Tea with the three sand siblings!

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Temari's POV after leaving the house
Upon arriving at the front door of Gaara's office, she knocked twice.
"Come in," Gaara said.
"Hey, Gaara, so I showed her where our house is and her room," Temari said as she looks at her brother finishing up his paperwork. "That will make sure to keep her close, a keen eye on her," she concluded.
Yet, Gaara didn't reply, too busy doing his work.
"Gaara!" Temari shouted.
Sometimes, Temari has to shout, she doesn't like being ignored. Especially Gaara, whether he's Kazekage or not.
"Sorry, yes, I was listening," Gaara replied.
"I don't think we have to worry about her, she seemed quite nice," Temari concluded.
"I know, I just want to be cautious," he said. "So we're having dinner tonight?"
"Yeah, you'll have plenty of time to get to know her." She smiled.
Footsteps arrived at the door, the door opened.
"Kankuro! How many times do I have to remind you to knock?" Temari shouted. "Show some respect!"
"Come on, Temari, it's just you guys, you're nagging is getting on my nerves," Kankuro said.
Temari sighs as she touches her forehead.
"There will be someone staying with us for a couple of days," Temari said.
"Really, It is a girl?" he asked as his eyes sparkle.
Temari knocked his head and said," Now you're getting on my nerves!"
Gaara remained silent, concentrated on his work, but still attentive to his siblings' conversation.
"Kankuro, you better stay away from her this time!" Temari warned.
"What's the big deal anyways? It's not like anyone is with her!" He argued.
"Gaara, May we please be dismissed? We don't want to, you know, disturb your work." Temari said.
"You may go..." Gaara replied, still focused on his work.
Temari pulled Kankuro's ear until' they went far off from Gaara's office.
"Temari, Stop bossing me around just cause' you're the oldest!" He complained.
"Listen, this new girl I'm talking about is special to Gaara," Temari whispered.
"What do you mean special? It's not like Gaara actually likes this girl." Kankuro replied. "Wait, he does?" He looked at his sister's expression.
Temari nodded. "Don't blow it! I know it doesn't seem like Gaara, but I know my brother! This time was different."
"Okay then, let's help him out!"
"Just don't make it seemed obvious, make it seem like a coincidence," Temari said.
"We're going to have dinner tonight as a welcome party for her." She concluded.
"But, does that girl even like Gaara?" Kankuro asked.
"Ever since she saw him, she always blushes whenever she hears Gaara's name," Temari replied. "So it's a definite chance for the both of them."
"Alright, can I meet her? Let's have tea with her!" Kankuro suggests.
"Let's go with Gaara, he's been working too hard, he definitely needs a break," Temari said. "Come on, let's go!"

Present Time (Your POV)


"Hmm...I wonder if there's a roof to this place, I really need some fresh air, other than my balcony," (Name) said.
"I should look around the village; I guess I should say as a tourist." (Name) giggled.

Suddenly, (Name) heard the door opened.
"Hey, (Name)! Come on, let's go!" Temari shouted.
(Name) ran as fast as she could and said, "We're leaving already? It's not dinner yet."
"No, no, I just want you to meet my other brother." She replied.
"Kankuro?" you said softly.
"Wait, y-you know him?" Temari said looking surprised. "You met him already?"
"No! Not at all! Uhh...come on, let's go!" (Name) said.
Oh gosh! Now she finds me suspicious, I have to make something up to make sure she doesn't think about it, you thought.

"So, where are we going exactly?" (Name) asked.
"We're going to have tea, it's over there," Temari said as she points.
They reached the tea shop; (Name) saw Kankuro and Gaara waiting in front of the shop. (Name) and Temari approached them.
"You must be Gaara and Temari's brother; it's wonderful to meet you!" (Name) exclaimed.
"Wonderful to meet you too, (Name)!" Kankuro replied cheerfully as a pink tint from his cheek started appearing.
"Hey! Lord Kazekage, nice to see you again!" (Name) exclaimed while facing him.
"You're feeling well already?" Gaara asked.
"Yeah, thanks for letting me stay with you guys, truly appreciate it!"
Suddenly, (Name) heard the sounds of giggling and chattering from a few meters from where the siblings and (Name) are. It was a group of girls, with Matsuri. Temari noticed it too.
"This always happens, Gaara is quite popular since he's Kazekage and lots of girls always appear nearby when he's around." Temari sighs.
"That's why we have a special room in every place we eat, follow me!" Temari directed.

We went to an especially big room with two sets of tables with four chairs. There's a lady at the counter with different types of tea in front of her. It's almost like there's a whole other shop behind!
"Hello again, Temari, the tea you pre-ordered is ready!"
"Thank you!" Temari replied.
Temari placed down the teas' and said, "I'm glad it's still hot,"
"Thanks, Temari!" (Name) said.
"So, what brings you to visit our village?" Kankuro asked.
Temari stepped on Kankuro, who's sitting beside her.
"Don't ask her that, Idiot!" Temari whispered.
(Name) heard what Temari whispered and waved her hand in front.
"No, no! It's quite alright, to be completely honest, I don't really remember where I was from," (Name) said, trying her best to smile
"Oh okay, well, you can consider Sunagakare your new home!" Kankuro exclaimed. Temari laughed after.
"I kind of like it here," (Name) said as she looks at Gaara's expression.
"So, Lord-"
"You can call me Gaara," Gaara said as he looks at her.
"Oh, okay, so, Gaara how long have you been the Kazekage?"
"Not too long ago really, but Gaara will do anything to show his love for his village," Temari said.
"Okay, just out curiosity, has any intruders attacked the village, like the umm...the Akatsuki?" (Name) said softly after saying the word 'Akatsuki'.
"Their organization is known far and wide, have you encountered any of them?" Gaara asked.
"No, no! Just as you said, they are known far and wide, I heard that they're after tailed beasts," (Name) said.
"Gaara is a jinchūriki, the one-tailed Shukaku sealed in him," Kankuro said.
"They must be after Gaara next..." Temari concluded.
"Thank you for the information, (Name)," Gaara said. Gaara sipped the last of his tea and stood up.
"I need to tell the guards to keep on their guard; we need to be prepared before they arrive."
Gaara grabbed (Name)'s hand and said, "Come with me,"
(Name) looked at Temari and Kankuro and blushed, they both made an "O" with their mouth which they meant "go".
"Don't forget dinner later!" Temari reminded.
"This is going well, Temari," Kankuro said after they left.
"We should go, I have some stuff to finish up before dinner," Temari said.
"Yeah, me too, I have some things to clear up too," Kankuro replied.
They both went in opposite directions, Kankuro is heading towards the central entrance gate and Temari heading towards the Kazekage's office building.  

Other website to read this:


Read on Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/8692365/Love-at-first-sight-Gaara-x-Reader-Fanfiction-Romance/9

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