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Momo glared as she clutch on her glass of wine.

Her eyes showed jealousy as she bitterly watch a familiar guy with a girl having fun by the side of the room.

'That should be me what the hell'

She almost groaned in annoyance seeing the closeness of the two. Her grip on her glass tighten seeing the girl kissed his cheek which seems like it also caught him offguard.

A tap on her shoulders made her snap her head towards the person.

"Are... you okay?" The familiar dimpled guy asked worriedly.

"I uhm.. yea I'm fine hehe." Momo faked a chuckle as Namjoon looked so unconvinced.

"You sure? Cause you look like you're ready to snap someone's neck." Tzuyu commented from across her, the older guy nodded agreeing.

"What? No! I'm just jet lagged I guess and stress from work." Momo excused but she's half telling the truth so she had convinced the two

"Dang, jet lagged are the worst, good thingy I haven't got 'em." Namjoon shrugged. "Better rest well later then Momoring."

Momo just simply smile and nodded.

As she returned her eyes back to where she was watching earlier, the two seems to leave making her confused and look around.

Momo sighed at the unwanted feeling. 'Why am I being like this?'

"I'll just go to the restroom" Momo told the two as they nodded

The Japanese quickly entered the restroom and slap herself not caring if someone else is in the restroom.

"What the fuck Hirai Momo? Its been three years! Move on!" she whispered and slap herself again.

"But I miss him."

"What miss? Naurrr you don't! well of course you do but this ain't the right time to be a fragile woman, he's happier now so you should be as well!"

"But how?"

Momo groaned in annoyance and studied herself in the mirror, she winces after seeing the forming red mark on her cheek and buried her face in her hands after recalling how crazy she must be talking all by herself.

"I'm so fucking dramatic- I blamed Jin and Nayeon for this." she muttered as she stayed in the restroom for a little while letting to at least let the red mark fade.

As it did, Momo retouched her make-up and realized she's alone which she's relieved to.

She don't want anyone hearing or witnessing her drama anyway.

She check herself one last time before finally leaving the restroom.

"What took you so long?" Namjoon immediately asked after she sat back down her chair.

"Sorryyy, Just went to fix myself."

"The wedding is almost over." Namjoon informed as the latter nodded a bit relieved that its almost going home.


"I'm sorry but this is such a boring wedding." Chaeyoung commented as Dahyun choked on her cake.

"I'm so gonna tell you to Jennie unnie."

"Go on, I don't care."

Dahyun laughed at the cub.

"At the time you tell her i'm in Switzerland." Chaeyoung shrugged

"You know she can follow you there." Dahyun laughed again

"Don't care."

"Oi you're gonna leave immediately too after this?" Dahyun pouted as she realized.

The younger shrugged again. "No. of course its been so long since i'm outside Korea so I'll go and trip around Korea first then go to Switzerland."

"Whatcha gonna do there?"

"Going to get a damn boyfriend."

Dahyun laughed again then turned serious. "Bring me one too."

Chaeyoung frowned. "Aren't you dating this american-korean boy...?"

"I was."

"Wait so you two broke up?"

"A long-time ago Chaeng."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Its unnecessary."

"Wha- okay what's the reason why you two broke up then?"

"Well... I just realized that he's too good for a girl like me." Dahyun waved her hand off around

Chaeyoung slowly nodded. "That actually make sense."

Dahyun raised her hand to smack the younger by the shoulder in annoyance.

"Owie... I'm telling the truth!!"

"Whatever you shorty."

"Don't get too ahead of yourself unnie, You're only a few inches taller than me." Chaeyoung huffed

"Exactly, note the a few inches taller than you."

Now its Chaeyoung's turn to smack the older and chug her wine.

"Had you and Joon talked yet?"

The younger stopped and shrugged nonchalantly. "What for?"

"About the... you know." Dahyun trailed off as she knew the younger know what she is saying.

"Nah, I don't care."

"Are you sure?"


"I hope you let him in again someday."

"And that someday is when the day I die."

"You and your jokes." Dahyun rolled her eyes.

To Be Continued

a/n: idk until when will I be satisfied by editing here and there 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

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