Birthday Promise

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Months go by and its almost A4KVV3's 18th birthday. Apparently that's a big deal to much of the population. They were going to escape before that and maybe find their siblings in this mess of a world.

They'll be out before October 17th. Today its September 21st.

"This may be harder than originally thought to be." A4KVV3 thought.

"WHAT WILL BE HARDER THAN YOU THOUGHT A4KVV3?" The machine spoke out, quickly interrupting their thoughts.

"You seriously have nothing else to do?"


A4KVV3 did nothing but go back to focusing on their studies. They will plan tomorrow.


It was the next day and the female voiced machine sent out a signal stating that it was going in for maintenance and will be offline for a while.

Many of the subjects that were also inside the facility had their own watcher yet none they had to assume none knew there were others. A4KVV3 was going to get them all out.

"First I should find where the system is controlled to open the pods. There is the possibility they won't be able to walk but those chances are slim. Now I need to find where the exit is..screw that, it's where ever I want it to be."

While caught up in their head, A4KVV3 did not notice the life forms that had entered the room.

"Now this is our most successful subject. It was grown from the most powerful cells we have ever collected; may I introduce the Zoldyck specimen: A4KVV3. It was created by Silva Zoldyck. We cannot disclose how we got his DNA but we can promise that it truly is a Zoldyck, just look at that hair!" A man says in a presenting voice, sounding quite proud of 'his creation'. 'Ooo's and ahh's erupted from the crowd.

"What are those..things on their back?" A lady speaks up.

"Ah yes those..they're a feature of it...all intentional, the best results of using dragon DNA."

"Oh so you did intentionally put them there?" Another asks.

"Of course I did!"

"He's lying through his teeth." A4KVV3 deadpanned in their head. "Wait he called me an it! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. I'm literally the smartest being in the room."

"As you can see it has platinum hair just like the famous Silva Zoldyck and it has physical strength like no other. Now if you'd all like, I could wake it up a special treat since it has never before been conscious." The man continued to speak.

"We would love to see what it can do!" Some old lady said too enthusiastically as she started coughing up a lung.

"Alright, time to wake up, A4KVV3."


404 words-ish

Now that is the end of this chapter, next will be soon. Also the your name or (Y/N) will be given to you in like chapter 5 or 6

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