[y/n] vs Matsuri or is it?!

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third POV
The two girls stood far from each other with the sun shining brightly in the clear blue skies. One is waiting for the other to make a move.
"Where's your Johyo? Aren't you using that?" (y/n) asked.
"I don't need to, better yet I have a special Jutsu," Matsuri replied. "Don't take me lightly,"
(y/n) took a deep breath and suddenly, sand started rising from the palm of her hands, it slowly turned into shapes of mini shurikens with very sharp edges, countless was being made, row by row, it started aiming at Matsuri. However, she managed to avoid it. The shurikens went chasing after Matsuri after missing, she started making hand signs.
"Fire style, fireball Jutsu!" Matsuri shouted and huge flames came out from her mouth.
Fire style? Since when did Matsuri ever learn fire style? (y/n) thought.
"Since when did you ever learn fire style?" (y/n) asked.
"You don't know me as much you thought, so just play hard on me," she said.
Countless dense sand shurikens came at her. However, something strange happened, the shurikens seemed like it hit her but it went through her.
"WHAT?! I swear the shuriken went through you! Hold on, only one person... one person only," (y/n) said.
"I saw it too! The shuriken went through her! What is going on?" Kankuro yelled.
It couldn't be the orange masked man... could it? (y/n) thought.
Suddenly, Matsuri's eyes turned from black to red- The Sharingan... as soon as she opened her eyes.
"You! What have you done to Matsuri?" (y/n) yelled.
A puff of clouds formed around her, revealing the orange masked man wearing a long black robe with red clouds on it.
"That robe, you're an Akatsuki!" Kankuro said as he dashed back.
Suddenly, the masked man appeared in front of Kankuro and said, "Boo!"
"I'll be taking you too, I don't want any commotion," he said as swirls started sucking into his right eye.
"NO!" (y/n) cried. "Don't!"
(y/n) ran to him.
"Please, bring Matsuri and Kankuro back," (y/n) pleaded.
Suddenly, guards came along, a made a gesture for them to go but they didn't listen.
"STOP!" (y/n) shouted.
"You're not our Kazekage, we don't take orders from you," one of the guards said.
"Don't take a step further if you don't want to get hurt," (y/n) said.
"That robe! It's an Akatsuki!" one of them shouted.
The masked man went closer to them.
"I'll be taking all of you with me, as I said I don't want any commotion," he said and did the same thing he did to Kankuro.
"What do you want?!" (y/n) shouted.

"It's not an ideal time to talk about this but, that wasn't much of a battle now was it," he said.
"W-what do you want from me?"
"Nothing much but to tell you that your time will be up soon to decide whether you're coming with me or not," he replied.
"Considering you're not from here, you've learned to manipulate sand without having the ability to, you're chakra is definitely worth having," he continued.
"So... you want my chakra, don't you?" (y/n) asked.
"Tell me, do you have a visual prowess?" he asked.
"I-I'm not telling you unless you let them all go!" (y/n) shouted.
"Fair deal I suppose," he said and suddenly, one by one, all of them came out.
All of them looked dazed. Matsuri laid on the ground, Kankuro and the rest of the guards looked puzzled. I quickly helped Matsuri, but she stood rooted to the ground, her eyes flinched when I touched her hand, her face was pale and her skin felt cold and clammy.
"What did you do to her?" (y/n) said and looked up at the masked man.
"Now, tell me, do you have a visual prowess?" he restated.
"Yes, I do," I said softly.
"Which one is it?" he asked.
"That wasn't part of the deal," I growled.
"Very well, I will tell you one thing before I leave, if you have the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, then I'll offer to teach you how to control it, I'll come back when the day comes, I'll ask for your answer," he said.
"Whatever you're up to, I'm not allowing it to succeed, especially your project," (y/n) said.
"So you heard of Project Tsukuyomi?" he asked.
"Hn, I know all your plans," (y/n) said.
"You have sought interest from me, I'm looking forward to the day of your reply," he said and he slowly disappeared in a swirly motion right until his right eye.
The guards seemed to gain consciousness. But it's still bad news for Matsuri.
"What happened?" Kankuro asked.
"Bring Matsuri to the hospital now," I said.
The guards hurriedly help without hesitation. I stood up and helped Kankuro out.
"Do you remember anything that happened?" I asked.
"All I remember is getting sucked into the masked man's right eye, then I ended up in this whole new dimension," he replied.
"I see, well, you should round up the guards and do a perimeter check, EVERYWHERE around the village to make sure that this masked man isn't lurking around anymore which I hope he isn't," I said.
"Yeah, that Akatsuki, did he do something to you?" he asked.
"Anyways, should I tell Gaara?" (y/n) asked.
"Yeah, you should," Kankuro replied.
"But how? I don't want him to freak out," (y/n) said.
"I'll come with you after," Kankuro said.
(y/n) nodded and ran to the office building. I went up the stairs and the directions to Gaara's office. I stopped after reaching the door and knocked thrice hastily.
"Come in," a voice from inside said.
(y/n) POV---
I went inside, seeing him writing but not much paperwork piled like always. I quickly, without a sound closed the door.
"Gaara, something happened," I said.
He stood up and took the chair from the left and placed it on the corner right of his desk. He gestured me to sit, I took a seat.
"Tell me everything," he said.

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