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Flames bursted out of the broken window, small pieces of glass left on the rim of the opening launch out.

"(Y/N)!!!" Chrollo screamed as the sheer heat of the bursting fire pushed against him. The blue blurs of fire and smoke engulfed the room and funneled out of the window and door frame, swirling around (Y/N).

Screams erupted from them, their world flashing around them. Faintly, they saw him.


They reached searching for anything...

  The fire consumed all that was around as sirens rang outside. Chrollo soon realized that the Troupes hideout was now compromised.

Ashes spread and smoke filled every crevasse of the confined space. Chrollo in a haste took out his book and summoned a fire proof tarp.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in an almost inaudible voice. "I'm not leaving them behind!"

Chrollo Lucifer calls the troupe as they have probably evacuated the building and have been trying to figure out what was happening.

"Everyone! We must stop all authorities trying to control this situation and I will get (Y/N) out of here. Just stop them, do whatever you deem necessary." He yells into the phone.

"But boss! You could die!" Pokunoda yells into the phone, trying to fight her way through the crowd that had formed in immediate response to the gushing smoke and spreading flames.

"They are apart of the spider and therefore, I will save them." Chrollo says with certainty before hanging up and throwing his phone to the floor. "Shit.."

The fire just kept going, continuing to spread with no trouble as screams echoed inside the room to the outside as many gasped at the horrors.

(Y/N) continued to reach for Chrollos fading figure as their vision became hazing and blurred. "Help..please." They wheezed out, the fire prickling their skin and it felt as if it were searing and melting from the muscle.

It felt as if their blood was boiling and smoke infiltrated (Y/N)'s lungs as they continued to cough and scream for the agony the blazing flames caused was too much for them to bare. Tears overflowed in their eyes yet soon evaporated away. The fire was getting stronger and the blue flames were slowly turning white.

Chrollos tarp was being charred and burned as he tried to get near them. There really was no safe way of getting (Y/N) out of there. The smoke caused Chrollo to wheeze and a burning sensation overcame his eyes, tears starting to stream down his face. He stopped and wondered if any of the troupe could help. This thought came to an end as he saw (Y/N) collapse within the swirling flames.

Even with their downfall, the flames just continued on, even if they were to diminish, it wouldn't be in time before the police arrive. His eyes darted to the presence he sensed coming down the hallway.

He narrowed his eyes as the bloodlust seeping out wasn't what he expected yet then widened when he saw who it was.

"Perfect. I'm glad it's you that came to save them."


Words: 504 ish
Thank you so much for reading, to be continued in the next chapter.

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