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"(Y/N)." Chrollo called out as the entered a scarcer part of York New.

They quickly scurried to his side, their tall toned body slumped, barely matching Chrollo's height. The tapping beneath the ground continued as the bright lights had faded and flickering street lights replaced them. The bustle of the city had quieted to meek whispers of those lurking in the shadows. It felt like Meteor City again. They were soon approaching a large building, making many (especially Feitan) feel minuscule to its large stature.

"We've arrived." Stated Chrollo and he ushered the members inside the building. "Phantom troupe!"

As the call rang through the abandoned building, members of the troupe started filing out of the darker areas; seemingly to just appear.

"Pokunoda, introduce our new member to the troupe." He had demanded as he strolled up to a high ledge and gracefully sitting in his spot. The book he always had now in his hand being read once again.

"Of course." Many acknowledged by making some sort of sound. (Y/N) didn't quite understand those sounds yet stored those into memory just to make sure. "This is (Y/N)! They are not apart of the troupe, you know the rules. They're Chrollos experiment so don't touch them."

Most made the same sound of acknowledgment as before, agreeing to the terms of which were set.

'Experiment..?' After contemplating for a little longer as few of the troupe chatted, they had finally come to a conclusion. 'It's probably nothing.'

  "Introduce yourselves." And with that, Pakunoda walked off into a dark hallway. Her body fading into the shadows of the inky blackness.

  Some quickly just said their name and continued to do what they were doing but a few got up to come introduce themselves. The group that went on the mission dispersed yet, Feitan hadn't left their side.

  "Hello! I'm Shalnark! This one next to me is Franklin! Don't mind though he doesn't speak much, mostly listens." Shalnark continued on to ramble, emphatically shaking their hand before (Y/N) could even get a word in leaving them standing awkwardly in desperate need to get out of the conversation.

  Feitan had been on watch, it's as if he had claimed them as theirs. His brows furrowed a bit as Shalnark couldn't get the hint to leave the new member alone.

  "Show to room." Feitan spoke out, breaking Shalnark tangent about different types of bats. How he even got into that is odd to anyone that had overheard. "They tired."

  With that, he quickly dragged them off into the black abyss of the hallway. The steps echoed through the halls as shattered glass crushed beneath their feet. Bloodied spots started dripping, clinging to the floor as the metallic scent filled the air.

Feitan stopped as he looked back down the halls, instantly noticing the bloodied footprints upon the floor.

"Blood..stop. Come now." He demanded in his broken speech, grabbing (Y/N) and hoisting them up off the floor making them yelp in surprise. They soon arrived at the room (Y/N) was to stay in, the only empty one close had been Uvogins before.

  A solemn look etched itself on his face as the door squeaked open, (Y/N)'s feet splating on the floor; the blood making streaks across its filthed surface. "In. Stay here, sleep."

  Feitan quickly turned away from the towering figure making his way down the now dimly lit hall as if someone had realized to turn on the lights.

  "G-good night." (Y/N) called out at the shrinking figure hoping to see him again soon.

Words: 620 ish
Sorry it's so late! School has been up my ass since it's started.

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