Starting medical training!

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[y/n] POV

2 months later...

It's been two months and quite a few extraordinary things happened! Allow me to go through all of them one by one. Firstly, about my medical ninjutsu training- I've learned not a lot of information BUT I've learned how to heal others (including myself) basically anything living. The neat thing is that I didn't need much training, all I did was to control my chakra concentration control- Here's the scene:


The day Lady Tsunade decided to start teaching me!


[Tsunade's POV]

I called in [y/n] to tell her a little more on what I have to offer. I placed down my pen, subsequently hearing the knocking on my door. "Come in," I said. The door opened revealing [y/n] with her sand gourd behind her back.

"Honestly, don't you find that thing on your back heavy?" I asked.

She shook her head and said, "It seems heavy for its size but Gaara taught me a little trick to reduce it actual weight, anyway, what do you need me for?"

I placed my hand together and said, "Your chakra is still a mystery to me, according to the information given, you saved Gaara because you 'somehow' transferred green chakra and it surrounded him." [y/n] nodded attentively.

"Yes, well, I was mourning because I couldn't help it because he's not responding then after a few hours, suddenly, green chakra is somehow surrounding the both of us and then Neji said it's transferring to his and he's alive again..." [y/n] said as she drifted off thinking.

I nodded and said, "That green chakra is very much Medical Ninjutsu, I made up a few hypothesis to how you might have done it."

"Your chakra might have some effects when you're at an emotional state and since you have an immense amount of chakra, it would more likely be 'bouncing' around and what I mean by that is that your chakra can easily move or transfer energy just like heat energy... I hope you understand thus far," I said.

[y/n] blinked, displaying a nervous smile and said, "Uhh, I think I get it fifty percent." She made a nervous laugh. I sighed.

"Let me think of another example, alright, so, do you know how you activated the Sharingan?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I do know how an Uchiha activates it but I'm not sure about mine, usually they're at an extreme emotional state then they activate it,"

I rubbed my forehead with a sigh and said, "Exactly, now that goes the same for your chakra, that might have been the case as well, except the reasons being that your chakra is immense and can easily be transferred by its immensity but that's just one of them."

"What's the other ones?" she asked as she relaxed her shoulders.

"Another case would be that your chakra would involuntarily transfer to inactive organisms, meaning it would transfer to dead beings to be more simplified," I replied.

"So... Since my chakra is immense, it would want to transfer to empty ones because it's 'bouncing' around," [y/n] said.

I clasped my hands together in excitement. "Precisely! I'm glad we're on the same page, I was worried you wouldn't get it," I said. She nodded cheerfully and asked, "Is there anymore of your educated guesses?"

"I believe not, the farther we learn more of your chakra, the better, so the reason why I called you in is that so we can experiment with your chakra, I can start teaching you how to use Medical Ninjutsu. Since you have an immense amount of chakra, great chakra control is required," I replied.

She nodded and asked, "Alright, when are we going to start?"

"We can start now, I've already assigned the hospital to prepare a dead fish," I replied.

Her eyes widened. "A dead fish?" she asked. I nodded and said, "A fish is better than a rotten racoon," I said with a chuckle. We chuckled in unison. I like the way she thinks.


[y/n] POV


Lady Tsunade brought me to the hospital with a special area for doctors or nurses-in-training. We went inside, it was huge, there was book cases and shelves with books at the corners with nice looking seats. Seeing a few people gathered in the area straight ahead of us, they glanced over to us, leaving space to see the dead fish. It's huge! It's like two quarters of my body! We went forward to take a closer look, it has silver/ sparkly grey scales and the rest is the same colour except lighter.

Lady Tsunade went forward and placed her hand at the middle of the fish. Green chakra was visible around her palm. "Alright, it's dead alright," she said as the nurses chuckled in the background. She looked at them and nodded. They left the room and left the both of us.

"Alright, go near it, very much touch it with your palm and that will prove if my second hypothesis was correct," she said as she gestured me to do it.

I went forward, gulped before touching the slimy-looking creature, to my surprise, it's not that slimy... it's just wet. Anyway, after a few minutes, nothing much is happening.

"Hm, try concentrating your chakra in the palm of your hands, you know how to control it to your feet right?" she asked.

I nodded. "The first time I did it... Was easy, I just closed my eyes and felt something inside of me travelling to the bottom of my feet," I said.

"Perfect, so for this, you're going to make it travel to your hands instead," she said.

I nodded, closed my eyes and I felt something heavy inside of me, feeling the sensation of the chakra around me or inside of me. Then I heard flopping noises, I opened my eyes seeing the fish jumping up and down on the table as if it was just taken out of the water. Lady Tsunade gestured me to remove my hands, I did and she went forward and placed her hands on the jumping fish.

"You've given it so much chakra that it revived it back to life, it's clear that you need excellent chakra control, if you don't, you're wasting chakra that is not needed to be given away, lost cause for both," she said.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or what, so I made a nervous laugh and smile until she glanced back at the fish. "Can I take my chakra back?" I asked as I scratched the back of my head.

"You can't take it back now that you've given it, you're overwhelmed by the power you possess, you need to control it well, you have so much potential, you might even surpass me, I mean your chakra is so great that it can bring back someone to life," she said.

Bring back someone to life... That echoed inside my head so many times, I couldn't hear what she was saying, I was zoned out.

Until she snapped her fingers in front of my face and I blinked hastily. "Alright, you need to learn how to control the chakra you have, meaning you'll be able to know how much chakra you'll want and need to use, that's part of our curriculum in Medical ninjutsu."

I nodded and said, "Let's get started!"

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