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"When will you let him know?"

Momo opened up as she followed the younger girl to the kitchen.

Sana pursed her lips and shrugged. "We haven't met yet and I hope just not yet."

"You know that sometimes what you wish for never happens." Momo deadpanned as she took a seat on one of the stools.

Sana sighed. "I'm just.... well, not ready to meet him yet."

"For him to meet Yeonjun yet. Cause for obvious reasons he suddenly disappeared at the time I was about to tell him that I was pregnant with obviously his child, not even a single news, a single text or call for the past three years."

"Do you even know how hard it is to conceived a child?" Sana ranted as Momo just nodded at every words busy with her food.

"Your not even listening."

"Dang Sana, since when did you nagged like that? You somehow got a Jeongyeon and Jin vibed over there."

Sana sighed and look at the older flatly.

"Why do you keep on changing the subject everytime I give my answer."

"I also don't know." Sana continued looking at her flatly "Anyways... you should still tell him and for obvious reasons he have the rights to know that he's the father, he also needs to be in the responsibility."

"Exactly! Responsibility! But what if he don't want to accept Yeonjun? and to top that what if he already had a partner? I don't wanna be labeled as home wrecker!"

Momo went silent, "Point taken."

Sana couldn't understand if Momo was really comforting and helping her or letting her down even more.

"Geezers I think your just here for the dang foods."

"I'm from work, was about to go home when you called, you can't blame me!"


"What time should we pick Yeonjunnie home?"

"Around two thirty." Sana answered, looking at the clock which it reads one fourty.

"We'll leave in twenty."

Momo nodded as she continued to eat her food.

"What?" Momo asked once she caught Sana staring at her.

"Do you still love Hoseok?"

Momo remembered a scene back in the wedding, her mood went down and pretended she didn't heard it.

"Want some?" Momo pointed at her food as the younger Japanese rolled her eyes knowing the older's playing dumb.

"Stop playing, and answer my question."

Momo didn't budge as Sana gave up giving her space to think.



"Obviously, I still love him. But I guess its one sided now."

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