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  Everything was white.

  Just like before.

  When I was alone with the machine.

  When I didn't have a name or an identity yet this time everything was warm.

  Why don't I remember anything..

  Wait what is my name...?

  Chrollo gave it to me...who was that again?

  Who am I?

  I can't hear, I can't feel anything. Please someone save me. I want to be safe.


That's it..that's me but who is that?

  "(Y/N)!! NOO!" It sounded like a screech.

  Maybe it's that Chrollo, I cannot remember though. Everything is so blinding in this...what am I in?

  Wait am I dreaming?


  A gasp erupted from the person as they woke with a start, (e/c) eye's darting around seeing nothing but blackness. Their head rapidly tried turned to get all of their pitch black surroundings in. Yet there was this force prohibiting the movement.

  "Where's Chrollo?" They said in a voice foreign to them. "Wait I'm sorry..I think I'm mixed up."

  "A4KVV3 what are you saying? Who is this Chrollo you speak of? You need to focus on your lessons."

  "No this isn't right..I remember him, he is real! Chrollo is real!" They try to argue as they force their eyes open and take in the unfamiliar sights around them. Everything looked scarily sterile. "No this cannot be happening, I escaped, I left this place!"

  "What do you mean A4KVV3, you never left. You were always here." The feminine machine voice was ringing in their ears like the siren when the fire exploded from them...the fire! That's right, that was the last thing they remembered before..before what? Before they got here? Or is it right, did A4KVV3 never leave.

    "No you're wrong I left! I left...please no, I got away..you're a liar! You have to be lying..you have to be." Tears were pouring out of A4KVV3's eyes into the chamber of liquid that had always surrounded them from the very beginning..they were back.

They were back home.


306 words ish

I'm sorry its so late, and short! It'll be better next time! Promise!

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