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  Name's POV
"You have the Sharingan too?" Kakashi asked. "Are you part of the Uchiha clan?"
"What? No! I don't know what's going on!" I shouted.
"It's not possible unless you've escaped from Itachi," Kakashi said.
"I just feel a little tired that's all, but I can hang on a little longer," I said.
Kakashi still staring at my eyes.
"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked.
"Have you ever used the Sharingan before?" he asked.
"As surprised as I was hearing that I have it, that's a no," I said.
"Your sharingan is unusual, it's a fully matured one, anyways, we will discuss this another time, Naruto, carry her!" Kakashi ordered.
"Right!" Naruto said.
I went on Naruto's back, and we went on. A few minutes later...
"Alright, Naruto, I'll give it a try, you better fall back a little," Kakashi said.
"Right, Sensei, got it," Naruto said as he went back slower.
"Mangekyou Sharingan!" Kakashi said.
Suddenly, the sky was turning like heat waves, I couldn't describe it as much but it's weird...
"Woah..." Naruto said.
The visual jutsu is 'ingesting' Deidara's right arm, by creating a swirl at that part.
"I've got you now," Kakashi said.
Naruto and I climbed up the wall, trying to get a better look at what's going on...
Kakashi is way ahead, the stuff from the sky disappeared for a minute and returned back again, he must be using it the second time. Suddenly, the same pain I felt before is coming again...I touched my eyes, it truly hurts...But I'm still able to stay conscious...
"(Name), are you alright?" Naruto asked. "Let me see your eyes,"
"I-I'm fine, Naruto, don't worry about me," I said, still covering my eyes.
"Just let me see!" He shouted.
"Even if you see, there's nothing you can do about it!" I shouted back, removing my hand, exposing my eyes.
"Your eyes... It's different from what I saw from... Sasuke," he said.
"I don't know what's going on," I said.
"What do you mean? If you have the Sharingan, it means that you're from the Uchiha clan," Naruto said.
"Y-you don't know where I'm from, not from the Uchiha clan, not from this world," I said.
"Not from this world? Then what world?" He asked.
I remained quiet.
"There's something you're not telling me, spill it out already!" Naruto shouted.
"I'm from another world!" I shouted and I felt my eyes drip liquid.
We landed on a flat surface. I turned away from Naruto. He came closer.
"I'm sorry, (Name), I didn't-"
"You were always an impatient one, huh?" I asked, still not looking.
Suddenly, I felt warm arms embraced around behind me.
"N-Naruto..." I said.
"Sorry for shouting at you like that," he said.
I wiped away my tears, suddenly, I realized, it's not tears of water, it's tears of blood!
"Naruto, you can stop hugging me now, I have a more important matter right here..." I said as I looked into his eyes.
"Your eyes! I-It's different from before! It's like K-Kakashi-Sensei's, but it looks different!" Naruto shouted as he looked a little terrified.
"H-how is this possible? What is going on? I need to find answers, don't tell me I have the Mangekyou Sharingan too!" I cried.
"We need to go to, Kakashi-Sensei right now! Maybe he knows what's going on," Naruto said.
"Come on my back," Naruto said.
I went on his back and we went. After a few minutes, I don't feel the pain anymore, but I'm so confused on what's going on, ugh, I shouldn't have wished for something in my head... It just comes true... One second I wish for it, after that I get it...
We saw Deidara's bird, Naruto landed me on a tree branch.
"Stay here, I've got a plan," Naruto said.
I nodded. Naruto made a clone and jumped onto taller trees and jumped higher where Deidara was.
I followed the sound, I couldn't see very well with trees blocking... I saw Kakashi, I went to him...
"Kakashi-Sensei!" I shouted.
"How's your eyes?" Kakashi asked.
"It started bleeding, it hurt, but I'm fine now," I said.
Kakashi drew closer and started examining my eye.
"It looks alright, like the last time I saw it, a fully matured Sharingan," he said.
"What? But Naruto saw that my eyes changed into like yours, but a different pattern or something!" I shouted.
"You also have the Mangekyou Sharingan?" he asked.
"I don't know, I couldn't see, I-I should have made a clone to take a look at it... but no way I'm going through that again, it truly hurts!" I shouted.
"You've gone through a lot, but we'll examine you when we get back to the leaf village," he said.
We saw Naruto on the other tree with his clones trying the break the clay bird. Naruto came to us.
"Kakashi-Sensei and (Name), are you alright?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Kakashi said.
"Same here," I said.
We looked at the clones trying to break through the white clay bird.
"Don't worry, Gaara, we'll get you out!" A clone said.
Naruto made a hole, he broke it.
"Gaara!" A clone shouted.
They made the hole bigger, and they stopped. I went to them, seeing Gaara there.
"No..." I said.
Even though I know that he's going to come alive again, I just feel really sad looking at him like this. Tears started rolling down my cheeks again. I wiped away some making sure it's not blood again.
"Hey, come on, Gaara..." Naruto said as he shakes Gaara's shoulder.
"GAARA!" A clone shouted sadly.
Naruto's eyes turned red, like the nine tails, not a Sharingan that's for sure... questions just overflow me to why I have the Sharingan and everything else that happened to me...
"You'll pay for this!" Naruto shouted angrily.
"Yeah...yeah, maybe someday, I'll give you a rematch, kid, ha!" Deidara said.
"You've let down your guard," Kakashi said.
Suddenly, Naruto appeared behind of Deidara and punched him in the cheek causing him to fall...
"Yes!" Naruto beside Kakashi said.
"Dropped down your guard, Didn't you? You should be more careful." Kakashi said.
"Kill him! Naruto!" I shouted.
Kakashi looked at me.
"Your eyes!" Kakashi shouted.
I made a hand sign to make a shadow clone. Shoot! I made ten again! I just want one, but no matter...
"Hey, take a look at my eye," I said to my clone.
"It's different this time like the one Naruto spoke about, it's like the Mangekyou Sharingan but a different pattern from Kakashi's," My clone said.
Kakashi went to me.
"Those eyes... take it easy, (name)," Kakashi said.
"I want to kill Deidara!" I shouted.
"Hey, take it easy, we don't know what power your eyes possess, so you have to be careful, besides, Naruto is already doing it," Kakashi said.
"I understand..." I said softly as I looked at Naruto down at the ground with Deidara.
"Naruto..." Kakashi said.
Naruto punched him as hard as he can and made a Rasengan and aimed it, but then Deidara's body turned into clay.
"It's clay, a substitution!" Kakashi said.
I went to Naruto's other clones, holding Gaara. I went to Gaara, helping the clones out... I just remembered, Naruto is going to release the nine tail's cloak! I have to warn, Kakashi!
"Kakashi!" I shouted.
"What's wrong, (name)?" Kakashi asked.
"I-I saw the future, Naruto is going to release the nine tail's cloak! Except that he's only going to make it to three tails!" I shouted.
"The cloak of the nine tails?" Kakashi asked.
"You gotta stop it before it's too late!" I shouted.
Suddenly, the first tail started appearing...
"That's what master Jiraiya was talking about," Kakashi said.
"The nine tails fox spirit cloak," he continued.
"I told you, now do something about it!" I shouted, still holding onto Gaara.
Suddenly, Naruto punched the clay again, he punched it so hard that it made a huge smoke around the area. I couldn't see very well because of the dust/smoke all over the place.
A few minutes later, it started becoming clear again, a huge hole was made on the ground... such power... seeing Naruto still there. Suddenly, the other clones are starting to feel the pain.
"It burns..." the clones said.
They dropped Gaara to me, having his head on my lap. Naruto with the one tail gained two more tails, suddenly, he punched the tree causing the other trees to be smashed by his incredible, nine tails power. Kakashi went towards Naruto.
"Easy, Naruto," Kakashi said.
Naruto approached him, ready to attack but Kakashi managed to escape and went on a tree branch.
"He's not thinking rationally, it could get dangerous to try to get close to him," Kakashi said.
"That's why I warned you!" I shouted.
He took out a piece of paper, and went to Naruto, and placed it on its forehead. causing the cloak to be suppressed back into Naruto's body. Kakashi brought Naruto to another spot and took out the paper that was on his forehead.
"Are you alright now, Naruto?" Kakashi asked.
Suddenly, Sakura and Lady Chiyo came.
"Finally caught up to you," Sakura said.
"S-Sakura," Naruto said.
"You found us, that's good," Kakashi said.
"We felt a huge tremor a few minutes ago," Sakura said.
"I'm glad you're here so you guys did it?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah but where's, (name)?" Sakura asked.
"Up there," Kakashi said as he points to me. "With Gaara,"
"Looks like you're having trouble here," Lady Chiyo said.
"Unfortunately," Kakashi said.
Suddenly, we heard noises of kunai knives.
"It's Gai's team," Kakashi said.
Deidara came by the bird, Gai-Sensei, and the others came by.
"Be careful everyone, he's the one who uses explosives!" Kakashi warned.
"Everyone! Get out of here, immediately!" Neji shouted.
"Art is an explosion!" Deidara shouted as his body becomes bigger and bigger.
It made a huge explosion! Naruto clones and I carried Gaara away, while the others tried to make a run for it... The huge explosion is catching up to us way too fast.
"We can't make it!" Neji shouted.
Suddenly, it stopped and changed into smokes of dust, Kakashi must have used his Mangekyou Sharingan.
"What's going on?" Gai-Sensei asked.
Everyone looked up at the swirl that's sucking in the clouds of dust and it disappeared.
"It worked, just in time," Kakashi said.
He laid on the ground but Naruto came by quickly.
"Kakashi-Sensei, hey are you alright?" Naruto asked.
"I don't get it, what did you do?" Sakura asked.
"I sent the explosion off into a different space," Kakashi replied as puffs.
"Sent it somewhere?" Sakura asked.
"I'm not sure I understand, but it seems that our opponent has been defeated," Lee said.
"Kakashi-Sensei used his Mangekyou Sharingan to send the explosion somewhere else," I explained as I landed with Gaara.
"More importantly, is everyone okay?" Kakashi asked.
"Sakura can you," Naruto's clone said.
We went to a prairie nearby and laid Gaara there. Sakura used her medical ninjutsu to do what she can. I stood beside Naruto, looking at Gaara.
"Sakura..." Naruto said.
Sakura took off her hands and shook her head with a down face. I fell to my knees and started crying even though I knew that was going to be alive again. I just couldn't help myself.
"Gaara..." I cried as I brush through his soft red hair.
I heard Naruto crying too.
"Why...why is it always Gaara, if he dies like this, he's the Kazekage, he just became the Kazekage!" he cried as he came closer to where I was.
"Both of you, try to calm yourselves," Lady Chiyo said.
"YOU SHUT UP!" Naruto shouted as his face swelled with tears. "Just shut up! If you all sand shinobi hadn't put a monster inside of Gaara then none of this would have ever happened! Did you ever consider what Gaara felt? Did you even ask?" Naruto shouted.
"Calling us jinchuuriki, what right do you have to label us?" Naruto cries. "Who do you have to decide someone else's fate?"

I grabbed Naruto's hand, he looked at me.
"N-Naruto..." I stuttered, still mourning.
"I couldn't save Sasuke, I couldn't save Gaara either, for three years, I've trained so hard, but nothing has changed!"
Hearing these words made me cry, even more, I laid my hands on Gaara and laid my head on my arms and mourned,
A few minutes later...
"What is that chakra?" Neji asked as he looked at me.
"What chakra?" Sakura asked.
I rose up from my arms and suddenly saw green chakra surrounding Gaara.
"W-what's going on?" I asked as I wiped away my tears.
"BYAKUGAN!" Neji shouted. "I sense unusual chakra, a large amount of it, being transferred to Gaara's body!"
"WHAT? HOW?" I asked.
Sakura came and checked on Gaara.
"He's heart is beating!" Sakura exclaimed as he touched his heart.
I touched Gaara's forehead and through his shiny red hair. Naruto approached us, seemed hard for him to believe that he's not dead.
"Gaara! Hang in there!" I shouted.
Suddenly, Lady Chiyo came and laid her hands on Gaara. I touched her shoulder.
"You don't have to do it," I said.
The green chakra is still surrounding Gaara, including myself, since the chakra is from me, I don't know how I'm doing this but I'm glad I did it. 30 minutes later, the rest of the saving parties from the sand village have arrived.
"Your chakra is amazing, you gave away maximum amount of chakra to Gaara and yet your chakra seemed like it was never used..." Neji said.
"Thank you, (Name)!" Naruto exclaimed as he hugged me. "I can't believe you actually saved Gaara,"
I smiled and Gaara's eyes opened partially.
"Gaara!" I exclaimed.
Naruto helped Gaara sat at a 45 degrees angle. Gaara's eyes opened. The green chakra faded.
"W-what is this?" Gaara asked.
"Gaara! I'm glad you're alright!" I said with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
"(Name), N-Naruto..." Gaara said.
"We came to save you, you scared us half to death," Naruto said with a cheerful smile.
"Lord Gaara! Are you alright?" Matsuri shouted and blushed.
"You sure had us worried there," Naruto said.
"No kidding, you caused us a ton of grief there, little brother," Kankuro said as came by. "Thanks, (Name), we owe you one,"
I smiled.
"(Name), you sure put through a lot to save Gaara, you're a promising sister-in-law," Temari said as she smiled.
"What?" I said as I blushed.
Naruto and Kankuro laughed.
"Gaara, talk to me, how do you feel?" Temari said as she leaned closer.
Gaara tried to stand up.
He looked at me and said,"Did you save me?"
"It was nothing really," I said as I blushed harder.
He came close to me and placed his hands around my back and his head on my shoulder.
"I owe my life to you," he said.
Everyone cheered and stared at us. But I didn't care, I hugged him tighter.
"You guys are making me cry," Kankuro said dramatically.
"Quit it," Temari said as she touches her eyes.
"You too? You don't have to hide it, Temari!" Kankuro shouted.
"You're right, I can't," Temari laughed off as she wipes away her tears.
"Thanks be to the heavens! I thought we lost him!" a sand shinobi said.
Matsuri punched him and the head and said, "There's no way we'll ever lose, Lord Gaara! He's the hottest thing ever, he's a quiet, cool, and strong!"
"Yeah, yeah, Lord Gaara is gorgeous, isn't he? After all, he's Kazekage," The girl beside her said.
"If something ever happened to him, I'll protect him, all my heart," Matsuri continued.
"No! I will!" The other argued.
"No, me!" Matsuri argued back.
Temari stepped forward.
"I'm afraid someone took Gaara's heart," Temari teased.
They both turned red.
"Oh yeah? Well, whoever that girl is, I'm going to protect Gaara way faster than her, hmpf," Matsuri said.
"Tough time doing that," Temari teased again.
"Gaara seemed to be completely healed, thanks to (Name)'s mystery chakra," Sakura said.
"Yeah, (Name), you'll be coming with us for your examination right?" Kakashi asked as he looked at me.
I turned to Gaara.
"I will, after a few months, I'll be there," I replied.
End of first Season//book of Love at first sight (Gaara x Reader) Thanks for reading this extra special chapter (It's actual finale) of 2765 words (7.9 pages) I hope ya'll enjoy this, it took me roughly 3-4 hrs, but I had fun doing it :) I will continue it very soon, if ya'll want me to, comment down if you want me to continue it or not XD Thanks for over 4,000 reads and over 70 faves, means a lot to me :D For now, I need some rest, I won't be posting for a week, sorry XD :D I need to make the story :DD  --------From quotev

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