Where are we-

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"I know I like being in this guys arms but does he have to throw me over his shoulder?! Besides, who in the hell are the Zoldycks?" A4KVV3 thought as the man named Illumi ran through the facility. "Wait this guy isn't trying to take me is he? No no no no-"

"Stop squirming. You're my mission and I'm not supposed to let you get hurt." Spoke out trying to get the human under control.

"But I need to save the rest!" They thought, unable to control most of their body, or even open their eyes.

The man just gave up with the slight squirming as he continuously ran through the facility.

Illumi came out of the building and instantly spotted the car that would drive them to the airport to go to Kukuroo mountain. He was not letting his grandfather down just because some helpless thing was made from his father's DNA.

They finally arrived at their private airport, started to grab them from the limo and threw them over his shoulder yet again, they started moving as if they were gonna wake up.


"Hm?" Illumi pondered why they were moving so much as he climbed onto the private airship, making sure they were safely tucked into a bed and set off to Kukuroo mountain. What Illumi didn't seem to notice as he had let his guard down way too low.

Their eyes fluttered open as the bright light made their pupils dilate and sting. A slight groan almost escapes them as they tried to get used to such harsh lighting. A4KVV3 slowly sat up, using muscles they have only ever learned of yet never used.

"It's so bright..is moving supposed to tingle like this?" They thought to themself as they swung their legs to the side of the bed. "Ok so this should be simple. Seen it a thousand times."

A4KVV3 started to stand and as soon as they took a step..they surprisingly didn't fall. The second step however was the mishap as they slipped and ran face first into the wall.

They let out a whine of frustration, slipping down the wall and crumbling on the floor. They pushed off the wall, trying to stand and used it for support having their wings drag along the floor.

"I must get off this airship. I have to find my brothers and sisters."

As they exited the room; A4KVV3 found they were on a balcony high in the sky. Extremely high up where they could see everything and almost nothing because of the clouds.


"I see, you can speak." Illumi spoke out making the person jump and lose balance, Illumi quickly grabbed them and spoke in his monotone voice. "What did I say about getting hurt. It's not allowed."

A4KVV3 could only nod as they looked into his bug like eyes trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He sighed and let go, being stupidly careless as if he didn't seem to care about his mission, turning to go back to the captains deck. Yet, the scream that came from A4KVV3 alerted him.

They had fallen off...

486 Words ish
Hope you enjoyed!

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