The Phantom Troupe

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    Their eyes widened yet again as they heard their new name and slowly repeating it themself. Tears welled in their eyes and they lifted their head; eyes shinning in the little light that was shown upon them.

"I apologize, I do not know why I'm crying." They let out a tiny sound, almost like a laugh. "But um I thank you"

  They spoke about a few things in Meteor city, especially how (Y/N) should be careful around many of the cities inhabitants but Chrollos phone interrupted the flow of conversation. "I apologize but we must go now."

  "We?" (Y/N) questioned, looking at Chrollo skeptically. "I have no one else to trust, I know no one. I guess I must."

  "Of course I have to bring you with me." He answered quickly whilst grabbing the tall persons hand and striding through the streets as if he owned them. (Y/N) looked around, noticing many onlookers staring; more specifically at Chrollo.

  "He must be a big deal around here.." (Y/N) thought at they continued to keep up with the fast paced man.


  Soon they were out of the city and were face to face with an airship, just like the one they were in when that Illumi guy wanted them, but it was smaller than the luxury one.

  "Everything is so different than I was taught." (Y/N) thought as they looked at the crescent moon, drowning them in its light. "The moon..I'm so glad I get to see it."

(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by a woman voice yelling a sharp 'boss' from the entrance of the airship. They quickly looked that way to find quite a beautiful woman, wearing a purple suit with short blonde hair yet her nose was the first thing they looked at.

  "Boss, when you said we were coming here for new recruits, I didn't think you meant someone who couldn't even see nen. It's illogical to think this person could learn nen quickly. I can't sense anything from them at all." She finished speaking, seemingly like she rehearsed it. She crossed her arms and looked at them up and down.

  Chrollo just chuckled and slightly shook his head. "I understand that Pakunoda but this one; they will be our ace in the hole. They will be taught nen and they will be one of the greatest. I know it" He finished, turning to look at (Y/N), who was in no way paying attention to the conversation but at the small weed like flowers on the ground.

  "(Y/N) come." Chrollo spoke as he waved his hand in a way to get them to follow. (Y/N) immediately stood up, taking a few dandelions with them, and jogged over to where he was. "I would like you to meet Pakunoda. She will be taking care of you."

  "It's nice to meet you (Y/N)." The woman smiled lightly at how obviously childish the person was yet she could already tell that they had such a warm aura to them.

  "Nice to meet you too." (Y/n) said. "I'm doing this right, right?" They thought to themself.

  As is reading their mind, Pakunoda whispered that it was ok.

  "Come both of you." Chrollo demanded; already in a different outfit than before with his hair slicked back and his chest being shown off.

  "We're coming." Pakunoda answered but she turned around to the white haired and (e/c) person. "(Y/N)."

  "Ah yes?"

"Welcome to the Phantom Troupe."


540 words. Ish

Ok now I can promise you'll meet Feitan in the next chapter.

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