thought the same, but the goal was with the responsibilities of being Kazekage, was to protect the village as long as I live, however, I never really thought any more than that," he replied.
"I see, but is there anything else you want to accomplish as you're protecting the village?" I asked.
"I do have one in mind," he replied. "To cherish my friends just like Naruto Uzumaki,"
"I think you're doing well in that," I chuckled. "Alright, your turn,"
He took a moment to think.
"Have you cared about someone very deeply, if so then how does it feel if that person would leave your sight?" he asked.
That's deep but easy to answer, I think I remember him asking this question. I took a shallow breath.
"Yes, I have, if that person would leave my sight then it would be as if pieces of my body was torn apart day by day, being without that person is just... suffering for me, however, knowing that person still stands, substitutes the adversity of being without his presence," I said, straightforwardly.
He made a slight grin. That was my genuine thought of what it would feel like without him. Knowing that my favourite character is sitting in front of me is just painful for me, having the last dinner with him before I depart is just torture, I don't want to ever leave his sight, WHY Akatsuki WHY?!
"Alright, your turn," he said.
I still stared at my food, still in the cloud of my thoughts, I looked up slowly at him, and made a pleasured sigh, seeing his face.
"Okay, tell me, why did you decide to trust me so easily? Ever since I came?" I asked.
He stood up and walked towards the face of the crescent moon that shone brightly in the sky. He leaned against the metal railing with his arms crossed together and placed on it.
"The guards informed me that there was an unknown person who landed outside the village, I quickly came to see and I saw you, I thought someone abandoned you or left you out there, something came across my mind about you, before I got to know you," he said, looking at the moon.
I stood up from my seat and walked towards Gaara, and stared at the moon just as he's doing.
"What crossed your mind?" I asked.
"I thought that a person like you, who knew nothing about my past could possibly be my opportunity to follow Naruto's example and prove myself I'm capable of making friends, but then, the moment I felt your hand, changed the thoughts that clouded my mind," he replied.
I stared at his bluish-green eyes as it glimmered from the bright glow of the moon.
"Go on," I said softly.
"A strong feeling overflowed me, the moment I carried you to the hospital, curiosity flooded my mind, a strong urge to know more about you, I just cannot comprehend," he said.
"Do you... know what that feeling is?" I asked.
I looked back at the sky.
"What is it?" he asked.
I slowly brushed my hand through his soft red hair, and slowly making my way to touch his soft pale cheek with my two fingers. Seeing his eyes widen, he eased as he raised his arm and placed his hand on mine, stopping me from touching it, he encloses his hands on my fingers and held it tightly and placed on on the railings.
I quickly glanced at my side.
"Hm?" I said.
"Is this how it feels like... to have a deep bond with someone?" he asked.
"Yes... it's so deep that it hurts," I said.
"Even this can cause a pain in the heart," he said softly as he slowly turns his body to me.
He pulled me quickly but steadily causing me to be buried on his chest, feeling the warmth of his body. Slowly but surely, arms wrapped around my waist.
"My body just moved on its own," he said. "The moments I had with you is something that flashes to me every time get a glimpse of you."
I was beyond surprised, Gaara, never would I dreamed to be embraced by your arms, never I would think we had a deep bond, never I would imagine to see you. I felt my heart beating faster than the beats I hear from where I rest, my cheeks flustered deeply I couldn't tell, I gulped, why am I feeling this way? I know I love him but still...
"Gaara, why... hearing that from you... it just hurts so much more knowing I won't be able to see you the next night," I said.
"As long as our bond still remains, it will never vanish until the end of time, when I see you again, this is where we left off, we'll start from here and then on," he said.
"But why me? Of all people, why did you choose me?" I asked as I stared deeply into his eyes.
"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control," he replied.
I was deeply touched by his reply, it robbed me of speech, I didn't know what to say... I just can't... I felt tears rolling down, why? Tears of joy or pain? I felt his warm hands touched my cheek, wiping off the liquid falling. He turned my body, facing his direction. He placed his hands on both sides of my shoulder and leaned forward, closer and closer until his hair were slightly brushing above my eyes. His lips slowly parted as he sighed before he pursed his lips into a firm line.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
My heart was beating so hard and fast, it was beginning to hurt. I felt my cheeks flustered, but I knew I couldn't turn away, I couldn't move a single muscle... what's he going to do now?         

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