I have the SHARINGAN?!

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  (Name)'s POV
"The one with the pink hair or you!" Deidara said as he points at me.
Oh no, what do I do? Okay, play it cool, act as if I don't know anything...here it goes...
"A future teller? After all the years of uh, studying and training, I've never heard of such Jutsu, are you sure one exists?" I shouted.
"My leader had told me that one of you possess such great power if it's not you then it's you!" Deidara shouts as he points at Sakura.
"WHAT? I DO NOT have that kind of power, I'm just a medical ninja who was trained by lady Tsunade," Sakura shouted as she looks at (name).
Okay, good, Sakura is playing along...
"Trained by one of the legendary sannins? That would only mean one thing!" Deidara shouts.
"Hey! Just cause' she's trained by her that doesn't mean she's THE ONE, okay! Even Naruto was trained by one of the legendary sannin!" I shouted.
"The one he seeks is a woman with a great amount of chakra, one described as the future teller," Deidara said.
"If one doesn't own up, then I'll take the both of you!" he shouts.
"Hey! We told you we never heard of such Jutsu, maybe the girl you seek is with the other group," I shouted.
"That's right, there was two groups, then I better search for her after I reached my goal here," he shouted.
He left with his bird and Gaara. That actually worked! I fooled him, but what if he comes back? I have to do something, knowing what's gonna happen may be my advantage.
Naruto ran after him as expected.
"Deidara, you fool! I don't believe this!" Sasori said.
"Naruto!" Kakashi shouted.
"Naruto and I will handle the one outside, Sakura, (Name) and Lady Chiyo take the one inside, but please don't do anything rash until team Gai gets back,"
"Wait! I'll come with you!" I said.
"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked.
"Yeah!" I said.
"Alright, we don't have a moment to lose," Kakashi said.
"Right! You got it, " Sakura said.
I followed Kakashi. He jumped up, it's so high, I'll have to go slow, but I'll try my best to keep up! Deidara is still up in the air on his big white bird.
"Team Gai, do you copy, the teams have been split up, we need backup, return immediately," Kakashi said as he touches his wireless radio.
"Give him back! Give Gaara back!" Naruto shouted.
"Alright, no time to waste here," Kakashi said as he exposes his eye with the Sharingan.
"Gaara," Naruto said as he looks up.
"Are you really sure you want to waste time on me?" Deidara asked.
"Hmm, Kakashi-Sensei with the Sharingan?" Deidara continued.
"You know my man, Sasori is a more dangerous opponent than I am as much as I have to say that, and you girl, is tagging along as well, what a pity," he continued.
"His idea of art is very different from mine, ah, it seems they've started, how confident are you with that young girl and that old lady?" Deidara asked.
"You think they're good enough to handle my man, Sasori?" Deidara continued.
"Go on, Kakashi-Sensei, go on to Sakura, I can handle this," Naruto said.
"No, Naruto, you can't handle him on your own," I said.
"Go on, Sensei and (name), I'll take care of it!" Naruto shouted as he jumped high enough to reach Deidara.
"I'll save GAARA!" he shouted.
Naruto landed on the rocks and Deidara threw a clay at him, which looked like a bird, it grew bigger as it flies at its target, Kakashi stepped in and threw a shuriken at it, but it blew like a bomb.
"Good, it would be very disappointing if you were to be beaten, that easily," Deidara said.
Naruto came out of the rocks he collided with.
"I'll NEVER LET YOU HAVE HIM!" Naruto shouted.
"You're quite an unusual jinchuuriki aren't you? I thought you were sullen loners who didn't care about anyone else, ha!" Deidara said.
"To date, we've destroyed two jinchuurikis', not including him of course, hmm, but no one ever tried to save them from us before, not a single friend or neighbor, not a soul came to their aid. hmm, in fact, most people were happy to finally get rid of them," he said as he laughed at the end.
"You can't forsake one of your own kind, can you?" Deidara asked.
"You feel connected to this pathetic creature, such a shame,"
"Gaara died when the one tail was extracted from him, very soon now, the same thing will happen to you!" Deidara shouted.
"If Gaara's dead, you're gonna pay!" Naruto shouted.
"I've had it! hand over Gaara RIGHT NOW!" Naruto shouted.
Deidara flies off.
"You bastard! You're not getting away! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Naruto shouted as he follows him.
"Naruto, wait, stop!" Kakashi shouted.
"Kakashi-Sensei, I'll help him," I said.
"We have no other choice here, let's go!" he said
I followed him, still getting used to using my chakra under my feet since we're walking on water.
"Gai, how's things getting there?" Kakashi asked through the device.
"They're probably fighting their clones," I said.
"Even If I told them what's gonna happen, it doesn't change much of the future," I continued.
We went through a gap between the walls of rocks, there we had to jump on the huge wooden trunks. They were ahead, I almost fell, I have to be careful. Suddenly, white birds started approaching us, it exploded near Kakashi, I have to dodge them too.
"Watch out! (Name)!" Kakashi shouted.
One approached me, but I managed to get away, that was a close call.
"(Name), Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto shouted.
I coughed as there's smoke everywhere.
"I-I'm alright, Naruto!" I shouted.
"Alright, that does it!" Naruto shouted and went faster than was before.
"Naruto, NO!" Kakashi shouted.
We followed him as fast as we could. Suddenly, explosions came above as and under, this is bad...
"Kakashi-Sensei, (Name)!" Naruto shouted.
We managed to get out of that.
"Ha, still the best," Naruto said as he looks at us.
Suddenly, we heard a big sound of an explosion from where Sakura and Lady Chiyo was.
"Come on, Kakashi-Sensei, we have to hurry or we'll lose sight of him!" Naruto shouted.
"It's alright, Naruto! (Name), I really need you to tell me what's going to happen to Sakura and Lady Chiyo," Kakashi said.
"Alright," I said, I made a hand sign pretending it's a future Jutsu.
"Don't worry about them, they'll succeed," I reassured.
"Alright then, I'll have no problem getting a backup for them, we can help, Naruto," he said.
I nodded.
"Don't worry, Naruto, I have a couple of strategies in mind," Kakashi-Sensei said. "I'll need a little more time-"
"I can't hang any more time! Don't you get it! I gotta get to Gaara before it's too late!" Naruto said
Naruto went faster, too fast to reach him.
"Naruto, wait!" Kakashi said.
"There's only one option,"
Suddenly, the same thing that Deidara dropped came in front of us, except it's much smaller. Only Kakashi can handle this, I'm not that fast, I have to get out of here.
"(Name), you have to get out of here, jump up there," Kakashi said.
"Alright, good luck with your Mangekyou Sharingan!" I said as I jumped up.
"How- never mind, be safe, I'll handle this," Kakashi said.
I saw Naruto straight ahead, I can catch him since faster I'm at the top, I can see them both, I can see Deidara on his bird too. I made it to Naruto.
"Naruto!" I shouted.
"(Name)! Sorry for the trouble, I think you should go where it's safe," Naruto said.
"No way! I came all the way here for the same reason you've come all this way, I want to save Gaara too!" I shouted.
"What does Gaara mean to you?" Naruto asked.
"He means the whole world to me!" I shouted.
"So you had a history with him, huh?" Naruto asked.
"I know what he had gone through and I can't let it end this way, especially when he just became the Kazekage!" I cried.
Naruto came close to me.
"I feel ya', which is why we can't lose any more time," he said as he touched my shoulder.
He gave me a tender smile. Kakashi-Sensei came.
"Did I miss something?" Kakashi asked.
"So you survived the explosion huh?" Deidara shouted.
"That wasn't the real me," Kakashi said. "You should teach your little friends to identify which is a clone and which is a human body," Kakashi shouted
Deidara flew a little higher.
"Listen, Naruto, you're not used to fighting like this," Kakashi said.
"That's not all, you're a close combat fighter, he excels at long range, that makes him your worst enemy,"
Naruto nodded.
"There are only two ways to beat this kind of foe, one is to force him to fight up close in person, the other option is to beat him in his own game," Kakashi continued.
"What? How can we do that?" Naruto asked.
"Depending on which strategy is chosen, you'd either need a long range specialist, or someone in your team who can use long range ninjutsus' to support that distance combat, if you don't have the one or the other, then there's no way you'll beat him, period, now if you have the superior intellect of Shikamaru, that would be a different story-" Kakashi replied.
"Spill it out, will ya'? Which one are you, Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto asked.
"Ahh, me, huh? Well, I have the superior intellect like Shikamaru, I'm a jonin, and I can sustain a long range battle,"
"Then we meet all the conditions right?" Naruto asked.
"That's why I told you to calm down,"
"Then let's get to it," Naruto shouted.
"It's not as easy as it sounds, we can't just chase after him, he will never let himself open," Kakashi said.
"He infiltrated the sand village, and kidnapped, Gaara all by himself, and even more dangerous, he's the member of the Akatsuki," Kakashi said.
"It's a tough challenge, all we can do is punch a hole in his defenses, we're gonna have to work together," Kakashi continued.
Naruto nodded.
"W-what about me?" I asked.
"Well, you don't have much of battle experience, do you?" Kakashi asked.
"No, but you can teach me... Any Ninjutsu, I can learn it, I mean to do it, really quickly," I said.
"R-remember my shadow clones? I did it on my first try, remember, Naruto?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Yeah! But, Kakashi-Sensei has to do it quick, because we need to go after him," Naruto said.
"I don't think we have time, I can train you after this is all over, you seemed to have lots of potential with your ability," Kakashi said.
"As I was saying, Naruto, if you were thinking my train of thoughts, keep listening, I've got a plan," Kakashi continued
Deidara flew further, but we went on and followed him. As we are jumping through the woody trunks, I looked at Kakashi-Sensei, his eyes have changed.
"A new Sharingan..." Naruto said.
"The Mangekyou Sharingan..." I said
Kakashi-Sensei looked at Naruto.
"Kakashi-Sensei, don't sweat it if this doesn't work," Naruto said.
"Don't worry, Naruto, it will," I said as I gave a smile.
"If you say so, but if it doesn't I will settle things once and for all," Naruto said.
I sighed, I kept looking at Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan, it's beautiful, I wish I had that.
Suddenly, I felt something inside of me, it hurts. I stopped for a second. They stopped too.
"Are you okay, (name)?" Naruto asked.
"I-I felt something inside of me, but I think I'm gonna be fine," I said.
"Your eyes! It's turning partially red!" Kakashi shouted.
Naruto drew closer.
"What's going on with you?" Naruto asked.
"It's WHAT? It's turning red?" I asked loudly.
"You have the Sharingan too?" Kakashi asked. "Are you part of the Uchiha clan?"
"What? No! I don't know what's going on!" I shouted.
Do I really have the Sharingan? But, how? Is it because of the power I possess? Deidara said his leader was after me, the future teller, who possess a great amount of chakra, only one person must know about me- Pein, the leader of the Akatsuki. He's the only person I can find answers from, but whatever his plans are, I can't be sure he can be trusted, but he might be the only chance to get home- back in my world.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment down below to suggest what you want to happen throughout the story or what you think will happen!   

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