A date?!

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  The next day

"I don't think he can last much longer!" One of the doctors said.
Suddenly, 3 figures came into the room, it's Kakashi-Sensei, Sakura, and Naruto!! Unexpectedly, Lady Chiyo started approaching Kakashi-Sensei!
"Damn you!!" She shouted as she approaches him.
"Get ready to defend yourself or DIE!" she continued.
"Revenge at last!"
Naruto made a shadow clone to defend Kakashi-Sensei.

"What are you doing attacking, Kakashi-Sensei like that?" Naruto's shadow clone said and disappeared.
"You wrinkly old prune!" he continued.

"I haven't forgotten what you did, I've been waiting for this day, white fang of the leaf, the day I gain revengeance on you to what you did to my son!" Lady Chiyo shouted.

"N-no, no-" Kakashi said.
"That's enough!" She said as she puts her hand into a formation.
Suddenly, Lord Ebizo stopped his sister by waving his hand in front of her.
"Take a closer look at the man, sis," he said.
Kakashi trying his best to calm her by waving his hands in front.
"There may be a resemblance but this one is not the white fang."
Lady Chiyo still looking at Kakashi-Sensei.
Kakashi raised up his right arm and said, "Hello,"
"Besides, the great white fang of the leaf died long ago," Lord Ebizo added. "Remember? When you heard the news, you wept in frustration and said you would never have your vengeance,"
"Isn't that so, sis?" he asked.
"Ooh, well, nevermind," she laughed off. While everyone still staring at her.
Suddenly, Kankuro started scratching himself and making noises as he's still in pain. Sakura went forward, beside him.
"Here, let me take a look at it," Sakura said as she ties her hair. "Listen, it might help if you clear out and give us some room."
"You got it, Sakura," Naruto said.
"Thank you, Sakura," Temari concluded.
We went out of the room and sat.
"So, Kakashi, we'll be leaving as soon as Sakura is done treating Kunkuro, is that right?" Temari asked.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long she'll take but we'll wait," he replied.
Temari went back to the room and followed her.
"I doubt we'll make an antidote in time," Sakura said.
"Wait, there's nothing you can do?" Temari asked. I touched her shoulder to ease her.
"Don't worry, she'll make a new antidote," I said.
"Alright, I trust you," she replied.
"Sakura, we'll wait outside," Temari said.
"Right!" she replied.
We went and sat with the others.
"Young lady, were you playing with me before when you were saying the things I wanted to say using your Jutsu?" Lady Chiyo asked.
"Uhh, no I wasn't, I was just saying what I wanted to say," I said, trying my best to keep it casual.
"But you told us that you have a Jutsu that can tell the future," she concluded.
Naruto turned to me, looking interested.
"Wait you can tell the future?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, pretty cool huh?" I said.
"I never heard one like it, Sharingan users are the closest I can identify to 'telling the future'," Kakashi joined in the conversation.
"How far can you tell the future?" Lord Ebizo asked.
"As far as until you leave you physical body," I said while looking back at the room.
"That's awesome! Can you tell me about my future?" Naruto asked.
"Am I going to be Hokage?" Naruto continued as his eyes sparkle.
"I can't tell you that, it might ruin your future, besides I only tell if it's necessary," I said.
Naruto shrugged.
"Come on, uh, what's your name?" Naruto asked.
"(Name), that's what you can call me," I smiled, trying my best to keep it casual.
I can't believe I'm talking to the main character, Naruto!!
"(Name)-Chan! Please, whether you tell me or not, it won't ruin, I'll just be more motivated!" Naruto bugged.
"Come on now, Naruto, just leave it, whether she tells you or not, it's up to her, okay?" Kakashi-Sensei said.
Should I tell him or not? Nah...I won't...unless he has a good reason to...
"Maybe she's making it up, pfhh... why to bother asking her when even Kakashi-Sensei hasn't even heard of this Jutsu," Naruto said as he looks at Kakashi.
"I am not making it up!!" I said.
"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Naruto said childishly.
"Oh, I will bet on it! If Kankuro is healed by Sakura then I win," I said.
"And if you don't, then you'll go on a date with me!" Naruto said, crossing his arms.
"Wait what?" I asked.
Wait, does Naruto have a crush on me?
"A date?" I continued.
"Yeah!" he said, still crossing his arms, looking at a different direction.
I looked at him and he looked at the opposite direction, seeing a red tint on his cheeks.
"Why a date?" I asked.
"Nothing," he mumbled.

"Hey! Why are you turning away from me? Let's shake on it, to make sure that we won't turn back on our words!" I said.
Naruto puts out his right arm, still not looking at me. I touched his hands and got a good grip of his hands, it's pretty hard.
"Your hands are so soft," Naruto said as he touches it. "It's like you never trained at all!"
"Ha-ha is that so? then could you train me?" I asked sarcastically.
"A pleasure! After this mission, you can come train with me," he exclaimed.
"Thanks, Naruto!" I said happily.
"I'll teach you everything you know, but in exchange for that, you can either tell me my future...or go on lots of dates with me!" he chuckled.
"Alright, then, as long as you train me," I said.
Yes! I found a way to train myself! Especially with the main character, Naruto!

Read on Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/8692365/Love-at-first-sight-Gaara-x-Reader-Fanfiction-Romance/9

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