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  "You know we're not supposed to fight other members." Nobunaga spoke out with a large sigh following. He slowing stood up and walking between the two heater members. "Call."

  "Heads." Feitan quickly said and the coin was thrown in the air and quickly caught.

  "Heads. Hisoka, go sit down and shut the fuck up; Feitan, stop making threats." Nobunaga said as he turned around again, going back to his seat with an annoyed attitude.

  They were just standing there, very confused on what just happened and what that game was.

  Both members huffed, slowly standing down but still on edge around each other.

"Boo~ I don't get to dissect the cute Zoldyck." Hisoka pouted, laying back in his spot, playing with his deck of cards. Feitan closed his umbrella and turned to look at the tall person behind him. His black void eyes narrowed, his thick lashes creating hoods over his eyes, as his stood up straight from his fighting position.

  "Uhm..thank you.." (Y/N) said in awkward gratitude as they fidgeted with their hands, looking anywhere except his eyes. Feitan gave only a hum and went back to his seat leaving the person way taller than him dumbfounded.


The air ship has finally landed. After the very awkward game fight, the ride was quiet yet almost peaceful, until Hisoka started talking about this kid named Gon and his potential.

'I think I remember the word for it..' (Y/N) thought as they exited the ship aside the short man that technically saved their life. 'Oh, it's pedophile or something like that..'

"Come everyone, we can't take forever to get back. I'm sure there's already messes to fix and missions to assign." Chrollo announced as he strode pass everyone in large steps, Pokunoda following right behind him. The rest followed suit, some slower than others, Hisoka walking in the very back.

"Boss, why did we even go to all the way to Meteor city anyway? We could've found anyone around base."
Phinks groaned, dragging his feet.

Chrollo sighed.

"It is because I said I wanted to find someone there, understand?" He said through clenched teeth, already fed up with the group he came up with. He was already rethinking the decision, especially with Hisoka.

Phinks huffed and nodded his head. Getting on Chrollos bad side on an already late mission isn't the best idea.

As the day went on, the group had finally made it to the city of York New, something that had most certainly been taught, they remembered it being one of the largest cities. Landing inside York News port would have been a hassle and the risk would've been substantially high, one Chrollo did not want to deal with. They walked through the streets of York New with purpose. However the fast pace wasn't taking any tole on the Zoldycks body for it was made for such things.

'Stealth, speed, the ability but the most important thing I was made for..assassination...'


Words: 461 ish

I'm so sorry for the delay in the chapter. School has been hectic.

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